We haven't posted pictures recently, and I try not to take a ton of load time for those with dial up, but this one just cracks me up. This is Jacob's "OH, that is SO funny!" face.

That shot was taken yesterday at the A&W on the way home from Baltimore. We had a wonderful time at the Inner Harbor, in spite of the traffic and parking issues. It was an enjoyable excursion, as always, and the boys enjoyed sharing their rituals with Zorak (must use the skywalks, must walk through- not around- the Trade Center building, must chase pigeons- tradition is important when you are five and four.) The day did reinforce to us that we're Country Mice, though. It felt very good to put the City behind us and get back to our little corner of the world.
I'm having a difficult time comprehending that we have been here for nearly nine months. We could have had another baby by now! Wow, how does the time go so quickly? To be honest, Zorak's years in college didn't seem to go by nearly this rapidly. But still, here we are, approaching a full year in Maryland, yet it feels like just recently we were in New Mexico, expecting Jacob's arrival, or in Arizona, preparing for Zorak's graduation... it goes too quickly, my friends.
There are no book lists for this week. It's been a week of re-runs around here- enjoyable for us, but not terribly exciting to go on about yet again. I'm still trekking my way through Afghanistan with Josiah Harlan. I can tell you without a doubt that I'd have died three chapters ago. Mine would be a very short book, indeed.
Tomorrow is church, which most of us are looking forward to attending, and then I have got to get some "alone time" with this house before Monday comes a-knockin'! This week's schooling will be very similar to last week. We're moving on in Bible study from Self-Control over the Body to Self-Control over Manners. We'll be working our way through the Doxology in Latin, progressing through our two-week review in math, spending some time with the Phoenicians in History. It should be a fun week! If this cool weather keeps up, we may spend some time exploring the hiking in the area, as well.
Have a wonderful Sunday!
Adorable pic ... thanks for putting it up. I just had to smile when I saw him!
Oh, that is one of the cutest things I've ever seen!! I have to go tell my mom to check it out...going for phone.
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