Thursday, August 16


Five of six are stricken with some kind of Tremors-like intestinal parasite. It hit... while we were at the market. (Grocery day, what better day to catch the plague?)

We stopped at the sporting goods store and started to run in (and I do mean r-u-n) to grab a new chin strap, when I opened the back door to find one child curled in a ball, crying silently. "My neck hurts."

Ack! Meningitis! Possibly Malaria! Wait, does malaria cause a stiff neck? No. Yellow fever? Hmmm. Wait, is it on the inside or the outside? "The inside, where I swallow." Oh. *phew* That's alright, then, isn't it?

Sprite, crackers, rice, and hot tea for all of us. Throat lozenges for the achy one. Doctor can see us en masse tomorrow at eleven. God bless that man.

But I didn't get a chair. We couldn't all stand still for that long. Ah, well, perhaps tomorrow.

Kiss those babies!


Spinneretta said...

I do hope your lot get better soon.
In the meantime, lots of tea and hugs. Better get working on those herbal remedy classes huh? :)


Jennie C. said...

Oh, no! I hope it's one of those twenty four hour bugs and they're all better quickly!

"My neck hurts" is secret code, in our house at least, for "I'm about to vomit all over everything within a five foot radius". I'm glad it's just a sore throat in yours!

mere said...

That sounds awful! Take care and get lots of rest, and yes, God bless that doctor!


Staci Eastin said...

My youngest says "my neck hurts" when he has a sore throat. And the first time he did that to me I freaked out about meningitis, too.

Hope you feel better soon.

Needleroozer said...

Oh yucky. I am sorry you guys got hit with that. Feel better really soon.

Melora said...

Feel better! It must be nice to have enough medical knowledge to know the symptoms for various serious ailments! (another reason that a Real Home Economics course would be useful!).

Amy in Orlando said...

Feel better!

Jenni said...

Ooh, you said that evil "m" word. That is a scary one for me. I hope you all are feeling better soon.

I have something for you on my blog.

Bridget said...

I hope you all are feeling better. Blake says the same thing when his throat hurts, my neck hurts.

Consent of the Governed said...

Hope you are all better soon.

andie said...

Oh, no! I hope they feel better soon! I hope it's a low-key resting sort of sick for Mom. (Yeah, so maybe I am selfish. But I've also been Holder of the Bucket zipping between three and four and five children. I much prefer Tucker of Covers and Changer of Videos type of bugs. Sue me.)

Laura said...

Praying for you all!