Tuesday, February 7

Primer Tonight

OK, as exciting as this is, yes, I'd rather be saying "Prime Rib tonight", but alas, I'll take what I can get.

The boys' room is textured. I'm signing off here to finish the outlets and ceiling fan as soon as I blog this (because I'm really excited and the boys just. don't. care. anymore. - but I had to tell someone!)

Zorak can hang the ceiling fan and connect the wires in the attic tonight!

The Very Nice Carpet Lady comes tomorrow to give us a firm quote and arrange installation dates. (I'm tellin' ya - be nice to my kids, say kind things about them, and cough up the quarters for them to have a candy from your parent-trap machine by the door before we leave, and I'm buying something from you!)

And then I can get them OUT of the school room! And bring up *maniacal laughter* BOOKSHELVES, and BOOKS to put on them! And we can start eyeballing the walls in that room, deciding textures and paints for it! And did I mention they'll be OUT OF THERE?

Alright, those who know me know that it isn't about having a school room. And it's only partly about having the bookshelves up and out of the basement (although that's a pretty big Partly...) But my true joy is in knowing that one day soon I can make coffee in the morning IN PEACE! Zorak can stoke the fire without assistance at six in the morning! Why will this blessing be bestowed upon us?

Because they will no longer be camped in the adjacent space! They will no longer know that I am up. Oh, sure, they may still sense it, but they cannot prove it without getting up and out from under their warm covers, and plodding down the hallway (why did we show them the lights in the hallway are working now???) to verify that we are up. No more will they hear the world's noisiest faucet filling my coffee pot, and ascertain that The Breakfast Fixer is, indeed, up and about by merely opening one eye and peering from beneath the covers.

So. We may get a few mornings of quiet mumbling and grunting over coffee before Zorak leaves for work.

Don't get me wrong. I do love my children. I love their enthusiasm and energy. It's just that I can appreciate it a bit more when I've had a moment to compose myself, pee in private, and suck down a cup o' decaf whilst pretending it's triple espresso with white chocolate and whipped cream. Really.

Ok, I'm off to finish working!

Kiss those babies!


pilgrimama said...

Yay Dy! Simple Abundance, huh? Marcella

Heather said...

You want to have six more hands to help with that fire? LOL. I understand what you are looking for, peace. Perhaps by the time you are 50 you can pee by yourself.


Randi said...

I need at least an hour of quiet time before I am ready to be with my kiddos. I love them tremondously but I am way to crabby if I jump right into my day with them!

J-Lynn said...

I read primer like you got a new phonics program or something...LOL

I'm so glad it's all coming together! Can't wait to visit!

Amber said...

Yay! I am so looking forward to the pictures someday! *grin* And the possibility of bookshelves, with actual books on them soon - ah, that sounds lovely!

I can completely understand about wanting to get up at least a little bit before the munchkins... I went through a period when I was pregnant where my daughter was always waking me up and that was just a little much for my poor groggy mind to handle. I'm a much better mommy when I've had a little time to compose myself in the morning!

Melora said...

Wow! How exciting! I know what you mean about preferring to drink one's coffee (of whatever variety) and have a few minutes of tranquility before the littles arise, and I only have two little ones. I do hope you will post pictures (in your spare time!).

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

LOL at the peeing in private. I've got it down to only one child who simply must follow me to the bathroom now. So I started changing his diaper in there now since he walks in willingly-- much better than having to chase him down. I'll take my blessings where they fall.

Thom said...

Yay for you! Another Forever Home goal about to be reached. Hard work is always SOOOO worth it in the end. :0)

Emily said...

I can so relate to the need for peaceful morning. I swear our boys have planted alarms in our bedroom that go off as soon as our feet hit the floor. They come bounding out of their room all happy and cheery! Who does that?!?! In the morning?!?!
I love my kids too and really enjoy them, even more so after at least one cup of coffee ;)

Congrats on the continued progress!
