Monday, August 20

Mystery... Solved

OK, so the Great Water Mystery of '07 seems to be coming to an end. I can't believe it.

I first blogged about it here. With an update, here. And I blogged when my mental capacity for logical reasoning was put to the test.

Today I went to the Water Co. to pay our past-due bill (because even under protest, you've got to pay it or they'll turn it off, and that wouldn't do any of us any good!) The counter lady finally let me talk to the maintenance guy. He was great. He ran his own numbers and tried to give me the, "Well, we're a household of four, and we use 143 gallons a day." Song. Dance. Whatever. I asked whether all four people shower daily? (Yep.) And he waters his garden, no? (Yes.) And his lawn? (Oh, um, why yes.) And does he, by chance, have a pool? (Yeah, yeah we do.) Well, then he listened to OUR water habits and it clicked. From that point, on, he was very helpful in helping me figure out how to find the problem.

We walked through all of the things to look for, and how we've already looked for them. Down to using the cell phones while one of us stood at the meter and watched as the other one said, "OK, I'm flushing the toilet now." Or "OK, I'm filling a one gallon jug right now." The meter works, down to the gallons. (It might have an error of <10%, which isn't something we can do anything about.)

I steeled myself, and asked, "Could you give me the reading for 123 Forever Home Rd.?" They pulled it up. There's no account for that address. There IS an account for 127 Forever Home Rd., but it's not active. Been listed as "vacant" for a couple of years. (On the county GIS, 127 IS the house next to ours. I don't know why their mail box says 123.)

The silence in the office was painfully loud, as the implications of this information sank in. People looked at one another and raised their eyebrows. I stood there, praying for all I'm worth, that none of the people standing there are related to either of the families historically associated with this property.

EmBaby broke the silence by slamming into the glass door and yelling at the baby who'd hit her in the face. Then the maintenance guy, with one look around (as if for confirmation or the go-ahead) raised an eyebrow at me and said, "So, um, can you go out of town for a week, or so? You know, lock your meter with a padlock when you go."

That broke the spell. The room erupted in nervous chuckles, and the knowing looks as people said, "Well, we know the C's and the H's, don't we?"

There's no well on the neighbors' property, so they aren't getting their water from a well, and now we know they aren't getting it from the county.

The general consensus is that we've been paying for their water all along. And that they knew it. They had theirs turned off sometime before we bought the place. With the shared power lines, and all of the other "oddities" we've encountered so far. (Strange cars in our meadow, down by the water lines, the barbed wire and tree stumps and spray paint across the drive, the guy who switched out our meter not able to say where the neighbors' meter was at the time, the water never being turned off while we were negotiating the purchase, it goes on and on... one oddity after another, all compiling to make it look like our neighbors are, well, less than stellar citizens. Certainly not good neighbors.)

I was able to choke out, "Well, 'not being from around here,' I never know when I'm about to step into a hornet's nest. But yes, that was our original thought." Nobody jumped me for it. They said from our records, our logs, the reputation that family has for grifting and such, along with everything else we've shown, it's almost a certainty that the neighbors are tapped into our water line.



Well, good to know I'm not imagining things. Or thinking we're so water-savvy, when, in fact, we're water-sucking buffaloes. That's good.

So why doesn't the knot in my stomach feel any smaller? Hmpf.

I'm gonna go kiss my babies, and try to remind them that they are always, always responsible for their actions. Be truthful, be kind, be diligent. It's so, so important.



Jennie C. said...

So what happens now? Do you have to have a confrontation with your neighbors or is the water company going to take care of it? Will you get a credit for water paid for but not used? Is there going to be legal action? ACK! The unanswered questions are driving me crazy!

Needleroozer said...

Wow! I am with Jennie- so many unanswered questions as to what is next.

H said...

Wait, so the water company knows your neighbors?

Will they pursue this? Will they help you at all in fixing this? Is there any way to make sure that if you dig lines again they won't tap into THOSE?

Are your neighbors sucking your power too?

They put barbed wire and tree stumps across *their* drive? Why? So no one could come to their house?

How soon can you dig new lines?

Ugh! I'm glad you solved the mystery, but... sheesh!

Rebel said...

Hmmm...I'm just dumbfounded. I don't know what to say. Will ANY action be taken against them? How will you prevent it from happening again? I would LOVE to be a fly on their wall when they suddenly have no water!

Spinneretta said...

I have been waiting with bated breath for this...
and now... now what???
I do hope you get it sorted soon, it is VERY unfair to have grifters next door who are intent on sucking up your dreams from the forever home!

I'm VERY indignant for you!!

hornblower said...

Oh Dy, how awful. You're the victims of theft. That's a horrible feeling. I hope the water co rolls back your charges & goes after the nasty neighbours.

Here's an article from a recent Birmingham paper about water theft:

The word prosecution has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

I'm with everyone else: what happens next?

I'm so glad that at least the water company is on your side now. That has to be a relief.

Dy said...

I don't know what's next. Of course, I want to make it clear to them that they. cannot. do this. Zorak has a much gentler approach. It leaves us with no actual recourse, and them with no actual accountability, although it does "avoid a range war", which is his goal.

To be honest, I don't like his plan much at all. But he's a much better person than I am. I was proud of myself for nixing my inner dialogue (it involved mild food poisoning in the water line where it Tees off, and then shutting the water off for three days) and recommending we contact the county police and file a theft report. He paled a bit at the police recommendation. It's probably a good thing I didn't bring up that first one, huh? LOL!

Best bet is to calm down. Breathe in. Breathe out. Do the right thing, whatever that may be, and move on. We'll figure something out tonight, though, and I'll let y'all know.

Thanks for your support and encouragement. It means a lot right now.


Jennie C. said...

Davey's like that, too. I'd like to burn 'em at the stake, but he says it's all water under the bridge. Frustrating, but he, too, is a better person than I. Looking forward to hearing the plan, though.

Anonymous said...

Yea, me too. You've managed to write this so well that I feel like it's a mystery novel and I'm left wondering what's going to happen in the next chapter!

Emily said...

WOW! WOW!! Water thieving neighbors??

I don't think I could let this go without a knock on the neighbor's door.

Of course, we are the same family who dumped a load of dirty diapers along with a note "Thanks for scaring the s*&! out of our kid!" on a family's front porch steps one Halloween. This was after their teenage hoodlums had purposely scared the crap out of Q when he was 3YO. *tee-hee* (that one still makes me giggle!)

Staci Eastin said...

I don't claim to be a better person, just a bigger chicken. I would avoid the confrontation just because I wouldn't want to deal with the awkward run-ins at the grocery store.

Not saying that Zorak is a chicken - he's probably being noble and forgiving. I'm just chicken.

mere said...

Oh, how frustrating. I'm like you.. I was instantly thinking of ways to get'em. Like shooting "zen" arrows towards their property with copies of your water bill attached, or something to that effect, just to let them know that you are on to them...but then I started hearing "dueling banjos" in my brain...and well, that is probably not such a great idea.

I'd do a new water line, and let the county handle the rest.

It'll all work out.


Jules said...

Wow! The nerve of some people!

I am glad you got things figured out- and it sounds like the water people are with you and not against you, which is a good thing.

I will wait to hear what happens next. (Don't tell Zorak but I think the food poisoning idea was a grand plan) ;)

Anonymous said...

OH. MY. GOODNESS. That is just horrifying. I am SO sorry. I certainly hope the water company DOES something. I hope that you can have some peace. I don't honestly know how I would handle such a thing. GOB. SMACKED.

SO sorry, Dy.
Hugs to you,

Consent of the Governed said...

Hmm.. I guess the best thing to do is take that family off as dependents on your income tax :)

Good luck, and I hope you get this resolved quickly and peacefully.

Ernest said...

I'd found out what kind of people they are before I acted. Do they have a history of violence or just petty theft?

Also, I'd drop by their house tomorrow and make some polite conversation. I'd let them know that they're going to be hearing lots of gunfire for the next few days because you and your whole family really enjoy shooting your handguns and it's necessary to keep up the skills in case there's ever an intruder or unwanted threat to your family, but they shouldn't be alarmed because you won't be shooting their direction.

When I consider this, neighbors who actually know how to tap into water lines and do these things probably aren't bad neighbors at all. They have a certain set of ... survival skills ... that may come in handy to you as a neighbor. After the whole gun thing gets straightened out, it might be enough to let them know that, while you can appreciate them "sticking it to the man" (Water Company), you are not "the man" and if they try and stick it to you then there will be trouble.

I'd also give a call to the water company and make SURE they are going to pursue action on this. Consider the Water Co's usual scumbag corporate position on this ... as far as they know, your water-grifters are a bunch of scumbag hillbillies who couldn't actually pay for their water, so the Water Co. may be quite content to let sleeping dogs lie since YOU are actually paying for it.

Barbara said...

I certainly hope a sheriff is involved!

Anonymous said...

from the beginning i wondered if you had an extra splice in your line. - What a PITA! I would be so annoyed too - and breathing fire. Dh would would be just like Zorak. good luck!


Needleroozer said...

This has nothing (yet everything) to do with this water problem, but stop by my blog when you get a chance- I have something to acknowledge you for.

Anonymous said...

Boy, if you ever need a posse, you know where to find all of us. :-)

I sure hope this terrible mess gets straightened out without bloodshed or dueling banjos heard in this distance. (just kidding)

Can't wait to hear what happens next


The Queen said...

Omigosh. This is better than TV. Except that I really wish Zorak were more into the food poisoning idea. And I wish it didn't involve any real money on your end. Which it totally does. {{{hug}}}

Stephanie not in TX said...

Wow. Dy. Wow. Ernie's right, check their history first. I can understand what Zorak's thinking, but I would so be at the police, pronto.

Bob and Claire said...

Wow! Well, I am glad you solved the mystery and know that you are not crazy, LOL. Perhaps you could write a mystery book series on water issues? Sure to be thrillers! Keep us posted--I feel like I have a lot invested in this by how eagerly I wait for more details. I am also totally and completely amazed by what some people think is okay to do. Wow.

Anonymous said...

Wow that is so totally wrong!!I hope they have to refund you what you paid for their water!

Spinneretta said...

Ernie is right, I say do what he says ;)

Meliss said...

Wow. I'm so sorry. I ditto all of Hillary's questions. I like Ernie's suggestions. Maybe Zorak could grow a really bushy beard and practice a crazed look before the visit and the gunfire.

I hope the thieving stops sooner rather than later.