Friday, August 10

Still Hot!

We went to the Space & Rocket Museum yesterday, all prepped and ready for a full day of exploring in the air conditioned building. We made it one hour before two of the children decided we didn't really mean it when we said not to wander off. They wandered off. I felt a blood vessel pop in the back of my head. And we left.

Eventually, children grow up and learn that you mean what you say. (As long as you really do mean what you say.) But honestly, sometimes consistency is no fun, even for the grown ups. I wanted to ride on the motion thingy, too! Ah, well, I do look forward to going back sometime. And I'm willing to bet there will be no deviation from the rules when we do. So, there's that to look forward to.

We had the pretense of a storm come through this afternoon. It toyed with us, hovering above us with its impressive Black Clouds, hammering all sorts of thunder at us. We quivvered with anticipation, and got... more humidity. *sigh* Oh, well, it was exciting while it lasted.

The guys did get the new ladder up on the barn. It's now Smidge-accessible. Yay! Looks great, too. (From what I've heard - I haven't actually gone down there. It's hot, don't you know?)

Then we decided, eh, what's five liters of water when the meter says we've already gone through 400 gallons today, and ran a test launch of the newest water rocket design. Good stuff. Sadly, it seems I am completely incapable of using the video feature on our camera. So, all you get is this:

The boys were quite proud of their work, and really thrilled with the end results. Good job, everyone!! The cousins don't know it yet, but we'll be sending this puppy home with them. It's nice to have a little something to show off what you've done over the summer, right?

They're all at the quarry right now. Hopefully, heading home so that James can eat, change, and make it to football practice. Smidge and EmBaby are out. cold. Poor little things. It's like watching miniature dachsunds try to keep up with Great Danes. The nap should do them wonders. I know it's reviving me considerably. (And oh, momanna98, I *do* get tired. I've been a walking zombie all week. We won't speak of the cranky part, though. That's, um, classified information. *grin*) The kitchen is clean, whites are sorted, food is ready, and I'm going to curl up on the couch with a fresh cup o'joe and a book!

Kiss those babies!


Melora said...

That rocket looks like a wonderful hot weather activity! But where's the recipe?

mere said...

I was watching that and I kept hearing "Ewww, Ewww" and I thought "What has S.J. gotten into now?" and then I realized that was Emily.

Too cute!

Nice job on the rocket my boys want to build one.


Dy said...

Mere, that's so funny. Yes, that was Em - she thought they made quite a mess.

Melora, I will try to get Zorak to share the recipe. I tried to follow it through R&D, but it was too convoluted for my summer brain to handle. :-) They loved it - I guess they took it to the quarry today, too, and it was such a big hit that Zorak and the boys are going to build one as a permanent addition to the quarry-stuff. Cool!


Jennie C. said...

How much more humid can it actually get?! The weather man says it's 100% humid over here, but it doesn't rain. It just looks all grey and heavy and sickly. We've been having rainless thunderstorms here, too.