Monday, April 25

Food Fight! (Seriously...) & The Realtor (Rant?)

James has red speckles all over his eye - the eyelid, brow bone, under the eye. They are the kind of spots you get from smacking into something, like a tree or a lichen-covered rock. There's a shadowy tint below the eye, too. It's not quite a black eye, but something obviously happened. I inquired and he filled me in, "Oh, that? Yeah, that's just from when John hit me with a chicken leg."

I couldn't keep the Mommy Composure. Just couldn't.

The most mature, articulate response I could muster was, "That is the WEIRDEST thing I think I've ever heard!" He laughed. It seems that while I was preparing cheese crisps for lunch, there was some kind of disagreement that culminated in a duel. It was all over when the chicken leg came into play. The boys worked it out and they both laughed about it while they told me the story.

Part of me is glad they worked it out between the two of them, eventually, and enjoyed one another for the rest of the day. Part of me is somewhat mortified that my children ever thought this was an option. A chicken leg to the head? Yet another part of me is quietly whispering to the other two, "These are the threads of your children unravelling! The seams will pop soon and it'll be worse than ripping open a beanbag!" That part also includes a very frightening laugh that echoes to the marrow. I'd like to think our familial stitching is strong enough to get them through the topsy-turvy phase, but my prayer tonight is, "Please let this week pass smoothly."

Tranny Guy was sufficiently mortified that we were back (and still under warranty, which is what bothered him the most, I think) and promised to have the Suburban back to us tomorrow at five. Hmmm. That would help. I was as nice as the situation warrants (perhaps moreso), although I did pointedly make the problem of getting all four of us home without the Suburban "their problem". I figure if they don't want to haul us around, then perhaps they ought to do a better job, eh? If it happens again, I'm going to make them swing us by the market, too, because I'm nearly out of creamer again.

Tomorrow, I need to email our realtor. It's nothing big, but I believe there may be a small *do the quote thing with your fingers* communication issue *okay, you can stop now* that needs to be rectified before it explodes into another series of Realtor Rants. It seems that since we mentioned we'd be willing to buy a trailer on acreage and build our own home, she inferred that we must want a new home. So, being the intuitive creature realtors are known to be, she raised the price ceiling we gave her and sent us the listing for "the house you're going to buy, I just know it!" It would leave us with no money for a chicken (one), let alone cattle or fencing for the cattle, it has far less acreage than we want, and it has a monstrousity of a brand spanking new house w/ oak cabinetry (which we so don't really care about). The thing is, if we can't find a great old house that has stories and ghosts and mojo, we want to build our own home and start right then and there with our own stories and ghosts and mojo. We want to infuse them all the way to the foundation. We don't want somebody else's generally contracted cookie cutter house with glamor bath. There is no mojo in a glamor bath! But how to convey this to the realtor species, I don't know.

Anyhow, tomorrow is a huge packing day. We are pleasantly surprised to find that the drawers and the kitchen are all that's left to pack. Bonus!

Kiss those babies!


Anonymous said...

Oh Dy,
I am at the library, and have been laughing so heartily at the chicken leg duel, that I am getting dirty looks!!
They'll make it, they'll be okay!
I hear you about the house- we feel so blessed- there is so much mojo in our 1943 farmhouse, and the kids think it's cool that Mel (previous owner) died here and that his ashes are spread in the back yard. See, we have our own ghost. He also left us with lots of goodies. His brother had parked his mobile home in the driveway for 3 yrs, taking care of Mel when he was sick, and when we bought the house, brother Ken just just took off, leaving us with a house full of stuff, right down to food in the cupboards, and linens in the bathroom.
Yup, lots of good mojo here, I will think good thoughts that you will find your dream house soon.

Amy said...

We had a house with a glamour bath, and boy did it have MOJO. (Suicide, politics, and a room designed specifically for growing pot figure into the story.)

I must sheepishly admit that, the evil Amy wants the realtor to send you some more swanky, expensive, mojo-less listings, because, well, I have enjoyed your realtor rants to date. Perhaps because they ring so true!!!

Did ya get a picture of the shiner? Please tell me you did!

J-Lynn said...

ROFL@LB laughing at the library! And LOL@the chicken leg! Kids keep life interesting and light-hearted!

I hope you find your Addams family home soon! ;-)

Kim said...

Well, I have nothing to match the chicken leg thing with my boys. The closest thing to a chicken leg in the face that I've experiences is a popsicle across the cheek, and thankfully it was outside!

Anonymous said...

Yay you're like, totally back!

Concerning realtors, the commission is bigger on glamour home than mobile home. Here is the conversation AK never let me have with any of our realtors: "I understand your desire to make money with your commission and I respect it. I want to make it clear to you that you will make MORE money from me by listening to me and abiding by my words than you will by pushing me in other directions. For example, if you listened to what I said about what I wanted in a home you might have found me a home and made a commission already. If you show me one more home that does not meet my stated needs, we will move on and you will make no commission ever."

Is Chicken Fighting one of those new Extreme Sports? Does a kid get much exercise doing it?

Anonymous said...

J. Martin has a valid point about the food fight right of passage thing.... just be glad they're only using chicken legs- I can still remember a mustard-laden paring knife whizzing past my face and into the wall behind me- my mom was *soooo* mad at the time, but only recently patched the funny little hole it made.

Jules said...

I love reading your blog! It's always good for a laugh.
I soooo get your desire to have a home with a history- stories to tell. I am also turned off by the cookie-cutter homes that have no character or uniqueness. You will find one and if you don't, building your own is the next best thing! Good luck.

Sheila said...

The great Chicken leg battle. Hee, hee, hee...that makes my Commadore Belly Button story pales by comparison. I think the family will be fine. It takes great kids to have a chicken leg battle. The fact they worked it out on their own just proves they are being raised just fine.

No mojo at all in our house but we do have the Interpretive Wetlands park and the "mayors."
No realtor advice. We stink at both buying and selling.

Laney said...

We have some history here. The previous owner used to make his own moonshine, yes I said moonshine in the basement. When we were finishing the basement we found the still. I was afraid we were going to find a body, LOL!!

Our house is 85 years old and we have no closets. This presents a problem for a gal with waayyy too many pairs of shoes!


Donna Boucher said...

Sounds like Animal House meets Classical Adventures :o)

Food fight!!!

I'm happy to hear you are safe and sound...well...kinda sound!

Missed you,

Anonymous said...

Puppdaddy said...
Yay you're like, totally back!

I couldn't have said it better myself.

I think the previous owner died in my dining room. Something about that large stain in the carpeting. My bil told us we should have tried to get the house discounted. Evidently there is a 'death in the house' rule. Yeah, real nice, the guy dies and then stick it to the widow.

Your hubby would have liked the antique, convertible, orange, T-bird parked in the backyard garage. We liked to come to the house just to see that amazing car.

Have fun with the boys and whatever you do don't feed them a big ole porterhouse steak.

Anonymous said...

Love Janet

Emily said...

I can't wait until my boys are old enough to wield chicken legs! Really, that is too funny! I can just picture it.

And, AMEN to ghosts and mojo! We have lived in almost every circumstance and house-type imaginable. We now have ghosts and mojo, and we love it!!