Wednesday, February 2

What Happened To Your Hair?

James awoke this morning and there was something... well, wrong, with his head. It was his hair, specifically. You see, normally, his hair looks like this (only not green- I don't know what I did wrong with the photo editing- he isn't this hue, really- but this photo is for the texture and lay of the hair, so look at that part):

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See how nicely it all behaves?

But this morning, he had a fuzzy patch on it, right near the top. It was sort of felted and frizzed. It felt like carpet- like old, shag carpet. The rest of his hair didn't do this, just this one little island of fur that developed atop his head. It looks like this (he's not mad in this photo- he's trying to see his hair and also make his regularly scheduled silly photo face- the exertion did him in and we ended up with this expression):

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Do you see the tuft at the top? It's a good half inch high!

Can you tell what happened?

It took me most of the day to finally piece together enough information to make a stunning Sherlock Holmes style discovery.

He was trying to make static electricity last night by rubbing his flannel sheet on his head!! I'm guessing he made quite a lot of electricity, but if he keeps this up he'll have dreds before he's seven! It's time to just give in and build a science lab somewhere in the house, I think.

Kiss those babies!


Staci Eastin said...

That is just too funny. What a neat kid!


Sheila said...

Hmmm.....I'll have to make sure that my older guys don't get this idea. Their hair is hard enough to deal with as it is.

Hee, hee, hee...what a funny kid.

Donna Boucher said...

Well, I know a great trick that your curious son will just love. Do you know the wintergreen life savers sparking trick?

Chew wintergreen life savers in the dark with you mouth open. This makes really cool blue/white sparks!


Anonymous said...

What a great hair style, LOL. At least your son HAS hair. Mine kept saying he wanted almost now hair and now had almost none.

Linda said...

What a hoot! You may have a future electrical engineer on your hands, Dy. :-) Jonathan has a kit called ElectroWiz which includes cool experiments. Maybe James might enjoy the same?

Kim said...

Just keep him away from the batteries!

Seriously, my 12yo (well, he was about 10 at the time) had a strange conglomeration of batteries and circuits and he ended up burning himself. The smell of burnt finger is really gross.

Dy said...

Oh, Kim- I'm afraid!! LOL! I have a healthy, erm, respect for electricity as it is... Yikes!

Linda- thanks for the tip. I'll check it out. He loves all things exploratory, that's for sure! I'm sure he'd love a laboratory all his own (insert evil laugh here).

Donna- sparks AND they can chew w/ their mouths open? We'll have to try that! LOL!

His hair didn't settle down after a good washing, so I bought some leave-in conditioner... I hope that works!


J-Lynn said...

ROFLMBO!!!!! Ohhhh Einstein would have loved James! ;-)

If it makes you feel any better, at Bible study tonight Ryan and some of the older boys there were in the basement with the lights out, rubbing their hair really fast to make sparks on the rug...rofl It's so funny they were both doing this lately.

Kate said...

Oh Dy, aren't boys the BEST? There is just something about them that makes me want to squeeze them when they are funny and little. That second picture is a crack-up.
