Saturday, August 4

Mystery Update. :-O

Well, there was zero water usage during the night. None. Numbers didn't move one iota between 2:00 and 6:55 this morning. Five hours, no activity.

That pretty much rules out a leak.

So far today, we have run one load of wash (12.5 gallons) and one load of dishes (7.5 gallons). Patrick has watered the garden (10 gallons - he filled a five-gallon bucket twice).

The meter reads 130 gallons.

There is, obviously, a problem.


Did we mention the power pole comes onto our property and the transformer splits it in our front yard, over to our house and to the neighbors' home? Yeah, if we want to move our transformer, or make any changes that will affect our neighbors' power, we'd have to pay to have poles and a transformer set for them on their property. Grandfathered situations, family property and such, being what they are.

There were two other structures on this place at one time, both with power, water, and septic. Makes me wonder what else is tied to our utilities...

We can't find our neighbors' meter anywhere on the road.

Interesting stuff, isn't it?


Jennie C. said...

Very interesting, indeed. And frustrating, too.

Staci Eastin said...

Oh, my. I hope you get it solved soon.

Laney said...

I read the details of your plight to Kevin and he said if you need help with the power lines or anything to call us. He is a lineman by trade, 'member? :-)

Dude. That's a whole lotta H2O. Whatcha been washing? The laundry of your county's homeless population?

mere said...

Ooooh the suspense!

It sounds very fishy to me. Sort of like our neighbors trying to switch their maggoty trash can with if!

FYI this has inspired DH and I to evaluate our household usage. See you're just making all kinds of ripples this week! ;-)


Dee Paolina said...

Dig a well and go off the grid.

Jessica said...

Hmm... a neighbor infested thing... well, these types of 'conundrums' are definitely exasperating...

J-Lynn said...

I wouldn't put it past them.