Thursday, January 10

Project Blogging?

Well, it's a project of sorts. :-) Meet Heinrich*:

We ran the gauntlet (literally - I will never set foot in an OB's office again after that nightmare) in order to see his little spine (perfect!), the four chambers of his heart (beautiful!), his full little bladder (lookin' good!), and... F. Murray Abraham!Do you see him in there, lurking behind my child, in the upper left corner? Why is he in there? How did he get in there? Huh. You'd think I'd be bigger.

And this is about the only recognizable shot we got of wee little Heinrich. The OB did the ultrasound. After waiting two hours past our appointment time, and being treated like pariahs, the u/s tech walked out on us without a word before even starting the u/s. (And we hadn't even complained or whined! We were stoked to be there, in the actual room, to see the baby, and focused on being positive!) The OB didn't know what he was doing, and had a very difficult time of it. And he made it clear, too.

Like I said, not a pleasant experience. That wasn't the worst of it, by a long shot, though, and at least in the end, we saw the important things and feel comfortable that there'll be no need for a specialist on hand at the birth. So, all systems are a "Go" and we'll get better pictures when he arrives in March! What an amazing experience, no matter how many times you do it.
Kiss those babies!

*No, we're not really calling him Heinrich. But until we land on a name, this will have to do.


J-Lynn said...

I'm so excited for you guys!!! The F. Murray thing? A little creepy but hysterical. If your son comes out reciting Shakespeare I'm running for the hills. LOL I'm sure there have been stranger guardian angels. ;-)

So glad it's a healthy, happy little baby boy and I'm really sorry for the way you were treated.

The Classical Circus said...


That's really, really funny.

Maybe that's why the ultrasound tech walked out. They could sense there was something different about your womb ;o).


mere said...

Oh, that is just too weird.

Someday he'll see this actor and say to you , "Ya know, there's something familiar about that guy..." Of course it is very dark in there, but still...It makes me wonder how babies in utero might be entertaining themselves.

Congratulations, again!

andie said...

That's just....oh, my. Has Kathy Jo seen this?! Gah!

But the baby is adorable. Little Jname Andrew Zorakson. ;)

Spinneretta said...

LOL I think the F. Murray thing is definitely creepy! But the baby is cute!! ;)

~ V ~ said...

You should send a link to this post to his agent.

That is just too funny!

Congratulations on the healthy (and probably highly entertained) baby!

Jennie C. said...

Why on earth did the staff treat you so?!

At any rate, I'm glad you got to see the baby! I love ultrasounds. Though that other guy looking over the baby's shoulder is kinda creepy. :-)

Donna Boucher said...

Oh Dy.
So that's where F. Murray has gone since Amadaus :o)


I think this needs nationwide the Virgin Mary on a piece of toast :o)

How's about Wolfgang for wee one.

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

So was the entire office really TWO HOURS behind? Or were they ignoring you? And if so, why? Just because you aren't the standard sort of patient?

Dy said...

Oh, Emily, they were ignoring us. The lobby filled and emptied several times over while we waited. They were pretty blatant in their attitude toward us. It was ugly. :-(

melissa said...

BWAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Too funny. Congratulations! A boy!! Glad that everything went- well....anyway, glad that it's over and that little Heinrich is healthy. SO great to catch up with you again today!

Bridget said...

That's awful about your ob experience but to get to see the baby had to be very exciting.
The guy in the background was kind of creepy though.

Anonymous said...

The National Enquirer should be calling any moment now...


The photos of the kids working on the coat rack project are so cute. What a darling, prolific family you have there!

Can't wait for March to see more of Heinrich. And F. Murray.

Happy new year, Dy!

(Lynne, who is borrowing Jorge's computer and cannot remember her autofilled Blogger username...)

Emily said...

AWWW!!! Little "Heinrich" looks just perfect (and so does F. Murray).

You should learn to make more of a scene at the doctor's offices. I once presented a doctor with an itemized bill I had written up
while I was waiting for him to see me. It was my attempt to show him my time was just as valuable as his. (I never got paid)

Another trick is to keep bugging the receptionist and hover at the window. It really creeps them out and they will beg the nurse to call your name.

And it always helps to take a poll in the the waiting room as to who else has been waiting a long time. And ask questions like "Is it always like this??" You know, work up an angry mob.

I've got dozens of tricks and am a huge embarrassment to The Dude.
I am afraid our name is well known throughout our local medical community, but we rarely ever have to wait anymore :)

Congrats to you guys! I am envious of you in your final stages!!

Laney said...


I'm glad you decided against Heinrich. I can just hear the nickname now, C'mere, Heiny!

Oy vey!


Melora said...

Sorry your visit was so unpleasant, but Oh My Goodness, how bizarre that image is! Little not-Heinrich is very cute, though! Ed once had an image of a woman we didn't recognize show up in a spinal column MRI, but it is much cooler to have someone you recognize, even if he is smoking.

Anonymous said...

Oh pictures! I just love u/s pictures. Baby H is already cute as a bug.
I'm so sorry you had to wait so long and were treated so poorly. What a terrible experience. Nobody (and I mean nobody) deserves that kind of treatment.
Now get some rest mama! You've been quite the industrious gal. Did ya forget yer growin' a baby? :-)


momanna98 said...

Awww.... another boy.... We just had our ultrasound, didn't find out, and haven't posted pics yet.... ;-)

andie said...

I'm taking Emily to *all* my doctor appointments from now on! LOL

BGK said...

What a sweet baby! I laughed out loud... F. Murray Abraham!

I too avoid the OB office like the plague.

Anonymous said...

awwww :) So glad everything is great with your baby except for the whole mans face in your uterus! lol to funny! We get to see our little one and find out the gender this thursday I cant wait. It will be a tie breaker as I have 2 boys and 2 girls.
