Tuesday, May 27


Here's a sillcock. This one has all the goodies in ours: anti-siphon, freeze proof, metal ears. It's one of those things you just don't give much thought to, until it leaks, or breaks, or... you don't have one.

Life. Is. Good.

Kiss those babies!


Jennie C. said...

I was wondering, too. So it's a spigot?

H said...

I had no idea what a sillcock was!

The picture is something we always called a spigot or a "hose faucet." probably because we had no idea the thing had a proper name.


Dy said...

OK, from what I understand, the spigot is the faucet part - might call it the valve. The sillcock is the entire apparatus that extends back into the wall to tie into the water, and connects the spigot to the whole shebang. Although, technically, the sillcock includes the spigot. Clear as mud? :-) Oh, the weird things we learn! LOL.

andie said...

Ah. So it's a "hose hooker" (Leo, of course.)

Anonymous said...

More teachable moments ~ who doesn't love that?!

Thanks for sharing. I'm so unlearned I never gave thought to what was behind the wall of the "spigot" we see when we "hose hook" as Leo says:)

Thanks for teaching, and sharing,


Melora said...

Ah ha! Okay, we have a couple of those, but I didn't know they had a name.