Monday, April 24

Mundane Monday

Today was the kind of good that I never thought I would appreciate. Quiet, uneventful, almost serene. Hornblower caught herself admiring hedges while they were looking for a house and wondered what had happened to her. If I could have stopped nodding my head and chuckling in recognition, I'd have offered sympathy. Days where lessons are done, the wash gets put away, and the highlight of the day is watching the two older boys cheer on the Smidge when he hits the ball -- man, those are sweet! Those are the days I live for.

I figured out this morning how to get the casings off the windows with a minimum of damage. This was my second attempt, as my first try the other day resulted in a horrible tearing sound and bits of drywall tumbling down upon my head. I quickly walked away, hid the pry bar, and begged Zorak for help. But he forgot, and I really want to paint the windows. So today I spent an hour trying to figure out where I'd hidden the pry bar and then got to it. Yay. One down... many more to go.

With the back yard all shaven and looking mighty non-threatening, the boys played out there most of the day. Miss Emily even hung out there with us. We blew bubbles. Smidge tried to eat them. Not Balto, Smidge. *sigh* We spent H-O-U-R-S playing baseball. I did nearly ALL the wash. We came in to eat and do lessons, but that was about it. We'd have done lessons outside, too, if we had somewhere to sit where the dog couldn't reach us. Fortunately, Aunt B sent us two (TWO!) picnic tables. They are sitting on the front porch, awaiting assembly, and once we have them up, I imagine we'll do at least some of our schooling outside. It's too nice not to!

Tomorrow we have to slip into town to return library books before the Tuesday Lady starts making her calls. It seems nobody else in town is ever aware that they have overdue books without rushing right down to rectify the situation. I don't think the Tuesday Lady likes us. Hopefully we'll get more done on the windows and the yard, and will enjoy one another like we did today. Good, good stuff.

Kiss those babies!

School Yard Fun

I am so thankful that we have our own private school yard.

1) Bullies aren't allowed. Period.
2) The teacher has the freedom to use discretion and independent thinking in resolving issues.
3) There is no schedule that says we MUST go out at eleven, even if it's incredibly hot and miserable.
4) There is no protocol that says we must go to the gym (in our case, would that be the basement?) when it rains.
5) If (or rather, "when") the students find something interesting, playtime integrates seamlessly with science.
5b) - and they both may extend well beyond the State mandated 20 minutes of play time.
6) The little ones don't get trampled by the bigger ones, even with a seven year age spread.
7) Maps are totally useful, and digging is encouraged.
8) Picnics!
9) T-ball is a total blast when the dog plays, too!
10) Back porch steps make wonderful bleachers from which to cheer your "team".

I'd love to hear your own, too!
Kiss those babies!

Sunday, April 23

Workout Videos and Other Housing Stuff

Well, Zorak is out back, working on Vol. II (The Outdoor Sessions) of his "Fit and Fatigued at 40" workout series for men. You, too, can have abs of steel along with an increased need for cholesterol-lowering foods. It will come at a time when you no longer need, nor really desire, anything on your body to resemble metal, but it can be yours. (That's a longwinded way of saying that yes, it's eleven o'clock at night and he's out there building steps off the back balcony.)

I don't know that they were all that necessary, truthfully. It was getting kinda fun to grab the wash and leap from the deck. Yes, I am so lazy that I'd rather risk a broken arm than have to walk ALL THE WAY around the house to get to the clothes line. But it was also partially just fun to see if any garments in particular would give me enough drag to float down.

We have begun tackling the exterior now. Not just for aesthetics, but also to work on the tick reduction process (ie. -- more than just whining about it). The boys have been taking garlic tablets for a week (and it does seem to be working! Huzzah!) Balto got some tick spray. We bought a lawn mower. I got out there and mowed the grass-like stuff in front of the house this evening. Scalped it pretty good, I must say, and it feels SO good to walk around to the side of the house without anything to brush against my legs and make me twitch with each step like Steve Martin.

In a region where having a riding mower is the norm, and having a "zero-turn" mower is a status symbol, we have opted to ignore the Jones' and go with a push mower. For now, at least. It's definitely going to have to earn its keep, but the difference in price came to ten sheets of drywall, a roll of tape and 50' of Romex. If it bothers the Jones' that we're out there push-mowing our acreage, then they can come help. But otherwise, we're going to be in FINE shape (or dead) come fall, and the property will look... less abandoned. Everyone wins.

We also purchased some lawn pesticide stuff. Our dreams of going organic on the Forever Home were dashed by the Freddy Krueger-like influence of the Ticks. If given the choice of dying young or living a long time with the heebie-jeebies, let me die young and peaceful. Tomorrow I also plan to slather down the mowed portion of the yard with weed 'n feed. It's clover season here in the South, and we'd like to be pro-active in keeping the Forever Yard James-friendly.

We believe the foyer is just a day or two from being forced from sick bay and sent back to active duty. Yay. If you stand at just the right angle and peer through the front door, everything in view looks pretty now! 'Course, we look like idiots, leaning awkwardly to one side, staring into our own home, but that's okay because nobody can see us!

Tomorrow it's back to school, work, and routine. It's starting to come together and flow, which feels wonderful. And now, I'm going to treat myself to getting caught up with my favorite blogs!

Kiss those babies!

Kicky Klothing

(Yes, I'm desperate for a title. Shush.)

Well, after the all-encompassing joy that is purchasing certain nursing garments that have not already seen three previous children, I've been on a high for a month. Who'd have thought it? Truthfully, I hate shopping for clothes. This would probably explain why most of my sweaters are the ones my mother bought for me while I was in high school, or the ones she passed down to me when she bought new sweaters for herself. It also explains why I just wear Zorak's shirts most of the time, too. So, if you're getting an image of a woman who dresses mainly in men's shirts and old lady's sweaters, well, you're pretty right-on, then.

Now factor in the fact that I have been pregnant, or recovering from being pregnant for the past eight years and... ahhh, that's lovely, isn't it?

But no more! I'm in my 30's, and those jokes about trading the wife in for two sixteen year-olds just. aren't. funny. anymore. Plus, summer here is simply miserable, and while flannel is a wonderful choice for winter, it doesn't do much for the sweltering heat of a Southern Summer.

So this week, I decided to get wild and try to freshen up the wardrobe a bit. Now that most of the heavy construction work is over with, I can retire my sensible work boots (or at least stop wearing them to church). I can also stop wearing Zorak's jeans (OK, that's probably not going to happen - by the time I inherit them, they're so soft and comfy... but it wouldn't hurt to cut down on their public appearances, either.) If I must be completely honest, I'm probably just a few bad habits away from kaftans and soft rollers. And that's not fair to Zorak, who has held up way better, and looks sexier now than he did that magical night in the bar in Cruces.

Well, I did pick up a few things, and it was rather fun. There are, thankfully, some styles out there this season that aren't painfully offensive and/or involving tassels. Got some pants that actually fit without me having to suck it in. I'm not a svelte size four, but then, I could not eat for five years and my bone mass alone still wouldn't fit into a size four. I'm back to pre-pregnancy size, though, and that feels good. It's in the same basic ballpark, anyway. The pants are cute. They're cool. They are some strange space material that will dry quickly. They have many pockets, and fortunately pockets are semi-cool right now (because I do love pockets). And they look good. In all, this is a huge "score" on my end.

And I don't know who tipped off the tank top makers, but THANK YOU, WHOEVER YOU ARE, for mentioning that a built-in bra might mercifully cut down on the number of exposed undergarments we are subjected to each day. You have also found a new supply of customers - namely, those of us who would rather continue wilting under the summer sun in our husbands' long sleeve flannels than walk about with our bra straps showing. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart. This is the first spaghetti strap tank I've owned since I was about five. It feels a little awkward, but it's comfy, and I didn't wilt today. I may yet learn the survival tips of the South...

It was time to cut the adventure short, however, when I found myself inexplicably drawn to what I can only describe as The Ugliest Pants I Have EVER Seen. In my life. They are hideous. Yet they made me smile and I kept going back to them. I'm hesitant to share this, but I suppose after the Vanilla Ice confession, I can't fall any lower on the coolfactor. Have you seen the camo capri pants with the sequin waistbands? Yeah, camo and sequins in a kicky little capri style. Re-read that, and tell, me please, where would one wear these? Why would one wear these? And can you see now why I had to leave the store? It's been two days, and thinking about them still makes me smile. So I haven't been back. I'm staying home until I come to my senses (or can come up with someplace I could actually wear these - and then, once it's been justified, I'm buyin' 'em!) Of course, that's when Zorak will begin tallying up the possible combinations: two 16 year olds now or wait a few months and get a 17yo... hmmm...

Not funny.

I'm not going back. I'll just stay here and see if my new top goes well with Zorak's old jeans.

Kiss those babies!

Friday, April 21

A Few Things for Fun

Hey! Thanks for the help with names. I think John will be Chet, and Miss Emily will be Miss M. Those made me smile. I was leaning toward "Smiley", but then... today happened, and... yeah. She's gonna have to earn that one. ;-)

Janet, I don't think we count as Trekkies at all. We know nothing about Star Trek beyond what one can pick up on random episodes shown on UPN when nothing else is on, and general cultural knowledge. They probably wouldn't let us into a convention. I do, admittedly, have a longstanding crush on Patrick Stewart, but it's tied mostly to my affinity for older men, Earl Grey tea, rich and velvety voices, and Shakespeare... *wistful sigh*

*ahem* So. Where was I? Oh, yes, tidbits.

Our foyer is malingering. Poor thing.

momanna98, the basement and how we sealed it? Well, it's not "done", but it didn't take much to make major strides in it, really. The first thing we did was clear out The Scary Room and lay new temporary drains in the back of the house. Then we yanked out the old A/C unit, which was where The Queen Cricket of one of the several cricket tribes held court, and filled the vent hole where it entered the house. Whomever installed it had just knocked out concrete blocks until the unit could fit, then knocked out a few more for good measure. Plus, the unit itself was badly damaged and had holes and dips that collected water which drained into the basement. So, fixing that helped. French drain and new gutters are coming soon - they will make the bulk of the improvements. The current gutter design is to dump ALL the water off one corner on the uphill end of the house. That's what's causing the Zen Waterfall and overall foundation erosion. Lovely plan, if that's what they were shooting for. If not, then this is yet another "wow, I hope they didn't pay someone to do this" project. And finally, we'll replace the current doors with new headers and french doors leading out to what will one day be a covered patio (you know, when we no longer live in fear that the balcony will collapse on it). We *think* that will do the trick. I don't know. But drainage is a HUGE key to drying out a basement. Unless you want to dig up around the perimeter and lay a sealant on that side, you're probably not going to have any luck putting things inside to seal it up w/o doing some drainage work.

James asked the other day about the Right of Redemption deadline, and when I told him it's about three weeks away, he made the funniest face and literally squeaked, "Ohhhhh, the tension is RISING!" Made me laugh. We were worried about whether we made the right call in telling the boys about it, but I think we did. All options are known, and so if something should happen, they won't be thrown for as big a loop. We've taken it as calmly as possible, and so the boys do, too. (I did talk with Zorak today about what we would do if... We agreed that we'd look for another fixer-upper and start all over again. It's official. We're idiots.)

Smidge had the best day of. his. life. today. We picked strawberries at a little farm just down the road. I don't think I've ever seen him have such a grand time. The older boys enjoyed it, as well, but they remember doing it before. For Smidge, this had that whole inner dialog going: "Huh? You mean I CAN pick them? And I can EAT them? And I can throw them in this great bucket you let me have? Oh, you are THE BEST!" We could all stand to reach down and find that kind of new joy in something every day, because it looked like a whole lot of fun.

And now, I am going to start working on uploading photos, so that's all the blogging for tonight.

Kiss those babies!

My Take on Kong

So. King Kong. Yeah. I really, really wanted to turn it off by the time they got on the boat. I even offered to watch Doom instead (oh, the Harlequin quality romance that abounds in this house! It makes me swoon!) But no. Zorak wanted to watch the rest of the movie. If you haven't seen it, and you don't want me to spoil it for you (and you DO realize it's a remake and a pretty universal archetype at this point, but still somehow feel inclined NOT to actually hear what happened), then just skip this post. I'll blog again before bed. :-)

1) Um. Yeah. I know times were tough, but I'm not gettin' on a boat in the middle of the night with ANY guy who says "trust me". Come to think of it, I'm not getting in a CAR with that guy, either. However, you need to move the plot, ok, I get it. But THEN...

2) Not sure why, but whoever wrote this thing had a total fear of the plot actually taking off and just going. Just as it would begin to flow, the whole stinkin' movie would stall so that some character could (a) throw in a poorly placed monologue for backstory, (b) make some painful Joseph Conrad parallel, or (c) expound on some virtue somebody's mother paid money to have included in the movie. And believe me, there were many such items. It was like listening to Mel Tillis speak.

3) OK, the captain - he was like a narrow Ralph Fiennes and somebody else. Anybody know WHO? Anyhow, he was cool. And he had a Luger. He rocked. Although WHY he took the Luger (which we thought was pretty cool) onto the island the first time, when later we discover he's got a friggin bed full of Tommy Guns... WTH? Why? *sigh*

4) Ann Darrow. Has. Issues. There were a lot of dolphin jokes thrown about.

5) The ape was very amazing. Very. And we're not big FX freaks by any means, but the monkey crew? Talented, brilliant, amazing. Wow.

6) Who was their gun consultant? Did he not explain that even Kong could not withstand THAT many bullets before succumbing? No? Oh. Ok.

7) The leading hero was cool. And he did a great job with what little he had to work with from the script. Who wrote this crap? Obviously it was either (a) someone who is totally hot and has never been in that position before, or (b) someone who has, erm, physical flaws and has repeatedly bombed when in that position. Either way, somebody didn't get it. But the actor did a good job, all things considered.

8) It would have been great - predictable, but still great anyway - if someone, at some point, had simply told Jack Black's character to stuff it. Anybody else wait and wait and wait for that to happen? It was like in The Relic where they kept showing the closeup of the lone museum employee in a dark room with the creepy music playing as he (or she? I can't remember) cleaned the actual relic. Everyone else is the museum is dying and they keep coming back to that scene... and nothing ever came of it. What a waste. Either save the film, or see it out. Let's make a commitment, here.

9) Everyone you think is going to die. Dies. They could have had a lot more fun with that one.

BUT, in all, I'm glad we watched it all the way through. It did improve and quit stuttering after a while. The phallic worms were a bit unnecessary, and I'd have brought back one of the herbivores instead of the large fanged meat-eating creature. But then, that's me. Of course, I wouldn't have been on the boat to begin with, so I suppose that's a moot point. *grin*

Not a bad flick. Glad we borrowed it instead of renting it or, heaven help us, paying to see it in the theaters. It's a little awkward to truly berate a movie we watched for free. Still, I could have watched Enemy At The Gates again. Or The Sure Thing. And been perfectly content.


Thursday, April 20

Date Night!

Hey, I'm just blogging to say I'm not blogging tonight. Yes, I'm that pathetic. Anyhow, Zorak The Wonder Hubby is home, safe and sound. The children are asleep, and we are going to curl up with King Kong. Because nothing says "romantic interlude" like a bloody, cheesy remake.

Kiss those babies!

Calling for Ideas: Need Monikers!!

Ok, so I've set up a home renovation blog over at blogspirit (they have categories, which will make it much easier as we transfer all the convoluted mess from one place to another and upload photos). Jess asked whether I was going to go with pseudonyms on that blog, and I wasn't at first (mostly because I can't think of any good ones). However, then I realized that the nature of the blog there will probably bring a whole different crowd than the one we get here. So. Hmmm.

Pseudonyms... any ideas? Jess and I tried to come up with some, but then we just got silly. Poor Miss Emily really came out on the short end of the stick. And while we thought Mr. Buffett would be a good name for John (as in, Jimmy), we were a little worried people would think it was buffet and assume he's the fat kid.

I'm pretty sure we'll use "Professor" for James. And Smidge will be Smidge (what else could he be?). That leaves John and Miss Emily. So. Ideas would be greatly appreciated, guys!


(I will post the url once it actually has something to read on it.)

Wednesday, April 19

A little schoolin', a little lovin', a lot of livin'...

After this morning's rude awakening, I've decided caffeine is a much preferred method of easing into the day. Today was not your banner day (it was hot and muggy and we were all quite miserable in the house), but it wasn't nearly as roughly paced as yesterday (small yay). We did accomplish quite a bit (bigger yay). Mostly, though, it was a good day with the boys (saved the biggest yay for this part).

Yesterday was a day that found me begging them to please, please, try - just try - to understand their native tongue. Today, they tried. It didn't always work, but bless 'em, they did try. What a joy that is! One day, they will master both speaking and comprehending english. What a day that will be. (Of course, by then, they will be fathers, so I'll have the added delight of watching them beg their children in a similar fashion. Oh, pop the corn and break out the beer, folks - this is gonna be great!) In the meantime, this repetition is this repetition is this repetition is my job.

The boys are doing wonderfully with school. They're enjoying copywork in the mornings. John is so proud of what he can do, and I have discovered that if I ask him to do only a portion of a sentence, he will gladly do the entire sentence. (Conversely, if I ask him to do the whole sentence, he panics and develops hand cramps three letters into the task -- I can be trained, and now only ask for a portion. I'm getting great work out of him!)

James and I spent an hour today, just working numbers. He wanted to work out returns on investment for real estate. We had a great discussion on economics and investment risks while we worked out different scenarios. And the boy has mastered subtraction like nobody's business (which thrills me no end, as we skipped subtraction in MUS when we switched from Classic to New - ahhh, another academic landmine avoided.)

We are back in full-reading-swing, and can I say it's wonderful? I do hope Miss Emily skips that whole screaming and writhing in angst thing regarding read alouds. We are learning so much, and enjoying so much and... we've missed it. Smidge listens in, and engages. He laughs at the jokes (and sometimes just laughs - he is one half of Tuck 'n Roll, if that helps with the imagery any), and brings books for us to share. John plays HARD while I read, but he can tell me anything I've read throughout the day, so I'm good with that. Would that we could all multi-task so well! James gets so sucked into some of the stories that he just tips right over - he leans farther and farther forward until, *plunk*, down he goes. I love this part. This is my own personal crack. Only, you know, not so hard on the ticker. It's lovely.

Oh, speaking of being hard on the ticker, we have a cricket in the basement. I can't find it, but I think it's about two or three feet long. It sounds humongous. It also proved to me today that I know no shame. I started down there for something - a book? No, to empty the dehumidifier, that was it. The dehumidifier isn't even in the basement proper - it's on the stairs, at the bottom landing. Still, it took me three tries to work up the gumption to go get it. But I did - and got it back in and myself back up the stairs in record time. Shortly thereafter, we were recapping some of our history over breakfast, and I remembered having seen the globe in an open box. It was easy to reach - just right there, on top. Down in the basement. So. Yeah, I sent James. Worse yet, when he came FLYING back up the stairs to tell me there's "something large and chirpy" down there, I had the audacity to tell him it's "just a little old cricket, he can't hurt you".

But I will confide to you that I think it's one of those nasty hunchback ones we've seen. Does anyone know what they are? Nevermind, I found them - they are camel crickets, also known as cave crickets. Their bodies are curved, rather like a shrimp, the legs are significantly longer than regular cricket legs, and they are huge, oh, and lightly striped. They're pretty stinkin' nasty! So far, we don't have a cricket wall down there. It was bad when we bought the place. The basement is far better sealed and much drier than it was before, not to mention "the cricket room" - a partial room which had been built on at some point - has been torn down, which I hope will help keep the critter population down. And I did inform Zorak today that when he gets back (he's on the road), we are poisoning everything -- every surface, crevice, and hole in the house. I have my limits, and they have been reached, okay?

However, lest y'all develop an image in your cumulative heads of me living out in the boonies, in a shack, with my hair falling out, obsessing over insectlore... (ok, the hair is coming out, but that's normal post partum stuff - it's not mange or anything. Honest.)

My favorite highlights of today:

* Seeing James check Balto's food and water, then refill them both, AND dump out the water dish before adding fresh - all without being told!

* Making paper airplanes with John and waging a mock air battle with them in the living room.

* Holding a sleepy Smidge on my lap, hearing him giggle and seeing his eyes gleam as I sang, "Jake, Jake, Jake, I'm so glad I've got one..." (a la Neil Diamond tune!)

* Watching John come barrelling out of his class, wearing a paper crown, singing his memory verse. The smile on his sweet face made my heart soar.

* Listening to James read the beginning of the Book of Judges to me on the way home tonight. Talking with him and just enjoying his exuberance.

* Watching Smidge slowly warm up to the teacher in his class, and knowing that he is okay without me, but that I'm right. there. if he should need me.

* As I was laying Emily down on the bed tonight, she opened her eyes, smiled a huge smile, took my finger in her hand and went right back to sleep.

* Hearing Zorak tell me he loves me and cannot wait to come home.


Kiss those babies!

You'd Think I'd Be Elated

I know there are sleep-deprived mothers the world over who would give body parts for this. I thought I was one of them.

Miss Emily went to sleep last night at eleven. I laid her in the swing, thinking she'd be back up in a couple of hours and we'd head to bed. I went to bed at one, thinking I'd just lie down for a bit until she awoke around two to eat.

When I awoke this morning at 7:30, James was up. And I was still alone in bed. "James, is Emily sleeping?" He said she was.

Panic gripped my heart. I had to stiffle my next question ("Is she... blue?") and instead bolted down the hallway to the living room.

There she was, in the swing. She wasn't blue. But she wasn't awake, either. So I did what any mother would do.

I poked her.

She moved. And my body suddenly slumped like bad concrete.

I hate moments of fear like that. But I am so very thankful it was just a moment.

It's now nine o'clock and she just awoke. You wouldn't believe how hungry this child was!

Kiss those babies - cuddle them, listen to them, love on them.

Change of Plans

We had a minor change of plans this week. It wasn't anything earth shattering, but it was pretty disappointing. When things come along that throw our plans out the window and replace them with plans we didn't particularly care for, I'm amazed now at how well Zorak and I handle the whole mess. It wasn't always that way.

I truly wish that my mother had helped me learn to handle changes well. When I was a child, and got hit with the crushing news that a family trip had been cancelled, or that she would not be able to do something she'd promised, or any of a number of typical disappointments that - to a child - feel huge, there wasn't any room for typical grief over it. Certainly no training in how to handle it graciously. The only thing she'd say is, "Circumstances Prevail." That was her mantra. I don't fault her for that - it's probably part and parcel of being a Depression Baby. Her response to disappointment was no more a matter of choice for her than her compulsion to use every usable part of potatoes, or her need to save bacon grease in a coffee tin. (Although I do suspect the grease thing was due to her being a Southerner more than having grown up in the Depression.)

However, I grew to hate these inevitable "circumstances" that were constantly "prevailing" in my life. And I railed against them pretty hard most of the time. Didn't do a whole lot of good, but I didn't know what else to do. That's one area I've struggled with over the years. Today, I can say that while I'm nowhere near perfect in how I handle them, I am (thankfully) significantly better about it.

And the boys? They are troopers! But then, they're allowed to grieve when they are disappointed. They've been given the tools they need to express their frustration with the way things don't always go as planned. They don't have to revert to anger or fear, because they have a safe place to be disappointed and hurt. It doesn't mean they're always chipper and happy to learn they're going to miss an eagerly anticipated event, or that we never got around to purchasing such-and-such for some project. The get bummed. But they don't get bent. And I am glad that they know that I feel for them and don't expect them, at the ripe old ages of 7, 5 and 2, so suck it up because "circumstances prevail". Sometimes, when you're sad, it's nice just to be allowed to be sad without anyone reminding you that it's a cruel, hard world. Obviously, if you've just been thrown for a bit of a loop, or let down in a particularly jolting fashion, you already get that part. What you need then is reminding that the people in it, in your life, and in your home, are not cruel, hard people. And that it's okay.

So, we had another chance to practice that this week. We're bummed, but we're not bent. ;-) Feels good to be the grownup. And it feels very good to see how well the children can cope, as well.

Well, today there is much to be done, so I'm going to sign off for now. Kiss those babies!

Tuesday, April 18

Wow, don't blog for a week...

and it gets harder to blog daily again!

The Forever Home renovation has been at a bit of a standstill. We need to shift gears and revv up the momentum once more. This would be a very awkward time to stall out on the work. Zorak did get the pad poured for the new steps off the hillbilly deck (the one off our room). When he took the railing off, he simply grasped it with one hand and wrenched it to the side - off it came, like honey from an oiled cup. Um... huh. I knew it wasn't terribly strong, but I must admit that I'd had a bit more faith in it than it deserved. Not like experience has given me any reason to, I guess I've just become a backwoods Pollyanna.

I worked my butt off in the back yard yesterday, raking, raking, raking... raking. My thought was to clear the back area around the house, weed whack it (don't ask), water and then weed 'n feed. Well, I spent a couple hours out there and I think I *nearly* cleared a small area - maybe 10x20? Maybe? Where did all these leaves come from? And will I manage to get these gathered before fall comes again and we are buried forever, entombed in mulch? It's not looking good, really. If my blogging comes to a rather abrupt end sometime in November, please contact the Volunteer Fire Department and Marlin Perkins. No, scratch that - tell Marlin to send Jim. Jim could find us.

We're outta here in about half an hour for the dentist's office. All three boys have a checkup today. Yeah, like Smidge is going to be compliant. He'll be cheerful about it as he says, "No, noooo, nooooooo," in his little sing-song voice. I wonder, at what age to they just knock 'em out to get a look? I imagine it's much like doing vet work on a gorilla. A cheerful gorilla. The older two, though, they're going to open up like little unhinged snakes. They are so happy to know this is a "no numb lip" visit. I think they'd put on a song and dance if the dentist asked them to. Should be an interesting visit.

Then it's off to run errands, errands, errands, but at this point I'm teetering on the edge of a to-do-list entry, and I'm trying very hard not to go there.

Oh! Ticks. This is the beginning of tick season. Or it's the apparent time for ticks. Or perhaps it's just that the little buggers love us. Whatever it is, they're everywhere lately. Balto had to get a new tick collar - we put it on yesterday. A few hours later, I noticed a jelly bean sized tick on his neck (and I'm not talking a Starburst jelly bean - I'm talking the mongo cheap ones you can buy year-round). That sucker was vile. Naturally, I called the boys out to take a look (thus, in my mind, reinforcing to them my request that they keep the dog out of the house until the collar has a chance to kick in). Now, I'd like to think I'm relatively brave. I'll hunt bear with a bow. I'll hike the desert without fear of scorpions or rattlers (healthy awareness, yes, but not fear). I'll eat things I can't identify, and I'm raising four children thousands of miles from family. Obviously, I am not of a weak constitution. HOWEVER when that thing happened to let go and come tumbling down toward my foot just as I was trying to clear the hair away from it so the boys could see... well, I freaked. I screamed like a little girl and just about broke my neck trying to back up far enough that it couldn't scamper onto me and suck the life from my body. Not that there was any need to worry - it looked like the Garfield of the tick world. It's body was so big it's little feet could barely touch the concrete. Still, with the screaming and the cringing. The boys were fascinated by the tick, but a bit worried about me. Man, I'm a wuss.

Now that the flowers have begun to fade, we're living under a lovely canopy of green. It's gorgeous. It also cuts down significantly on the heat. Aside from short stints in various other places, I've always lived in the desert southwest, so it's pretty amazing to watch things just grow on their own, without any coaxing on our part. A friend asked the other day what it's like here, and the best I could describe is that it's like the Garden of Eden, but with ticks. (And I'm pretty sure the ticks were an afterthought, or perhaps part of the punishment... I don't think they were actually in the Garden.)

Anyhow, it's time to round up the little ones and head out for our daily adventure!

Kiss those babies!

Sunday, April 16

A Snoop Dog Easter

Yeah, religious holidays always get weird at my house. *sigh* This year it all began as we were driving home from a trip into town. We passed a church and Zorak sniggered, then quit trying to hold it in and he burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" said I... (I should know better.) He said, (or I think he said -- it was hard to tell between snickers), "That's foshizzle!" *blink* *blink* WHAT?!?!

He looked at me like I should get it.

"Didn't you see the sign?" He asked, thinking, perhaps, this would explain why I was so slow on the uptake.

"Um, yes..."

*chuckle, snort* " 'He is risen' That's foshizzle! Get it? 'rizzen' from the 'crizzizzle' "

Ah, yes, it all becomes so clear to me now... My husband's sense of humor is a good reason for me to develop a healthy aversion to lightning.

Did y'all have a good day? We did. We made it to church only three hours late, but since it's a special day, there was plenty left to go when we got there. Gotta love those liturgical churches.

Then we went to the quarry, where the boys had a nice time and Zorak nearly put the smackdown on an old lady. (He is phenomenally mild-mannered, so you can imagine just how far over her bounds she must have stepped.) We left early, as neither of us could relax, but once home, we hid eggs and had a grand time watching the boys find them.

Come nightfall, we broke out the Big Easter Treat: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe. HUGE hit. The boys enjoyed watching it again, and somehow managed to stay up nearly to the end. Even Zorak liked it better than he thought he would. It's hotter than many colorful phrases in the house tonight, but we still couldn't resist the urge to broil ourselves under snuggly children. Ahhh. They are asleep, and we are trying to cool back down and keep the meat from falling off our bones. Emily's roasting, though, and she's ticked. So I'll sign off with some of my favorite pictures from today, and remind you as usual to Kiss Those Babies!


Thursday, April 13

A Fabulous Visit!

Hi there! Sorry for the lack of contact the past few days. We've had such a lovely time, and by the end of each day, we were all ready to turn in. Our wonderful guests arrived Saturday afternoon. It was wonderful to see everyone. Gram looks great, and was in such joyful spirits during her visit. The boys were so good to her, and loved having their great-grandmother here to pamper and talk with.

We were thrilled to have Aunt Jo Ann (in the green shirt) and Aunt Linda come, as well. They are both such neat ladies. As you can see, Miss Emily thought the added company was pretty fun, too! (And yes, lest we mar the reputation of the South, I am garbed in my finest Appalachain Gardening Wear and an old undershirt. We wouldn't want folks thinkin' we were getting uppity, now, would we?) We spent most of our time chatting over plates of snacks and hot cups of tea and coffee. In between food breaks, we took walks, enjoyed the foliage, and caught up on life and events.

Everyone came back from the walks with treasures - pretty stones, interesting seeds, and tons of smiles. The boys found a caterpillar (named "S") while out on one of their walks. Great fun!

Aunt Jo Ann allowed us to tap into her horticultural skills, so the boys now have flowers planted and are awaiting germination! (The flowers are in pots for two reasons: the dog eats flowers, and this way the boys can identify what is a flower vs. what is a weed and they won't self-destruct their own garden once we get Balto flower-trained.)

We ate. A LOT. Salmon, shrimp, Honey Baked Ham (thanks, Aunt B! It was delicious!) Fresh fruits and veggies from the farmer's stand down the road... and, of course, pizza! (Thank God for Arrowhead Mills!)

And, of course, there was a lot of baby holding... :-) Miss Emily may never allow us to put her down again!

We took a trek to the Huntsville Botanical Gardens on Tuesday - a perfect day for an outing. We lunched at the little cafe they have there - delicious, and the greatest folks work there. Then we ventured into the garden grounds. We happened almost immediately upon Gigi, the world's sweetest docent, who gave us a wonderful tour of the gardens. She answered the boys' many (many) questions, talked shop with Aunt Linda, and just made us feel welcome, in general. If you hit the garden this summer, see if you can find her for a tour - she's spectacular!

You simply cannot spend four hours there without a picnic, so picnic we did! I can't tell you what a geniunely delightful afternoon it was, but it truly was.

This morning's departure time arrived far too quickly. I couldn't convince the Aunts to leave Gram here, and we have no place to conceal her for a decent Gram-napping, so we had to let them go. We did manage to skip off to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, and Zorak joined us just in time. So, we had one more lovely day together before they headed off on yet another adventure.

We so enjoyed having loved ones come to stay, and for a first-run, these were three of the sweetest, most easy-going, generous guests we could have hoped for. (I'm sure Aunt Jo Ann was thrilled to be the prototype tester for this monstrosity of a project! But she took it well!) Our kitchen was quite well-behaved and worked just as we'd hoped it would: easy to cook for many, plenty of space for helpers, and plenty of room for everyone to just hang out and talk. So, barring any reports to the contrary, I think the house is safe for company now. ;-)

Thank you for coming, guys! We love you and we thoroughly enjoyed having you here! The house seems awfully lonesome right about now, with just the six of us here (ok, so that's not something I ever thought I'd say! But it's true!) Know you're loved and missed!

Kissing our babies for you tonight!
~Dy, Zorak and the Kidlets

Monday, April 10

Quick Howdy!

Hi all!

Thanks for taking a peek at the bathroom. That was the second room we got functional, but the first one to get to a mostly-finished state. It felt SO good! We'll post more after shots later. For now, though, we are having a wonderful time with Gram and the Aunts.

It's been so much fun to visit and eat, take walks and eat. Then we come in and eat a little more. Aunt Billie furnished one of those wonderful Honey Baked Hams - oh dear, that's delicious! Aunt Linda and Aunt Jo Ann won't let me pamper them too much, but we all get to fuss over Gram, and that's so much fun. The Aunts are so helpful with the baby and the house that I feel like I'm the one getting a vacation! Felt kind of lazy the past two days. ;-)

The boys are thoroughly enjoying a whole new audience. They're quite enamored with each of our guests and do their best to share all the special things they love. James fills Aunt Jo Ann in on all his latest inventions, and guides Gram down the hall. John's enjoying the extra snuggles and someone who hasn't heard his latest jokes, as well as keeping the herd dog from herding the Aunts right off the trails. Smidge has found someone in Gram who will be enthusiastic over his beloved Thomas trains, and he's in love! It's just delightful.

I was going to post some pics, but Blogger's upload utility won't work right now, and everyone is back from their walk now, so I'm going to go. I'll try again later!

Kiss those babies!

Saturday, April 8

The Story of a Bathroom

Once upon a time, not so very long ago (although it seems that way for those who've been waiting for pictures), there was a bathroom. We use the term loosely, for although it was a "room", one wouldn't bathe in it. Or near it. Or, most likely, anywhere on the premesis. But, I digress...

It wasn't a bad bathroom. Well, no, scratch that. It was. It was bad. But it didn't have to stay that way. Enter our frog-kissing family, looking for their castle (castles, princes, work with me here, okay?)

They took one look:

And said, in a large and do-not-question-me-just-GO voice,
Boys, you need to go play outside while we look at the house...

And so, after a long period of cringing and whining, they set to work. The first thing to do was to get rid of everything. As it turned out, most of it (under the squishy linoleum, anyway) was already gone. Handy, eh?

(Interesting Note: if the floor feels spongy when you walk on it, this is what it probably looks like underneath.)

And now, it's done. We still need to put on the door trim and the baseboard (so please ignore that part, but that's going to be done all at once, when the rest of the rooms are ready. And there's no vanity mirror up, as we are hoping to find some great funky antiques to hang in there - one over each sink.

You can view the photo album of the transition if you'd like to see the bath from start to finish. (I spared y'all the plumbing and wiring shots because not only are they pretty boring if you aren't the one who put them in, but there was a lot of swearing during the wiring portion of this project. So this is a fairly glossed over version of what it took to redo the bath.)

However, it's done. And it feels very, very good!

And our company just rang - they're in town!! I'm going to go meet them at the market and bring 'em on in!

Kiss those babies!

Friday, April 7

10:30 and all's well

Hey there. Well, the entire afternoon was wonderfully windy (got the linens washed!) and clear. We had a great afternoon, for the most part.

The HVAC guy came - he seemed okay, but he stayed too long and then lost us when he insisted that they do ALL the labor because "you don't have the tools to do the things that need to be done". Tools? Yes, tools. You know, to sweat copper pipe together and to make the vent holes. Uh-huh. And the vent you saw... the one we told you we built? The fact that we'd run new pipe - copper, black iron and PEX... and had showed that to you. Totally lost on ya, there, buddy? No, thanks. If he can't listen to something as simple as what we are capable of and what we aren't (for instance, we don't have the means to charge the system, and we are willing to pay for that, but we aren't willing to pay for one of his guys to come cut a hole in our roof when we can do it ourselves for far less), then we really don't want to be doing business with him. Anyway, he realized the sale had gone off the game plan when he asked us to let his crew cut the vent in the bathroom because we don't know what we're doing and will mess up that floor... you know, the one we laid. Yeah, brilliant. Fortunately, that was only our first quote.

We didn't hide eggs, as the boys spent the majority of the afternoon down at the creek. James caught a red wasp. *Sigh* They caught a cricket and a couple of moths. Smidge caught a piece of tree bark and three 16 penny nails. He was quite proud.

We're under a tornado watch right now. The Powers That Be have told us to get to our "safe spot" now, but that would be, theoretically, the basement... and in case I haven't mentioned it, we haven't done anything to the basement yet... I think I'd rather take my chances with the tornado than with a flash flood from the waterfall, or the missing sill plates finally collapsing down there. We'll stay put, though, and keep an ear on the radio. I'll blog later w/ an update. For now, though, the lightning is a little close for my comfort, so I'm getting off the computer!

Kiss those babies!

This'll change your plans in a hurry:





I love the verbiage they use: unstable, explosive, potentially significant. This is not just any ol' storm system, it's a "potent" one! And "supercells" - storms with capes!

The coordinator of our homeschool group called this morning to cancel the party. She said the public schools will be closing at one today so that everybody can get home and get off the road before the bulk of the storm hits. I guess several of us are coming in from outlying towns and they decided it's not worth the risk. I do appreciate that. The party's been moved to Monday, which is supposed to be exquisite. I don't think we'll be able to go, as the family will be here then, but that's okay. There will be other get-togethers.

So, while I'm eyeballing a suspect tree in the yard and hoping it's not all that bad, I'm also ashamedly relieved that we don't have to go anywhere and I can do some prep work on the windows (not going to paint in this weather - it'd never dry). The boys will be bummed, but hey, I've got 48 plastic eggs and nowhere to go. Maybe we'll hide them around the house or make a scavenger hunt out of it.

Kiss those babies!

Must Slow Down!


Today was productive. Of course, it's nearly two o'clock on the next day, and it's just now winding down... at least nobody can say we aren't making the most of our time, right? *wan smile*

We got a lot done today - patched a hole in the hallway ceiling, primed the foyer ceiling, finally textured the closets (yay!) although the kids and I had to make an impromptu run into town for more joint compound. Stopped through Steak 'n Shake for a round of milkshakes (an appreciation gift for my wonderful little helpers) and then back for more work.

The weirdness factor has hit exponential values here with the boys. Smidge is really hitting his stride as a two year old. And I had to sponge the sand out of Emily's neck tonight because of it. James is, from what I've gleaned from other Veteran Mothers, Very Eight. Only, he's not Eight yet. I hope to God this means we will be experiencing an abbreviated version of Eight, because I do not think he and I will both survive the extended version. John is, proportionately, being very middle-of-the-road Five lately: irate that James bosses him around, and yet fully partaking in the bossing of the younger sibling at will. Somehow, those two scenarios are not connected in the least. Not in his mind, anyway. Add in Balto and the occasional mid-afternoon thunderstorm and this place is a regular dark comedy! Those are funnier when I'm not the one caught in them...*

There's only one chunk of sheetrock up in the foyer, but Zorak sent me into town just before supper to make a Lowe's run, so he got to run herd on the boys for supper and bedtime. He was a busy daddy! I got the stuff at Lowe's, and while loading the pickup, I remembered our homeschool support group has its Easter party tomorrow afternoon. Pot luck. ACK! So I had to stop and get eggs and stuff to put in the eggs (non-edible - sheesh, it would've been so much easier to buy candy!! But I was good... did you know books won't fit inside the eggs? *sniff, sniff*) Took three stops before I finally gave up on the local shops (all closed) and hit Wal-Mart. (Hey, I tried, right?) On the upside, however, we're good-to-go for tomorrow's breakneck schedule AND the boys (and Emily) now have baskets for Easter. Yay me!

Friday is going to be a good day. We have an HVAC guy coming in the AM to give us a quote, the party in the afternoon, and a whole lotta cleaning to get done in between. We'll touch base with Zorak at some point and switch vehicles so that we can pick up a bed for the guest room and hopefully hit Sears for a washer/dryer set (they're having a sale, and they have things in stock - although we've still not agreed upon what kind of washer to get, so I'm not sure how that's going to go).

I was *this close* to having actual after photos of the bathroom tonight (you know, the one w/ the Cheech and Chong sanitation in the before pics). Then Zorak and I rethought the towel racks and didn't hang them. We've since decided to go with our original plans, but it's too late to do anything now. But tomorrow, I promise, there will be pictures. I do, however, feel the need to add this caveat: the "after" pictures aren't going to look like normal homes' after pictures. We still don't have trim/baseboards up. We still haven't hit Pier 1 (heck, we haven't even hit the Dollar Store, which is probably closer to the truth). So they won't be all "Oooohhh, ahhhhh, what a lovely display", okay? However, the structural and architectural changes will be apparent. Then I'll need some serious decorating help from y'all!

* Note: they haven't ventured outside the bounds of normal envelope-pushing, and they're very good, very enjoyable children. It's just that at the moment, there are a great many envelopes being pushed all over the place, and that gets a bit chaotic.

And that, my friends, is about all I have the energy to say tonight.

Kiss those babies!

Thursday, April 6

Down to the Wire - Highlights

Sheetrock goes up in the foyer tonight! Gram and the Aunts may have to watch us paint the foyer, but it'll at least when they arrive it's going to look nice shortly.

Supper was roast chicken, mixed vegetables, baked potatoes, and wheat-free biscuits (LB - they were pretty good, but DON'T grease the pan! I essentially fried them in the oven - what a mess!) *happy sigh* We love our kitchen.

Miss Emily decided I needed some rest last night, and so... I accomplished diddly squat. But it was nice to sleep all night long.

The dog needs either another puppy (kill me now), one of those cone shaped collars (the humor factor alone might be worth it), or perhaps a partial lobotomy (better than killing him). He simply will NOT listen to the boys, and there are too many boys for me to be close enough to keep him from biting their feet when we're outside. It's constant. He's like a neurotic heeler. Yesterday was a banner day for him -- he managed to knock all three flat on their faces at least once. *sigh*

No clue where to start today. I stand in the hall and spin slowly in circles, trying to figure it out. So I'm going to finish this cup, stretch my legs and just start somewhere. We'll see where I end up! But, barring computer glitches, etc., there will be some after photos in the next 24 hours!

Kiss those babies!

Wednesday, April 5

Oh! I forgot to tell you!

Sunday afternoon, as the boys and I were heading out, that guy came back! And he brought the blueprints to the house. Zorak spoke with him for a while, and told him to come back in about a month, that we'd have the money to buy them then. In fact, we do have the money now, but we'd like to keep a safe distance until all is said and done.

Zorak got the impression that yes, this kid really wants this house and property in a bad way, but that it's like we'd feel if someone outside the family bought Granny's ranch. The kid does know the people who lost it. Whether he's in with them on anything or not, we don't know. But we do believe that he's related to the man who built the house. That was a relief. When this is all over, we'd like to invite him in to see what we've done.

One thing that we both thought was very neat is the original kitchen. When we were trying to figure out what to do with the kitchen, we tried everything we could think of. Something definitely had to be done -- it was a narrow galley kitchen, and that layout is diametrically opposed to the way we live. We live in the kitchen, and we wouldn't all fit in the old kitchen! Anyhow, nothing we tried seemed to work: breakfast bar, peninsula design, partial wall... finally, I told Zorak, "This house wants that wall OUT." He put down his clipboard, turned to me (I braced for him to recommend medication) and said, "I thought the same thing." So. Nobody got medicated, and the wall came down. That one little change completely altered the feel and flow of the kitchen and living spaces. It was amazing.

Well, the original plans didn't have a wall there! It was an open kitchen, not a galley! How cool is that? Our house talks!

And on that note, it's telling me to get off my duff and cover it's receptacles. Show some modesty, for goodness sake, woman!

Kiss those babies!

Tuesday, April 4

HOW? How can this happen?

Would someone please explain to me how a ONE hour time change can throw me off by SEVERAL hours?!? That's each day! I wished Jess a good afternoon as we hung up the phone and she laughed at me. It was six-thirty. By Thursday, I'll be getting up in time for supper. ARGH! I miss Arizona in the springtime. *sigh*

The boys saw Chuck E. Cheese while we were running errands. James went "Price is Right" nuts over it. I reciprocated with the identical reaction when I saw the Dillard's Home Store. The boys didn't think that was an appropriate reaction. That is, until we went inside. They thought it was "so beautiful" and John loved the way it smelled. Yeah, I guess sawdust and electrical fire isn't the potpourri of choice...

Anyhow, we got new sheets. I went with burgundy. Not because I particularly care for burgundy, or because it sets off the rest of the room. I bought burgundy because white is not a good summer sheet color (remember, I married the Human Torch), battleship grey doesn't seem to be "in" this year, and I don't have the pizzazz (or whatever word you want to use) to pull off the Egyptian/Nefertiti Gold that is so popular this spring. Some women can do that. I am not one of them. I'm lucky if I can get the right size, let alone take a bold color and make it blend. What I really need is the McDonald's of Interior Decorating. I want nine basic choices and when I finally pick one, I want someone to ask me, "You want tassles with that?" Done. Wouldn't that be great?

Since I have misplaced several hours today, I didn't get to the texturing of the closets. (Jess' time reminder sent me into a supper fixing frenzy from which I have just now recovered.) So I'm going to sign off and go do something. The boys are passed out with their reading lights on. Zorak is in the attic, doing his Large Rodent Impression. And Miss Emily chatted happily with Pooh Bear for a bit as he dangled above her swing. When she quit talking to him, I peeked over to find she had passed out. WOOHOO! Time to roll up some sleeves and enjoy the nightly lack of sleep that marks Daylight Savings Time.

Kiss those babies!

So Productive...

...When the boards are down.


This morning I painted the ceiling and trim in the bathroom, then put the second coat on the bathroom walls. It looks so much nicer now! It feels almost arid today (don't laugh, it's relative) so perhaps the tidbits can go up tomorrow sometime (towel rack, tp holder... would be nice not to have to strrreeeeeeeetch to the counter to grab the tp). I got the final outlets wired in, so Zorak can hook up power to the bathroom outlets (we've had lights, but we put lights and outlets on different circuits - very handy feature!)

Got the outlet covers on in the master bedroom. We're all moved into that room now, and it's so pretty. It's on the southeast corner of the house and, even with the small light-sucking holes, mornings are so refreshing and inviting in that room. It was heaven to wake up in Our Own Room this morning!

Then I folded the seven loads of wash I'd done yesterday and put them all away. As good as it felt to sleep in Our Own Room, it felt even better not to have to venture into the "closet room" (the fourth bedroom, which we use for storage as well as a makeshift closet) for clothes. The dresser is right. there. It's funny what I've always taken for granted. Done two more loads today, and will hang them in a minute.

We're going to feast (ok, we'll have lunch, but I'm really hungry) and then head off to Wal-Mart to return the sheets (yes, finally) and get some dog food.

This afternoon, I hope to texture the three remaining closets and line up the wires for Zorak to put in the foyer. That's a good day. If I'm feeling productive, I might take the casings off the windows and scrub everything down for painting. (That makes my knees go first-kiss weak! What joy!)

Anybody else find themselves overly productive when their favorite time-wasters aren't up and running?

Kiss those babies!

Monday, April 3

Good Monday Morning!

It's a glorious day. We're gonna be busy. Not terribly interesting, that's for sure. And while I'd love to start posting the after pictures, we're wiring the foyer today and hanging sheetrock when Zorak gets home. So, nothing today. Our wonderful Gram and lovely Aunts will be here on Saturday, and we have a ton to do between now and then.

But yes, as y'all can see, it was gross. One of those things, though, where all the frustration and angst over the house taking two and a half months to close turned out to be a blessing. When we first looked at it and put in our offer, there was no visible mold. It was a little dank and stinky, but we attributed that to it having been empty and closed up all summer. If we'd have closed on it in August, like we wanted to, we may not have known what was lurking beneath. Thankfully, by October, it had sprouted and so we knew what it would need done. I'm glad we had our eyes wide open, that's for sure! And, knowing what we were getting in to, we've been able to take it in stride.

Yes, Hypatia, the carpet's not taupe. Even our wonderful realtor, who had it professionally cleaned twice for us, thought it was taupe. It wasn't until we pulled up the threshold to take out the carpet (this was maybe two weeks into the tear-out) that we discovered this:

That white stripe down the middle there is where the threshold had covered the carpet. Anywhere it was exposed, it was that brown color. We had the willies for a week. And ALL of the carpet came out that afternoon!

But, I don't want to leave you hanging like that. This is why we bought the property:

The structure we live in is just a shell of the one we bought, but we couldn't have designed a better spot for it. The sun comes up over the meadow behind us and bathes the entire place in a gentle, glittery gold. There are flowers everywhere you look - purples and pinks, whites and yellows. The creek is a constant source of adventure for the boys. The barn awaits, silent and large, for some attention, but it's sturdy and strong and will be beautiful when we get to it. The swingset in the yard and the soccer ball up in the upper meadow make me smile. The boys' laughter and the time we spent together, even just sitting on the porch watching the birds and squirrells... it's all worth it.

And now, as if conjured up by thoughts, all four of them are up. It's time to get to work!

Kiss those babies!

Sunday, April 2

Before Photos, Forever Home

Let me begin by saying a few things:

Hillary, don't look. Just trust me.

We bought the place for the property and the potential, not the house.

Yes, we must have x-ray vision, or ESP or something, because the "potential" isn't as visible in the pictures as it seemed to be when we first looked at the place. (There are other viable explanations, but let's not go into those, shall we?)

There are captions to each picture. We tried to set it up as a virtual tour.

As we post "after" photos, we'll try to get a finished shot from the matching angle as the corresponding "before" shot. (I always hate those weight loss pictures that go from scowling, slumping, pasty and badly lit befores to fully posed, highly manicured, deeply tanned, smiling professional shots after. Let the results speak for themselves, right? Yeah, or something like that.)

It was actually much darker inside the house, but even w/ the flash on you couldn't see the living/dining room pictures, so I lightened them up enough that you could see.

Remember: that carpet isn't actually taupe. It was platinum white! (I'll post the comparison shot later on in the week - we're down to the gnat's netherregions on projects today, though.)

Oh, and finally, it did not look anything like this by the time we moved in. It was skeletal, as many of you may remember, but it was better than this...

Forever Home Before Photos

Kiss those babies!

We Have A Master Bedroom!

And it's purrrrrty! Or it will be when the trim goes up on the window and the door leading to the back deck gets painted. But even lacking the finishing touches, aside from the actual dimensions, it is not the same room. At all. Doesn't even remotely resemble the one we bought.

And on the whole resemblance thing - I uploaded "before" pictures to my yahoo album. And while I can share them via email using the nifty utility on the page, I can't get the whole url to copy so that I can post a link. Anybody have any experience with this? If you think you can help me get that little glitch figured out, please let me know. It's time to share pictures!

Tomorrow (er, today... later...) I'm going to start clearing stuff out of the foyer while Zorak works on the concrete pours. We'll see some great changes with those two projects!

The boys, Em and I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some fun things, including new linens, which I'll return tomorrow. I don't know why I bought them. I'm not crazy over the color, but they are fairly nice. I just can't see putting 400 thread-count sheets on with my $19.99 IKEA comforter cover (which I love and refuse to part with) - but the sheet selection was really limited. To be honest, I think I panicked. I realized today that while I can accomplish many things (buy groceries, buy books, and heck, even buy clothes) with four children in tow... I cannot pick linens with ANY children. Maybe it wouldn't kill me to look elsewhere for linens? We've been here nearly a year and I haven't set foot in any of the malls other than once, back in December, to see Santa. Eh, we'll see.

When my part of the day's work is done, the kids and I will head off to spend some time with some new homeschool friends in the afternoon. We're all looking forward to that.

And so, with that, I'm off to stand at one end of the hallway and smile at the new door that's now hanging at the other end.

Kiss those babies!

Saturday, April 1

What a busy day!

There's no sensation quite like sauntering up to a service counter and saying, "We are doing this mongo project that's way over our heads, and in the process we've taken something apart that we aren't certain how to put back together." You know they just loooooove hearing that, right? Especially coming from a woman hauling four children behind her: one in a sling, one asleep in a cart, and the older two covered in white paint and red dirt... wearing overalls. Then, just in case we might be mistaken for normal people, and to make certain we are the butt of all break room jokes for the rest of the weekend, I broke out the digital camera to show them what I was talking about (because when it comes to windows, I know three words and not one of them had anything to do with what I was asking about). Learning a new skill is always a humbling experience. And I learned a new word today: stoop. No, I mean I learned a new application for that word... (Don't want some random soul to stumble on that sentence and think, "And she's educating her own children!?!")

We then headed to Wal-Mart for some primer, more paint brushes (because no, we don't ever remember to wash them out, why do you ask?) and other paints. It took the poor man in the paint department three hours to mix five one gallon cans for us. He was not having a good day, I think, as he yelled at some customers and was quite short with us, as well. I wanted to, as we put it, go all Way Of The Gun on him (not literally, folks - it's a movie, with the best one-line threat we've ever heard). But on occasion we have the chance to set the example we keep trying to convince our children to follow. This was one of them. It worked beautifully, and not only did I set a good example for the boys, but the boys followed my lead, and by the time our transaction with this gentleman was done, he was smiling and being downright nice. He even tried joking with the boys (but by then they were too freaked out by him to be able to shift gears so quickly, so they stuck with being standoffishly formal, yet polite). My brain was fried. There is simply nothing to do to entertain four children in Wal-Mart for three hours. It felt good to head home.

We pulled in to the drive to find Zorak flinging gravel into the chasms we jokingly refer to as ruts. Today was the first time I've ever entered the property without bottoming out! What a treat! Now we can have that construction dumpster hauled away!

I set the boys up with playdoh at the breakfast bar, reveled in the sight of three happy children creating and playing (and not getting anything stuck in carpet), then headed back to paint the master bedroom. I painted the ceiling (one of the many random shades of white with special names) and part of the trim. Then I moved on to the walls. They are grey, rather than orange. I started singing Johnny Cash songs as the paint went on, but when it dried it lost its "prison wall" look. Quite swanky, if I do say so myself. Zorak threw down the tack strips and hauled out the carpet padding... only to discover they'd given us the wrong padding. Dead in the water, and we were on such a roll! ARGH.

Oh, well. Worse things have happened. We'll switch out the carpet padding in the morning and pick up where we left off. The boys got to bed early and are eagerly awaiting a day at the quarry with friends this weekend. Miss Emily fell asleep at a semi-decent hour. That left Zorak and I alone to plot and plan. He worked on the concrete forms a bit. I sorted clothes. Domesticity at it's most blissfully dull. It was a wonderful evening! And a hectic, busy day.

Kiss those babies!

Thursday, March 30

Paint, Paint, and More Paint

Ugh. Well, not ugh, reallly. It's good to be painting the master bedroom. But you know you're not communicating well when you are picturing deep terra cottas and spicy cinnamon colors draped around your room and your spouse brings you color chips in five shades of grey... Yeah, and we're supposed to paint today! (Actually, the grey wouldn't be bad, it's just such a shift from what I've been picturing and anticipating.) So. There's that. Thankfully, Zorak found the Behr website - you can mix colors there and play with rooms to get a general idea of what it'll look like. That's handy. (And addictive.)

OK, so far Dawn (who is my hero!) is the only one who has posted pictures of her windows! Come on, guys! I need help, here. I can install a toilet, but I cannot decorate a home. I'm calling on my imaginary friends to help with this thing. Pretty please?!? *Update: Laney has also graciously posted window shots! Yay!* If you do post them, let me know in the comments. :-)

Our high today is supposed to be 80! Wow. That's quite warm. If we can get the groceries bought and the bedroom painted, then the boys and I are going to swing by a park for a picnic with some of the nice folks we attended the arts festival with. (Eee- that was a grammatical wreck. Sorry. Still on my first cup of decaf - which, yes, means it's not going to get any better as the day goes on. Decaf just doesn't have the brain boosting power of wheat bran, or, say real coffee.)

We're rapidly approaching the arrival of our company, and we're all so excited. There's still much to be done around here, but they know it's a work in progress. And their rooms will be done and nicely appointed by the time they arrive, so that's good. This week we're pouring concrete to fix the front steps. (We suspect that each step was added individually by different people, and not one of them agreed on the ratio or method for making steps.) Not only will that drastically improve the safety of entering our home, but it'll look a whole heckuva lot nicer, too!

I wanted to clean up all the leaves around the yard so we could try for a healthy lawn by the time our guests arrive. Zorak didn't quite threaten to set things on fire if I did that, but he did argue rather eloquently for not doing anything to encourage grass growth until we have a lawnmower. So we still have last fall's leaves in the yard. Not too Springish, it's true, but then the grass around here really doesn't need much encouragement, either.

Oh, Zorak's mom said she is going to send us her baby gown for Emily! How exciting is that?!? I'm going to hold off on Emily's baptism until it arrives so that she can wear it. We thought that would be neat. I love our heritage, and I love being able to bring the years together like that. That little gown has a lot of history, and now we can add to it and keep it alive.

No major injuries from Pioneer Club last night. I took Smidge to the 2 and 3 year-old's class, thinking that he might be more comfortable there than in the nursery (and there's a situation in the nursery that I'm not sure how to handle just yet, but it's best if I'm not in there until I figure it out). It would have gone better if we'd arrived on time, I think. As it was, he stood about five feet away from the group the entire time. Wouldn't get near the table to color, but the minute nobody was talking to him, he bolted to the table and grabbed his coloring page. Then he showed his paper to everyone he saw in the hallway, cradled it lovingly on the drive home, and it was the first thing he showed Zorak when we returned. Boy, I've never seen a child more proud of a piece of paper in my life! If nothing else came of it, that was worth it. So cute!

Oh, and for the record - I know it's "Sancho". I do know that. It hit me this morning that I'd typed "Pancho" instead. I can't believe nobody called me on that - how embarrassing! I don't know if I was thinking the last name, or what. That must be it, because 's' and 'p' aren't even near enough to consider it a regular typo. *sigh* I miss caffeine...

Alrighty, I'd best go prime and play with colors. Y'all have a great Thursday!

Kiss those babies!

Wednesday, March 29

Dona Quixote?

Don Quixote: "Fortune is guiding our affairs better than we ourselves could have wished. Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them. With their spoils we shall begin to be rich, for this is a righteous war and the removal of so foul a brood from off the face of the earth is a service God will bless."

Sancho: "What giants?"

I'm re-reading Don Quixote, and having a wonderful time of it. This second time through, I've got a better feel for the cadence of the language and the tone of the characters. It's a riot. This morning, though, I realized why I enjoyed this book so much, and it's a scary thought: I am Don Quixote, and am raising three (potentially four, but the little one can't talk yet, so the jury's still out) little Panchos. Would that make Zorak an unsuspecting Dulcinea?

I see giants to be slain (character development issues, academic ignorance, forces to belay mental acuity). The loyal children scan the horizon. They see... windmills. And they're pretty sure I'm insane. But they plug along beside me, nonetheless. It's quite an adventure, this life.

God help us.

This week, we have enjoyed homeschooling in the most integral ways. It's becoming once again a part of our pattern, our flow. This is a good life we're living. But you know, I hesitate to write things like this, although they are true, for there will always be someone who reads it and gasps, "Oh, she's got it all sooooo together." Then promptly starts in on the comparisons and the self-loathing. Please, if that's you, stop now. Take a swig of coffee, hitch up your bra (or pick a garment), and read on.

Homeschooling four children will never be pastoral. We will never have the children donning white breeches with sun hats and skippily merrily to the table singing old English hymns. That's not having it "together". That's a delusion far, far worse than any I harbor (and I do, admittedly, harbor quite a few). Homeschooling four children is, for me, more like hauling cats in a sack that won't close. But I really like the cats, and it's a good sack, so I'm okay with it.

I'm having one heck of a time getting through John's reading lessons with Smidge piling books on my lap and kissing my nose while James shouts from the computer, "Mom! Come LOOK!" (And, of course, I have to go look because I just know the one time I don't, it's going to be the one time our pop-up blocker didn't work and his eyes will start bleeding.)

And it's even more challenging to get through Young Drake with James while John and Smidge duke it out with teriyaki skewers in the living room. Sir Francis Drake did not, as far as we know, ever shout, "You're going to poke an eye out with that thing!"

I have developed the posture of an 80 year old dairy maid from sitting Indian style on the floor, reading aloud while nursing.

The children are convinced there are hidden cameras on the property, filming a warped sequal to "Pioneer House", and they cannot wait to appear on PBS. I have no intention of telling them otherwise, because (a) anything that will keep them on their best behavior is a keeper, and (b) it's kind of fun to watch them make silly faces at the trees, in the hope that they're being filmed. (We have no cable, so I take what I can get for entertainment.)

Our study on blindness turned into quite the adventure the other day, too. I ventured into the realm of the Crafty (I don't live there, and they don't want me there permanently) and made goggles for the boys using wax paper for the lenses so they could get a feel for being blind. The point of our exercise being to foster empathy and understanding toward those who cannot see. The point was made when James slammed into the pre-hung door leaning against the hallway wall. The point was then lost, however, when he backed up and promptly slammed into it again.. and I burst into a fit of giggles.

It's not that we have to "have it all together", ready for a photo shoot from Good Homeschoolers of the Year, in order to enjoy the life that is homeschooling. It's being with our children as they learn. It's hearing one of our children say, "I didn't know I was capable of that!" It's hearing another one say, "Thank you for teaching me this."

It's knowing that those words are sometimes sweeter after a long struggle to master a concept. So during the struggle, it's easier to keep calm and be encouraging. On the days that something (or everything) doesn't click, it's about being able to take a deep breath, share a story, pick another topic, start over tomorrow. There won't be 30 other kids resenting the break you took, and nobody will be behind. Nobody will be "ahead" and get bored, either. We're right where we should be, as homeschoolers. Our goals are on track. Our days are full.

It's enjoying the sense of humor in your children when you begin reading history and lovingly guide them to answer review questions. "The Egyptians live on the ___ ___" Fill in the blank? One of them shouts "golf course" and while that's the end of today's history lesson (you'll never make it to the Indus River Valley through all the golfing jokes now), you've had some good time together, and have seen a side of them you may not see so much of otherwise. (And you pray, when you go to bed that night, that they really did know it was the Nile River...)

I think one of the cats just escaped the sack again, and it's heading for the windmill, so I better go. But I wanted to remind you not to get into the comparison trap. Your homeschooling, your family, your home, it's all good stuff. Just like ours is. Enjoy that for all its worth and don't hesitate to be glad for the life you can live.

Kiss those babies!

Monday, March 27

Boys and Balto

Wow, I had forgotten that I have a better image editor on this computer than the Image Mixer Picture Editor software that came with our camera! Hopefully, much better photos will follow at some point, but tonight I thought I'd share a few quick pics of random things around here.

This first one is James, making a vase for the flowers the boys bought me. This was in January, shortly after Emily was born. Yes, we have flowers so seldom around here that we had no vases! I love my vase! (And I love that sweet boy.)

Smidge and the poky ball! A great find, as long as you don't fall and land on one. He's quite the adventurer. (And look, he's not asleep in this one, either!)

Here's John, getting his Big Brother Chet cut. (It's already in need of a trim. I know many women who would love to have hair that grows as quick as his does.) Doesn't he look so solemn?

And here's the Baltoid (and my high-fashion footwear). This was in mid-January. He's much larger now, but I haven't got a recent photo to show the enormous change. I'll get one this week, though. He's going to be a beautiful dog. Right now he's still a cute, gangly pup.

But now I need to ask a favor of you all. Would you please post photos of your windows?? I need ideas on trimming them out, and then on curtains. Pretty please? Just leave a note in the comments section w/ a link if you post them! Thanks!

Kiss those babies!

Don't Wait

This summer, Aunt Bonnie and Uncle John were going to come for a visit. We dearly love Aunt Bonnie and Uncle John, and have jealously anticipated any time we could spend with them, whether while we're driving through Oklahoma, or in knowing they are coming here. Friday, I received a call from Aunt Bonnie's daughter. At first, I was so pleasantly surprised to hear from her, but then her voice cracked, and she said, "We lost Mama this morning."

I haven't been able to write about this, and I've been trying since that afternoon. My heart broke. For her family, her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. For her husband and co-conspirator in life. For her friends at the bakery. For me. Aunt Bonnie was loved by everyone she knew.

Aunt Bonnie spent Thursday baking (she loved to bake, and man, she was good at it - renowned in her community for the best cinnamon rolls on earth!) and then she went to the casino to play with a little of her mad money. She died peacefully, in her sleep, sometime during the night. As last days go, that's not bad. I am thankful she did not suffer, and that Uncle John was not subjected to watching the love of his life wither and suffer, as well.

But I was waiting for the weekend to call her. (Don't wait.)

She was waiting for summer to come visit. (Don't wait.)

The last time we talked was only a week ago. She was up to her armpits in baking flour. She was so proud of her daughter, Linda. She was in love with her wonderful great-grandbabies and shared funny stories about the things kids say. She laughingly and happily relayed stories of Bob, who is living a wonderful, crazy, happy cancer-free life in the Northwest. She was excited about their plans for the trip out.

She didn't wait to enjoy her family. She savored every crazy moment. She shared that love with the rest of us. Don't wait... for things to calm down... for things to improve... for things to be 'just so'. Don't. This is the life we have, and it will be what we make of it. Aunt Bonnie knew that, and she shared it with us. So now, I'll share it with you.

Two of my favorite stories of Aunt Bonnie came from my Mom. At one point, when they were young women, Aunt Bonnie was single and Mom was married. They lived next door to one another, and were the dearest of friends (a friendship that lasted a full lifetime - they could get together after a five or ten year hiatus and within two minutes be laughing and giggling like schoolgirls again). Well, Aunt Bonnie would get home from a date and come over to Mom's house and knock on the window to let Mom know she was home. Mom would take the coffee pot and two cups to the spare bedroom, set it up on the bed and she and Aunt Bonnie would sit back there, drinking coffee, laughing, and gabbing until the sun came up.

Another story, from about the same time period, involved two ladies hopped up on caffeine, trying to paint the ceiling in that spare room. Well, Mom was only 5'3", and they didn't have a long roller. So Aunt Bonnie suggested, after watching Mom jump up and down, trying get paint on the ceiling (getting more on herself than anything else) that they push the bed into the middle of the room and jump on that. They did. I think they still got more paint on themselves than anything else (it's difficult to paint straight lines while you're laughing so hard). But in the end, they got the room painted, brought the coffee pot back there, and enjoyed hot coffee and friendship under their freshly painted ceiling.

I couldn't wait for Zorak to meet Aunt Bonnie and Uncle John. He fell in love with both of them just as much as I had. I'm thankful he got to meet her, and enjoy pot upon pot of coffee at her dining table (which looks ever so much like Mom's always did - it's the command center of the home). The boys fell in love with her, and dubbed her Grandma Bonnie. James said she was a lot like his Grandma (my Mom), and that she gave good hugs.

She had a warm home, where one was always welcome. She always said it was carefully decorated in "Early American Yard Sale" (she did love a good deal). If you stayed for a visit of any length, that front door would open more times than you could count and in would file kids, grandkids, and great-grandkids, just stopping by for a visit. It was wonderful. I want a home like that.

I want another year, another visit, another phone call. But they won't come. I will miss that, miss her. So many of us will. But because she didn't wait for life to come her way, because she went out and rounded it up and fed it and passed the coffee freely, those of us who have been left behind will have one another to continue to love and cherish. We'll have coffee together, and while the table won't be quite as full with that one empty spot, it will be okay. We will have laughter together. We will have silence that descends so fiercely and feels so deep it could rend us in two. We will have memories and stories to help mend our hearts. We will have the pain of her loss, but she made our hearts big enough to handle the scar.

This morning, let's raise our cups and toast life, love, and Not Waiting!

I love you, Aunt Bonnie.


Saturday, March 25

When Ya Gotta Sleep...

... Ya Gotta Sleep! (We have no idea how he managed this, but it's certainly a descriptive shot of the life of a toddler: you're on the go. Or you're not. Yes, he was actually standing in front of the futon when sleep overtook him.)

Today was productive, but there was a significant amount of whining going on. I hope it doesn't bleed over into tomorrow. (For the record, it was the boys. Zorak and I were pretty good today.)

The boys spent most of their day getting on one another's nerves. They were just so contrary. It's funny, if you can step back far enough to view it objectively. Zorak and I got to take turns doing that today. I love the tag-team approach to parenting, because it keeps me from getting too focused on the nit-picky things. I can step back and laugh when the child who cried at the mention of having a chicken leg for lunch receives his PB&J sandwich and promptly says, "I'd like some meat with my lunch, please."
"OK," says the unaware subjective parent (in this case, Zorak, which is why I find the anecdote humorous), "What would you like?"

John thought on it for a bit, then perked right up and said,

(Are you ready for it???)

"Chicken would be nice."

Ah, you just can't make that stuff up! And if you don't get the chance to view it from a distance once in a while, it's easy to start thinking they are trying to make you insane. Or that they already have... But no, that's just the process of learning to navigate the world, learning how to bow out gracefully once you've already said or done something less-than-bright, learning how to communicate all those thoughts and feelings and make sense of the mental mush that IS a five-year old's brain. He's doing just fine, and thankfully, so are we.

The master bedroom looks like an actual room. Tomorrow I'll prime the ceiling and Zorak will put the final skim coat on the tape. It can be textured, painted, carpeted, and moved into this week! Yay!

The kitchen received its final coat of paint today, so now all the outlets can stop dangling like gouged out robot eyes and start looking like proper outlets for a change. The makeshift pantries had to be moved away from the walls, so they all got a thorough cleaning, as well. That felt good.

The green in the dining room has grown on us. Thankful for that.

Balto went to the store with us today. He is such a chicken. He wants to ride in the Suburban, but he's afraid to jump in. Then we get home and he's afraid to jump back out. He weighs too much now for me to lift him in and out, so he's simply going to have to get over these little issues of his. However, he's a good traveler once he's in, and he thoroughly enjoyed making the trek with us. I liked having him with us, too. He's a sweet thing, and loyal. He's a good dog.

And on that note, the kitchen is clean, oats are soaking for pancakes in the morning, church clothes are laid out, and it's about time for me to hit the hay so I'm not the weak link in the chain tomorrow morning! I'll leave you with a picture from one of our walks about the property. Zorak and I call this one "Jay and Silent Bob: The Early Years"

Kiss those babies!

Hooked up the Printer: Pics Before Monday

Everyone who has more than one child knows about the growth vortex that seems to suck in the first child the day after you've had your second child, and spits it back out three years larger than it was just yesterday. Well, the vortex got Smidge. My wee, precious, little Smidge.

The boys call this her "worried look" - she makes this face right after they've done one of their run-by smoochings on her unsuspecting forehead. One minute, nothing, the next minute, *smack*. What in the world was that?!?

If you sing to her, you'll get one of these expressions. It'll make you laugh, and she'll revert back to the worried look, above. (If she had actual eyebrows, you could tell they're raised. As it is, you have to go by the Bunnicula peak on her forehead - the whole forehead raises up. Weird.)

This was one of the first smiles we got - back in February. Love those cheeks!

I have no idea what Zorak did to cause her to make this face, but had to capture it.

And whatever it was, he soon remedied that and got one of these grins - this is when she's trying to decide if it's worth an all-out laugh or not, but wants you to keep it up while she decides.

This is how she looks most of the day, now. (Well, only in color, but I couldn't get the color true in the pictures, so there ya go, black and white.)

And here she is, the Proverbial Baby. (Note the absolutely exquisite blanket - a blogging friend made that for her - it's like a lacy cloud. She's lucky I let her borrow it.)

We have received some of the most thoughtful, sweet, and loving gifts for her. I will post photos of her with them soon. Thank you, all, so much!

Kiss those babies!