Monday, February 7

It's Finally Happened!

John is thoroughly engrossed in Huckleberry Finn!! Oh, I cannot tell you how exciting this is. He cried when Zorak said it was time for bed and they'd have to cut storytime short (James was squirrelly and Jacob was snuffling about for a blanket to bring down to me, so it was quite distracting for everyone).

Zorak brought me the Smidge and explained what happened. "I'm going back up to read more to him," he said, with a smile. I am so thankful that Zorak understands what a wonderful thing this is for John, too. What a cool family.


Mea culpa?

A few years back, when we started homeschooling using The Well-Trained Mind approach, a friend warned me that kids will be kids and even if it's Latin, you've got to keep an eye on them. Yeah, ok, thanks for the head's up. (And I promptly forgot that part.)

Last week, we were in the car when I heard from the back seat a little squeak, followed by some giggles and John's giggly voice, "Mea farto!" The riotous laughter that ensued from the backseat was priceless.

Today, during Latin, James asked, "Since Latin nouns usually end in 'a', wouldn't it be 'mea farta'?" Most of our lesson was on mea/tua and the applications of words that can be both nouns and verbs. And there, ladies and gentlemen, you have a great study of Latin, as it applies when you are six and four.

I love our life.


Things are going well here, in general. We're about due for a restructuring of "how things are done", as it's just plain time for one. This will be good. I've downloaded PearBudget, which the highly esteemed Charlie from Peace Hill Press created. I can't wait to play with it!!

I'd like to track our spending and just make sure the ship is as tight as it can be, that resources are being siphoned off in the right places. While we're doing well and are happy with how we've handled things, I don't think it ever hurts to audit yourself now and again, just to be sure.


Tomorrow night I go in for the Inquisition at church. OK, it's just the Communicant Interviews to transfer membership to the church we've been attending. I look forward to the stability of it, the accountability of it, and to knowing that no matter what the plans are for our stay, we will have a church home. This step will be good.

We really like the congregation and the ministry, but I have to say they have no sense of humor! Pastor was trying fervently to allay my "fears" (or what fears he seemed to think I have about this process -- I guess he doesn't realize yet that I'm not one of those slated to inherit the earth) by explaining that the Session members who oversee the Interviews are all gentle, kind, Godly men. I said, "Oh, that's good. So they don't break out the red robes for this, then?" Silence. Stone cold silence. Finally, a somewhat unsettled, "Um, no."

Well, Zorak thought it was funny.


Have a lovely week, and kiss those babies!


Julie D. said...

I liked Huckleberry Finn much more than Tom Sawyer. I'm glad John is getting into it.

Also, I think if you hang out with the pastor much he's gonna HAVE to acquire a sense of humor! :-)

melissa said...

BWAHAHAH! about the pastor. Is there anything worse than NOT having a sense of humor?? At least you don't have to worry about that in your family. Mea farto? Our kids must be going to the same highly esteemed school of Latin. It's all good. BTW, I told you about jack not bringing his coat on the ski trip. Wellllll....Troy found Savannah's purple coat in the car. Guess who was attempting to snowboard down the slopes in a girls purple coat turned inside-out?!

Staci Eastin said...

Red robes? ROFLOL. That is funny. I know exactly how you feel. It takes a while for people to get to know me and realize that I'm JOKING when I make cracks like that.


Heather said...

Oh the Pastor wouldn't like me at all!!!!! Heehee. Good luck with your interview. I dare you to start chanting at one point, stop and say, wait that was the other religion we were considering ;-)


Anonymous said...

Hi Dy,
You could always share with them your recent Latin lesson...that might lighten things up. We had a similiar play on words the other day. We were talking about what a coupe car was...and my 8 year old started saying Mea Coupa...Mea Coupa....well, we though that was hilarious and it desintigrated from there into real belly, make your side hurt, laughter. Only little boys get that kind of laughter for very little reason. My husband keeps a thankfulness journal ( ala Oprah, only much more "manly" and all....plaid cover) In it he wrote just last week that he is thankful for our boys' uncontrolable giggles. He knows that sooner or later, that type of laughter becomes more guarded in a teenage boy. Thankfully those days are far far away for us.
Take Care

Billi-Jean said...

LOL! Your Latin lesson sounds fun!

My son has been having trouble distinguishing between n's and h's when he reads, and today, he read "shot" as "snot". Of course there were fits of laughter. From then on, he was stopping to check to see if it was a "snot word" or a "shot word".
Kinda gross, but I think he'll remember it ;)

Kim said...

LOL! I love the red robes comment! You'll certainly keep that Pastor on his toes!

I love the "mea farta" also. Last year, my middle child decided he needed to use the Latin-English dictionary to locate the Latin word for...ahem...waste products. He was a little disappointed. I think he was hoping for somethinig more exotic. It was merely "feces." To clinical for him.

Kate said...

Oh Dy,
That is SO funny. You just sound like so much fun. I hope your new church truly appreciates you! (At least your husband does, and that is something important!)
