Sunday, March 25


You get no title, but I'll post pictures. :-) I got up at some unholy hour the other day and figured I'd just run with it, so when the sun began to rise, I grabbed my coffee and camera and went out to take pictures. By the time I stopped wandering about like a lost child in Wonderland, the sun was pretty well up. Oh, well, it was still nice to just be there, in the quiet, the beautiful, sparkling, dewy quiet of it all.

Zorak wasn't feeling well when he went to bed last night, but I figured it was just allergies. (OK, posting flower pictures alongside an illness post, when the flowers aren't in a bedside vase, seems a little wrong. Poor post planning. Sorry 'bout that.) Anyway, he figured it was too much sun. Either way, no biggie. Then he slept pretty late this morning, and when Me-Wa called to see about going fishing, he wasn't up for it. I started to ask why, but then I looked up to see him sitting on a barstool, phone dangling from his hand, just sort of staring at the counter speckles and weaving back and forth. hooboy. That's one sick Daddy.

He went back to bed and hasn't moved all day, save for two brief attempts to eat. Oh, and I'd slip in every few hours to rotate his pillows and get him to sip some water, but he didn't ever really wake up for that. He is SO sick, and so out of it. No fever, just chills, sweating, and total lethargy. I'm terrified to google those specific symptoms, but if he's still like this tomorrow, I plan to drag him to the doctor. At least on the upside, he'll be too weak and exhausted to kick and scream. 8^O

In other news, we are inundated with blooms and buds! The dogwoods and redbuds are all in full bloom, and it's BEAUTIFUL here! We have a lone flower in bloom, down among the bulbs, too. I thought it was a tulip, but the boys checked it out and said they don't think it's a tulip. It does look a little more starry-shaped than tulip-shaped. We'll have to post a photo, though. Whatever it is, it's the kind of flower that makes people say and do silly things in response to it.

Speaking of silly things, I've turned into "that woman". You know, the neophyte gardener, who is just beginning to get a feel for it. Or, as Zorak put it the other day on the drive into town, "Plants have become your Gamecube, you know." (I believe this was after the ninth or tenth time since leaving the property that I pointed and exclaimed, "OH, would you LOOK at THAT tree!" Um, yeah, we live in the south. There's more foliage here than probably anywhere else this side of Cambodia. Pleasant drive for him, I'm sure.) But it's fun, and it's wonderful, and I am *finally* beginning to understand how people can tell the difference between things like bulbs and ivies! It's much, much easier when you live among them, and can get to know them. Delightful!


Jennie C. said...

Hope Zorak is feeling better soon and it's nothing serious.

andie said...

Good grief! Hope he's feeling better soon.

Dy said...

It's 11:30. He's just emerged. He doesn't look a whole lot better, but a 36 hour sleep should have at least bored the virus to death, no? Poor guy - he looks miserable. Thanks for the good wishes. If he keeps improving, I think he may dodge the dragging and doctoring this time.


Melora said...

Poor Zorak. I hope he keeps resting & recovering!
A friend of mine has some tulips that look more pointy on the ends of the petals (sort of star-like) than I thought tulips did. They are red & fairly low to the ground -- very showy! I'm like you with the plants. I keep seeing new trees & bushes that I never saw in Florida, and that are Gorgeous! Apple trees all covered in pink flowers, weeping cherries, etc. The Bradford Pears are now two-toned, with part green leaves & part white flowers. I guess spring is what makes winter worthwhile.

Melora said...

I meant to add that the video of Emily is darling!

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

Praying for Zorak. Hope he's doing better. And love the pics. :) We're not seeing much bloom yet, though the tulips in front of our house are starting to come up.