Friday, January 6


I don't think even Calgon could rescue this morning.

Between Zorak's alarm codependence (it's far better to set the alarm for some ungodly hour and hit SNOOZE every four minutes for two hours than to set it and GET UP THE FIRST TIME - that way the puppy, the children, and your adoring wife can share in the joys of interrupted sleep), the dog's passive resistance to clean floors, the boys' not-so-passive resistance to my repeated request lately to "use your WORDS! For-the-love-of-God-you-never-seem-to-stop-talking-except-when-you-ought-to-be-talking! PLEASE use your words!", and that stoopid pain that keeps shooting down my inner thigh everytime I try to stand up and accomplish something, it is safe to say that today. is. not. beginning. well.

At all.

But I will persevere. It matters not that I may have to lock those of the herd under four feet tall outside, or perform today's tasks on my hands and knees, SOMETHING will get done around here today. I honestly don't care if it kills me. Zorak can raise the kids. Aside from lactation issues, he'll be fine.

OK. SO. There it is. Accountability. Now I have to get something done and quit whining about Life and how it gets in the way.

Because we all have little things that gather under the couch and snipe our ankles on the way past.

Because we all have mornings where the stars align, only to rain down upon our heads with smelly sulphur and garment scorching embers.

Because we all live, and we all experience situations where the best of circumstances just isn't gonna happen and we all have to make do.

And we do it.

And we laugh about it when it's done. (Or not, but mostly, we can laugh.)

And having reminded myself of that, I'm off to rig up a creeper and see if the dog wants to be a sled dog for me today.

Kiss those babies!


Bob and Claire said...

I'm praying for you today, Dy! : )

Stephanie Ozenne said...

Go get 'em!

And since I don't have half the obstacles that you do, I am now shamed into accomplishing something today, too.

Melora said...

Oh my! You have my sympathy. My dh used to abuse the snooze button, back in the days when he got up and went to work. Used to bug the bejeebers out of me too!

Good luck with the puppy. Do you have a dog crate? With some puppies, crate training is very effective, and it Keeps the Floor Clean (which is particularly lovely when you have to bend over a baby to mop puddles!).

Best wishes for a pleasant day in which much is accomplished!
Melora in FL

Needleroozer said...

You and I are having similar mornings today. I woke feelin g exhausted and am in a foul humour, kids are not in integrity with their chores, and my dh seemed to think it was a chore to hug me goodbye this morning.
Can you email me or leave a phone message with your home phone number today,so I can write it in my address book? Writing it on little scraps of paper and then losing them isn't working very well for me.
Here's hoping both our days get better.

Thom said...

Oooh, sorry for the tough morning.
Good luck getting things accomplished today! :0)

Dy said...

Thanks for the empathy. I got off my duff and scrubbed the floor, then painted more of it. Showed the boys where they can and cannot walk - and John promptly spun onto the wet primer and splayed out face-first into it. ARGH.

However, we've had hot chocolate w/ marshmallows, read several chapters in their current read-aloud, and the floor's almost dry. Kitchen is tidied, dishes are running, and all that other unblogworthy daily stuff has been attended to. After I enjoy a cup of coffee and do a quick blogrun, I'm going to wire the outlets and then perhaps prime the living room walls. :-) Yay.

Melora, we aren't really doing anything specific with the dog at the moment. He has a box and a pillow to sleep in. He sleeps in the foyer (moved it from the boys' room when the vet said to expect a LOT of worms after that last treatment), and I block it off so the mess is contained on the old linoleum that's still in the foyer come mornings. Will do something more formal (formidable? lol) when things aren't quite. so. harried. He's a good dog, and I don't take it out on him. THis is just the nature of puppies (human and canine) and it's actually going very, very well.

Laney said...

Oh, Dy! I'm sorry.

Live intentionally or something resembling it.

BTW, is Smidge still nekkid? *grin*

Laney said...

I think I need to clarify, I hope that didn't sound mean, the Live Intentionally part. I just meant that I think that is what you are trying to do. KWIM?


Delaina said...


My prayers are with you this day. I'm being ridiculously lazy and it's time to do something. I actually had the hairbrained idea to start bloggin' again. Not sure what possessed me this time. I know I'm not good at keeping up with them. I spent half my morning involved with that, knowing I have more pressing things to do at this time of day.

If you get a minute, give me a buzz. I'd love to chat with ya for a minute.



Stephanie not in TX said...

Jeff sets the alarm for a ridiculously early time. Then, does he hit the snooze button? No, he does not. He turns the alarm off. And go back to sleep.

He can do this, because 30 minutes later *I* will wake him up and make sure he gets to work. Because, you see, the alarm WOKE ME UP.

Hope the rest of the day was good :)