Wednesday, December 27

Sometimes You Just Can't... locally.

We try. We really do. But sometimes it's just. not. in the cards.

Seven years ago, Zorak ventured into a Christian bookstore to buy me a nice Bible for Christmas. He explained to the saleslady that he's not a believer, but his wife is, and she's very into study, theology, doctrine and history, and he'd like to find something nice. She knew "just the thing", and he came home with a woman's recovery bible! (Because, obviously, any woman who'd marry a non-believer must have been into drugs and prostitution? What in the world???)

Fast-forward to this year. Zorak would like to give me a copy of the Vulgate. He's heard me mention this, and knows it's one of my goals to master Latin to the point that I can enjoy reading the Scriptures in Latin. So, off he goes to the local Christian bookstore, where the following conversation with Bookstore Lady (BL) ensues:

Z: Hi, do you have any Latin Bibles?

BL: Any what?

Z: Latin Bibles.

BL: LATIN Bibles?

Z: Yes.


Z: Yes. Do you carry Latin Bibles?

BL: *blank stare*

Z: You know, the language? Latin?

BL: OH, LATIN. Um... no.

*insert general awkward pause*

BL: I don't think they've ever translated it into Latin.

He left. He bit his tongue and left. And then he couldn't share this story with me until Christmas. But I don't have to wait to share it. Even though my book hasn't arrived yet. Hmpf.

Although, honestly, I am nowhere near competent enough to read it yet. This was on my "one of these days" lists. Technically, I'd asked for a Kitchen Aid Mixer, because making all this bread with a wooden spoon is KILLING my arm, but he wanted to get me something just-for-fun. So, in keeping an honest girl honest, I broke out my Latin (which has been woefully ignored this month) and got back to writing my declensions. He sat down to watch me for a couple of minutes and then suddenly, this panic-stricken look came over this face.

"Oh, this isn't like if you said you wanted to lose weight this year, and then I went and bought you a treadmill, is it?"

*giggle* No, honey. It's not. But even if you had, I'd love you for it. I may not use it, but I'd love you for it. ;-)

And in other gift news...

The boys LOVE their Gamecube. We're allowing free rein for as much of the school break as possible, just in the hope that the stunningly addictive newness will wear off a bit. Then it will go into a more orderly slot. Today, I noticed the boys were getting a bit twitchy with one another, and so I set the timer and we turned the thing off at the *ding*. The boys dispersed to do other things, occasionally meandering back in to ask if they could play one. small. game. (No.)

James brought me a handful of coins and said, "Um, Mom, if I give you... *counting* um, 60 cents, will you let me play a game?"

I had to chuckle. "No," but then I had to ask if that was a bribe or just good old-fashioned entreprenurial thinking. It was a bribe, but after I described what a bribe is, he quietly returned his coins to his piggy bank and wandered off to do something else.

Really, though, they've all handled it very graciously. They let Smidge play and don't ride him about the fact that he goes the wrong way most of the time. He's moving and he's part of the team - he's happy. They don't throw spiky turtle bits at him or point out that he loses every time. They cheer one another on, and take their own hits with good humor. As long as that continues, I'm okay with this thing.

Miss Emily has a Dino Drop-N-Whatever. It's a ball thing with tunnels and lights. Although she loves it without the lights, so hey, that's fewer batteries I have to keep track of. Yay. She is one very happy little girl!

And, now that it's taken me three days to get around to posting about Christmas (I did post this morning, but we had a one-second power outage just as I hit "publish" and the computer went down), I'm going to go play for a bit. Zorak wants to race at Waluigi Stadium!

Kiss those babies!


Anonymous said...

I understand the love of the Game Cube. I love ours. Blake got a Nintedo Wii for Christmas this year and I can see a very messy house in the future while I fine tune my bowling skills. Bribery, hmmm. I wonder if I can bribe the kids to clean while I play?

mere said...

Poor Zorak! To have to hold that inside all that while...Did he whiz around the room like a deflating balloon as he told you that story?

"BL: I don't think they've ever translated it into Latin."

LOL! He must have a tongue of iron! My DH would not have been able to keep silent.

I'm glad you had a merry Christmas.


Anonymous said...

Poor Zorak, having to save that story 'til Christmas. What a hoot! (and what a sweetie he is to brave another encounter with that sales lady!)
T. got a new Gamecube game for Christmas (something about Jimmy Neutron) and spent much of the day playing it. It is sort of addictive.

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful husband you have to pay attention to your interests and shop intelligently!

It is something to treasure when the kids love each other in the process of enjoying their play. It is so encouraging when their friendship is more important to them than winning.

Glad you had a good Christmas!

Laney said...

ROFL!! "I don't think they've ever translated it into Latin." No gold star for *that* Bible lady!

It sounds like you guys had a wonderful celebration!:-)

Anonymous said...

"BL: I don't think they've ever translated it into Latin."

ROFLMAO! Oh, that is priceless.

I've never understood people who get upset about getting a treadmill or an appliance as a gift from a spouse. Ernie and Jared chose a power tool for me one year for my birthday while we were remodelling the kitchen, and I was tickled pink. :)