Tuesday, April 5

One Grass Seed?

Will just one grass seed grow only one blade of grass? A cluster?

I don't know. There's a lot I don't know, and God has given me this child just to keep reminding me of that fact. It's beautiful, really. My Mom would say it's payback, but I prefer to think of it as beautiful.

I will, however, know the answer to this, and probably many other cosmic questions, before he leaves the nest. (Should know about the individual grass seeds in about a week.) How wonderful is that?

Kiss those babies!


Sheila said...

I just dropped by to answer your pressing question.
One grass seed will grow one grass plant. Grass plants have jointed leaves that grow from the base (and not from a terminal bud like most plants) and keep groing until the leaf dies. After producing a single "baby" leaf each grass plant will make several leaves. Technically, one grass seed could eventually cover your whole lawn since the mature pnats put out runners that grow new leaves and roots.
But for experience I can tell you that is HIGHLY unlikely. LOL

And as a closing, I have a poem from botany class.

Sedges have edges,
Rushes are round,
Grasses are jointed
and much abound.

That biology degree is handy afterall.

The Crib Chick said...

Yesss, the questions.

"Mommy, what is 'nature'?"

"Why do you have to get married?"

And my current favorite, which you, Dy, and military moms can surely appreciate,

"Where are we going to live FOREVER?"

Anonymous said...

OOH, that's a question I actually knew the answer to!!!

We just got our first Math U Seee. It's not the beginner level, I think it is Delta. I wonder how it will be since we hadn't used the previous ones?

I'll probably just use it along with our other Math stuff....

CarolynM said...

I received an apple-shaped sun-catcher several years ago which said, "Only God can count the apples in one seed." I'm sure it applies to grass (and children) as well. ;-)