Sunday, September 16

What We've Been Doing

Pretty much just standing outside, gaping in awe at what September feels like. I had nearly convinced myself that my fond reminiscences of glorious autumnal weather in mid-September was rose-colored revisionist memory. Yeah, it wasn't. This is some Omazing weather!

I get up in the morning, make coffee, open all the doors, grab a sweater, and then work in the chilly morning air. The kids think I am insane. I do not mind if they think that. They'd just better grab a jacket before they come down to the dining room in the morning.

We've been biking regularly. Z bikes to work in the morning and Jase and/or I join him. It's the highlight of his work days, now, and such a fun routine! We go in the evenings, too, which is really nice - head out to watch the sunset, then bike home in the dark. The other evening while we were out, Em said that it's like weather doesn't exist - the air is the perfect temperature for being in without feeling it. That's pretty much it right now, yes.

Kids are getting their school done. I'm getting work done. The house is not actively deteriorating around us, although we've pretty much come to a dead halt on progress. So this may be as good as it gets.

Z took the circular saw to our coffee table. It was just a bit too big for the living space (the couch is too big for the living space, but we're not willing to give that up). Jase and I tried a few staining tricks on it and ended up taking it in a whole different direction. We'll get the glaze on it this week and I'll post pictures -- it's different, but we like it! Also, now there's no crimp point in the living room where people have to skirt by sideways to get through. Very handy.

Today, we went to a silhouette shoot. Emily and Jason both earned pins (you have to knock down a certain amount of targets to get a pin -- I have not earned a pin, yet, LOL). When we did highs and lows tonight, though, the shoot was a universal high and the pins didn't even come up until Z's turn. Them winning their pins was one of his highs.

(Jase does have hearing protection in. It's the plugs rather than ear muffs.) Neat group, and a lot of fun. We weren't really spooled up and ready, but Z's been dying to take us since we landed almost a month ago, so we needed to do it. Honestly, I was impressed by how well everyone rolled with the chaos and helped smooth out the bumps. If we can keep that up in every aspect of life, we'll be pretty good to go!

This coming week is pretty packed, and then on Saturday we're expecting company from AL way! So we're all pretty stoked about everything in general right now.

Be encouraged!
~ Dy

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Sounds like you have settled in well. And I just realized this post was from 2018. Wow! Time flies :(