Wednesday, April 27

Too Tired To Blog

And yet, here I sit. Ironic, huh?

The day was relatively productive. Plenty of scrapes and scratches from brambles and twigs, so you know the boys had a good time. More things in boxes, several of which are labeled "misc. toys, boys room". *sigh* I forgot to look under the beds when we packed the toys.

Had to shoo the intrusive feral children from the doorstep several times. Nothing like standing at the neighbor's patio, visiting, only to look up and see the very children you just told not to go into your house, setting their grimy little feet IN your house. When I hauled them up short, they all pretended they didn't know that was our house. (And yes, while they definitely knew it is our house, to them, it's also perfectly acceptable to walk right into a stranger's home, uninvited.) I have to say, I will not miss these children. We've done as well by them as we can, welcoming them to our outdoor BBQ's and other outside activities, trying to share some semblance of normalcy (or at least adult supervision) with them, and encouraging their more positive endeavors. But it's exhausting, and we do get tired of keeping them outside.

The Mistress is still not running. Anybody know why BMW now says to use a different coil ignition system? The official suppliers and such all carry one angular coil that won't fit on the bike; the bike has two cylindrical coils. Anyway, we think the end is in sight. I pray so.

Tranny Guy called Zorak today (hmpf) to say that they ordered special heavy-duty whatever parts to replace the ones that keep failing repeatedly. So. Fine. Good on ya, but do you see a running vehicle parked in our driveway this evening? No. You don't. That's why he called Zorak. Zorak won't yell at people. Supposedly tomorrow morning. Zorak has been given direct instructions to tell the man to call ME if he so much as hints at another delay.

On the upside, Zorak's co-worker kindly took him by the market on the way home. He said we were on the edge of a scurvy outbreak, so they brought fruit- wonderful fruit! And creamer for Mommy, who was on the edge of a caffeine-withdrawl outbreak. Life is once again placid and healthy. YESSSSSSSSS.

Kiss those babies!


melissa said...

Wow. I really am sorry about the transportation situation.

What a great co worker!!

"feral children" BWAHAHAHA! I'm just gonna HAVE to use that one!

Hang in there girl, the end is in sight!

Thom said...

"feral kids"
That is SO funny!
And so remarkably ACCURATE. Every neighborhood has them!

J-Lynn said...

ROFL@feral children. You are so much better than I. I do not pay attention to feral children because I am much too tired for anyone's but my own. ;-)


Anonymous said...

Goodness. We used to have children like that in our neighborhood. Actually only one lived on our street, the rest of the gang were friends of his.
Wouldn't you know, now that he's grown and living somewhere else, his parents are packing up and moving to a neighboring city.
