Tuesday, December 5

So I can close that window

I didn't know where to store this link, so I've had that window up for a week now. So, here it is. The Gov't of Japan, as part of its effort to cut down on refuse and waste, has set recommendations for using fabric to wrap gifts, rather than wrapping paper. The directions for various wraps are contained in this link.




Bob and Claire said...

I read a good hint on someone's blog--she was one of those creative sewing types, and she sewd a bunch of fabric bags of all different sizes in different Christmas materials. Then each person (she has 8 kids) could just pick which size bag fit the present they were "wrapping", tie up the top with ribbon, and then they could be reused every year! One of these years I might get around to doing something like that . . . I'm not holding my breath though, LOL.

Fe said...

A friend has just posted her decision to do the sewn bag idea, so I've included a link. Very timely:-)