Tuesday, July 8

Sibling Differences

I feel like Jane Goodall, but without the smell. Or fear of being attacked by my subjects.

EmBaby stands directly in front of the TV, blocking the boys' view of the screen. They all respond so differently:

James: EmBaby, scootch over here out of the way, please. Down in front, Baby.

John: *sigh* Moooooove, Emily. *sigh* Please.

Smidge: I can make her move. *evil cackle*

Yet when it's Smidge who is in the way, it's a different scenario entirely:

James: Smidge, moveit.


Emily: I can make him move. *evil cackle*

(Well, perhaps not "entirely" different...)

They aren't usually this abrupt with one another, which is good. It's just the "down in front" thing that seems to irritate them. (And they do have to re-request if they put it like this. The rule being, "Would you happily comply with a request someone made of you in that tone? If not, then try again, please.") They'll willing help one another with most things. They split treats evenly and without being asked to. They include everyone in their outings and adventures. They do try to antagonize one another on occasion, seemingly for the fun of it (although I've found there's usually some underlying point that's niggling away at the antagonist and since he/she can't quite articulate it, it comes out in huffing and posturing and nose-picking). But for the most part, they're very good to each other.

Yet, I remember a time when the boys were so deferential toward Smidge. Now, he's just another pup in the litter. Already, I can see that EmBaby is losing her Preferred Sibling status. Everybody warned me that once the babies are mobile, they loose their cute-factor, but it seems that in our house, it's not when they can move, it's when they can argue that the siblings tip them off the pedestal. Weird.

However, I've also noticed that once the sibling has been tipped off the pedestal, that's when the real fun begins. That's when he (or she) is considered an equal in all things play, gets a vote in the tribal concessions, gets a storefront in the front yard. That's about the same time the newly-dethroned sibling starts clearing his/her own spot at the table without being reminded, gets to pick a table-setting chore (which the boys allow without any territorial nitpicking) and gains access to the "special things" of the others. (Each child has things over which he has sharing veto power, and it seems to become a non-issue to share with the ex-baby at some unspoken point.)

It's all very interesting, actually. The dynamics of sibling interaction fascinate me. Have you noticed trends and patterns in how your children interact?

Kiss those babies!


Anonymous said...

heh - my kids dont say DOWN IN FRONT they say I CANT SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. and my response is always- "What do YOU need to do to make your situation better? then we get to JOHN! MOVE! which of course brings out the "No let's try, John would you please move?"

i love watching the dynamics of who plays with who. the youngers still are the passive end fo that for the most part. but fun to watch the dynamics shift. First week of summer break Adam and John were fighting like crazy and II had instituted the rule that those fighting/srguing BOTH had to go upstairs for XX time. Anyhow I yelled up they could come down and Adam said "But we're playing together now! We dont want to come down!" Hee hee! It worked!

Back to your post - I always notice when the Exbaby becomes the Ex - is when they work through that transition stage of knowingly pushing their brother's buttons.

Jennie C. said...

Hm. I've noticed that the ones who are the closest are also the ones who quarrel the most, which is hard to do around here anyway, because I don't allow much quarreling. "Your sister/brother is your best friend!" I always remind them. Because they are. Those siblings will always love you no matter how badly you mess up, no matter how annoying you get, no matter...whatever. This comes from having strained relationships with my own sisters, so I really, really emphasize the point. :-)

The Crib Chick said...

Yep, I've noticed the "no longer The Baby" dynamic.

I've had to remind the Big Kids of how they used to treat a smaller sibling when that particular kid was "The Baby"...and it is fascinating how dramatically it changes when former Baby becomes just another one of the bigger gang.

What will be interesting is seeing how the Last Baby fares. The buck has got to stop somewhere, lol. *Someone* has to be the Baby to end all Babies. :-)

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

Another end to the baby mode is when they discover that since this person can now actually talk, he can break a tie in a vote.