Monday, September 5

Trouble in the Hidey Hole Again

Boy, ya put a few thousand women in the same virtual room for long enough and they're sure to make things rough on everyone. Feminists like to rail on men for being so "warlike" and "dogmatic" and then scoff at how "they still managed to rule the world for so long". Yeah. Well, catfights can hinder one's desire for world-wide domination. Too much energy, too many civilian casualties, and absolutely no good in the end. Way to run an empire, huh?

So far this week on one of the few boards I frequent, ladies have been attacked for some astounding things: for not agreeing with the Borg (and I don't mean that in the kind way, either); for sharing information; for not wanting to play the blame game in Louisianna; even, *gasp* for telling about a lovely Labor Day With The Family in response to the question, "What're you doing today?"

Esh. I think I'm going to stay away for a while and let them hash it out among themselves. It's not a big deal in the Grand Scheme of Things. I just hate to see it happen. Personal accountability is a rapidly fading thing in all aspects of our society, I fear, and this is but one more example. It's a shame. It really is.

Anyhow, if you're here and looking for some good blog reading, here are a couple I enjoy but just haven't put in my sidebar yet because I'm slightly allergic to messing with my template:
* Check out Cyber Ecology, which you can get to via School @ Home
* Crib Chick, AKA Jill, has great reading, fun discussions, and a wonderful focus on the good things about being a Crib Chick (aka - a hip stay-at-home-mom)



Kim said...

What kind of Borg are they arguing about? Bjorn? Or the ones with the nifty eye wear?

Gem said...

Oh, when people make statements like that, it makes me want to go to that board and see what the hubbub is all about. I think I need to work on that impulse! Plus, I want to know what board NOT to join.

Dy said...

Kim - took me a sec to figure out what "Bjorn" you meant. I immediately thought "Baby Bjorn" and couldn't make heads nor tails of that one! LOL! I mean Borg, as in general collective. :-)

Gem - yeah, I do that, too. Sorry. I really shouldn't say anything, anywhere. No sense in it, but last night I realized I had nowhere to go waste some time and nothing left in the house un-read. Hmpf. :-)


The Crib Chick said...

I'm with you. (And not just because you plugged my blog, lol).

In between seeing the politicalization of a natural *DISASTER* on national television, and the wars on 'The Board', I've been a little dismayed lately. Feeling sorta, I don't know, like asking, 'Where in the world is the civility? Where's the love, y'all?'

Is it too much to ask that we all be diverse and interesting, but yet respectful? Or is there some sort of cyber equivalent to women hanging around together and getting on the same, er, hormonal cycle?

Sorry to use your space to rant...I was just glad to see someone else going, 'What the...?!?'