Monday, February 6

The Remodel That Will Not End

I am determined to paint every room in this house YELLOW! This is ironic, as I'm not a big fan of yellow. You'd think I'd go buy a different color? But no. I buy a different shade of yellow. Brilliant.

At least the first bedroom is now painted and has two outlet covers. Zorak hung a door. The room looks very inviting.

For being yellow.


Miss Emily is a bit colicky. Yes, I've switched to decaf (and, as that tastes like crap, I'm also down to maybe three cups a day... exponential decrease in consumption!) Cut out onions, not drinking dairy. Sling? Check. Baby massage? Check. Soothing baths? Check. Soon we will be introducing her to the joy that is Captain Morgan...

Upon the arrival of our fourth colicky infant, we have come to the realization that colick is a lot like the flu. You can do x, y, and z and it'll go away in so many weeks. Or, you can just suck it up and it'll be gone in about the same time. Either way, you're not gettin' any sleep, privacy, or peace and quiet from sundown to sunup for the next month.


Other than that, though, she's a lovely baby. Nurses well, quite alert. She's as strong as James was as a baby - holding her head up and steady, lifting her torso by grabbing our fingers and pulling hard. She's healthy and precious, and we're all very much in love.

The boys are great. They're getting more attention than they did the entire last trimester, so that's been wonderful for all of us.

Balto has more than doubled in size since Christmas. He's HUGE. Happy, and still not the brightest of the bunch, but a good dog. He hasn't messed in the foyer in a while, and he's figuring out how to play fetch. We just take it easy, go slow, and work with his attention span (which happens to be on par with the boys' attention spans, so that's convenient!)

OK, well, I'm sorry I've been quiet. I've been a zombie, to be honest, and zombie-blogging can get a little creepy. So I've spared y'all that spectacle and will try to blog more regularly (or at least around the latest blogger outage - next one scheduled for this evening!) and will be reading when I can. If I miss something good, let me know, okay?

Kiss those babies! (I'm going to go be productive while mine is sleeping!)


L said...

By productive, I'm hoping you mean napping :)

Wish you lived a little closer so I could walk the halls a bit for you. Elle was the only colicky one we had and it was not easy...

Melora said...

Sorry about the colic thing. We were lucky in that regard, so I have no words of wisdom at all. I hope you start getting to sleep again soon!
I think the right yellow can be lovely. We have a couple rooms painted green, and our master bedroom is lavender, and I never would have thought I'd have lavender or green rooms. Yellow must just be the Right color for your rooms, even though it hasn't previously been a favorite of yours!
I'm glad that Balto is growing into a big dog. The only picture I saw of him was when he was cute and little. We have a big, dumb dog too. I've heard that really smart dogs, like border collies, are more challenging to live with, so maybe having a dog of ordinary intellect is a blessing!

Emily said...

Here's wishing you some shut-eye really soon. I know there is zippy fun in the house when baby is not happy!

On the dog front, having owned our share of dogs we have learned the best and most loyal dogs are the "dumb" ones. Stick it out and you will not regret it.

(Our dog, Stella, is really smart.)


Anonymous said...

Hmm...tried swaddling? At the very least, messing with the blankets is a distraction til it passes whenever-it-would-have-anyhow. :) Rest when you can!

Laney said...

Bwhahaha, Captain Morgan??? LOL

I remember when Joe was a baby, he wasn't colicky, he just thought that midmight was the time to parrtay!! He would get up every 30-40 minutes and I would get up with him so that Kevin could get some sleep.

After about 8 nights of this, I was ready to scream! Kevin got up with me at one point because I was crying. He came in the room and said, Why are you crying? I told him that the window was looking good right about now. He calmy asked, For you? Or for the baby?

I replied, For me. He gently nodded his head and went back to bed.

A little while later, when I was back in bed and I knew that Kevin was asleep, I kicked him in the butt and then I asked him why *he* was crying.

True story!

Sheila said...

Random thoughts
We have a dumb dog. He's 12 and still acts like a puppy. He's the Mick Jagger of dogs. (He can't get no Satisfaction either.)
He learned to fetch though. He can't keep it up as long as he used to. (He *is* getting old.) He can also sit and shake hands. He doesn't know were he lives though and he won't come in from the rain.
But he is sweet.

Headphones helped with Colic. The boys cried anyway but I could listen to good music.

And by the way yellow is a fine color to paint the house. If you are looking for other yellow options, might I reccommend Behr's Pismo Dunes or Havanna Cream. ;)

Gem said...

I'm so glad I didn't know about your 4 colicky babies when I had my third child. #2 was terribly colicky. Add to that the stress of Ezzo teaching that says there is no such thing as colic, you're just doing it wrong. I comforted myself when I was pregnant with the fact that I didn't know anyone who had more than one colicky baby. Anyone who ever had a horror story about a colicky baby -- that I ever heard -- only had the one. So I was confident that Little D wouldn't be colicky. And, blessing of blessings, he wasn't. I'm so sorry that you haven't had the same experience! I pray that it will be over soon!!!