Sunday, October 22

General Stuff

OH yeah, after the grandfather comment from earlier in the week, Zorak got carded for beer at the market yesterday! I'd forgotten about that. (Although I did laugh. Quite heartily.) So, go figure. Is he eighteen... or eighty? Dun-da-daaa! He's Chameleon Man!

Today, we worked. We primed and cleaned and moved. We chopped and sorted and stacked. We changed our minds a hundredtybillion times (maybe more) about the Swiss Army Cabinet. We hunted down Patient Mr. Cabinet Man, who has moved to another store and still can't get away from us. (OK, it was a promotion and he gets to work M-F now, rather than "retail hours". I'm pretty sure it wasn't us. Not entirely.) We'll meet with him tomorrow and order us a cabinet of some kind! Wahoo!

Today I burned, er, baked not one loaf of bread, but three, and three batches of cinnamon rolls. Sunday, it turns out, is not a good baking day for me. Most of it was edible. The upside to today's baking fiasco is that we will have bread pudding for breakfast tomorrow, because that's what we do with the failed wheat-free loaves.

The wheat-free loaf would have turned out perfectly, had any one of the six of us in this house had heard the timer beep. Of course, that would have saved the bread that was already in the oven, as well. But, ah, no. And so, two loaves burnt and one loaf overproofed to the point of reaching critical mass and imploding. Zorak has already eaten most of one of the whole wheat loaves I made. Maybe it's a sympathy play. Or one of KathyJo's euphemisms. The cinnamon rolls, actually, weren't "burnt", but they didn't get removed from the muffin tins in time and what was supposed to be the caramel glaze cooled into... a praline-style Gorilla Glue. Ick.

Tomorrow we have three, possibly four, dental appointments. At nine in the morning. I tried to schedule for a Friday so Zorak could go with us, but the office is no longer open on Fridays. Don't know what's up with that, but considering the amount of business they get from our family, I'm thinkin' they could open on Friday, see us all, close up shop as we leave, and make out like bandits. Maybe I'll talk to them about that tomorrow. ;-)

And so, to bed. Tomorrow's going to come way too early!

Kiss those babies!


Becca said...

Oooh, so sorry about the bread debacle. There's nothing worse than investing the time in baked goods and having them not right at the end!

And the 18 to 80 thing? Hilarious!

Becca said...

Oh, and I'm not sure how to email you, but I wanted to say thanks for your great comments. I always feel so uplifted when I see your thoughtful remarks. So thank you!

Anonymous said...

LOL Oh my goodness, Dy, that cracked me up. :) I'm not sure, but I don't think Ernie would eat bread that he considered horrible for any reason. And I'm fairly confident about this since he just said that my first loaves of GF bread were suitable only for building materials. Euphemisms are all well and good, but not when it involves his stomach, apparently. :}

ang said...

Atleast youre baking woman!My oldest daughter is 13 and I have never baked bread :( Do you use a bread machine?

Meliss said...

At first when I checked your blog today, I thought it was strange that you had not posted since Thursday...and then I hit refresh!

That's too funny about the age confusion! People always think my husband is younger than he really is (Me, not so much anymore), but he probably won't get a Grandpa comment until all his hair falls out. Maybe it was the lighting? :)

Melora said...

Too bad about the bread (but bread pudding is wonderful -- I didn't know you could have it for breakfast!).
I imagine that being carded was exactly what Zorak needed, after the grandpa comment. Ed's gotten the grandpa question (which is entirely reasonable, since we Are old enough to have grandkids, especially him), but never carded. It sure would please him, though!
Sounds like you made great strides with the house. I Live for the day that my kitchen is finished.

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! You made bread! I am sure it wasn't nearly as bad as you think it was. Anything homemade from mama is always good. Especially with boys that never cease to amaze me with the bottomless pit their tummies are. (er-or was that the 12 year old daughter I was thinking about...)
It was so great to come over here and catch up. Seems like life is just so busy for me anymore that I'm losing touch with all my friends. I'm sorry I haven't posted much. I'm trying to find that "groove" of which I can function-somehow or another I still can't find it. There's hope though, I see the ever so dim light at the end of the tunnel.