Monday, February 27

More Progress on the House

We rearranged the living room over the weekend - brought up the couch, put the futon and the stereo into the school room, moved a bookshelf. The living room looks much better - more along the lines of the cabin retreat look we were shooting for. The wood stove must go as soon as the weather warms up. Although we positioned it to take up as little space as possible, it's gargantuan and takes up a huge chunk smack in the middle of a wall. Next winter we'll put in a smaller, more efficient (and attractive) one that will fit nicely in the corner.

Balto spent a good portion of the day roaming free in the house. No accidents. Yay! He wanted to go out on the balcony, but it freaked him out. I don't know if the banister gave him the same sensation cattle guards give cows, or what, but that was one twitchy dog for about an hour and a half. He'd get the front paws on the balcony, then bolt back into the house. In his panicked retreat, he smacked his head on more than one door jamb. But, oh, how he wanted to come out there with us! So he'd try again, make it maybe five feet onto the deck and then scamper like a scalded cat (which, on an animal his size is an amazing feat) back into the house. We just loved on him and tried to encourage him without making him more hyper (it doesn't take much, he's a little spastic.) When we sat down for lunch, he disappeared. Zorak went looking for him (we both had images of the dog gleefully peeing all over the carpet in the boys' room) and found him splayed out on the balcony, soaking up the sun. I guess he conquered his fears in order to claim that tasty little spot of warmth and comfort. Sometimes it's worth is, no?

Emily was right when she called this the ick that has taken over the nation! It seems to have hit everyone we know, from California to Maryland. It's amazing what a rough winter this has been for sinus and respiratory illnesses. I'm glad we've got company, though, as it lets us know that this is normal and we haven't damned the boys to living with some kind of illness for having moved into this place. (Not glad y'all are sick, too, it's just, well, you know. *ahem* Get better soon, everyone!)

Now that the basement has been cleared a little, we can finish clearing out the Tool Room this week and get started rebuilding it come payday! I almost cannot believe we're that close. We could have the master bedroom functioning by the beginning of March! Holy Batcrap, Batman! That makes me giddy!

Oh! Oh! I made a frivilous purchase at Lowe's yesterday! For the first time since this project began, I got to go down the "yuppie homeowner fun stuff" aisle! I bought the boys a closet organizer! The cashier probably thought I'd OD'd on anti-depressants for post partum depression. Picture Laney, buying shoes - brand name, 75% off, and "just what she needed" - that was me, yesterday. What FUN! Of course, now I've gotta figure out how to install the stoopid thing, but still, we are getting so close to Normal that I can taste it!

And speaking of Normal, I've got youngin's to tend to and wash to bring in. Time to go be a grown up and enjoy all the blessings this life offers! Have a wonderful, fantastic Monday, everyone!

Kiss those babies!


Needleroozer said...

Wow! So glad you are feeling better! So cool that you guys are so very close. GUess that means we really can come visit you this summer, cuz you'll have a guest room by then!
Have a great day,

Stephanie Ozenne said...

I know just where you're coming from... My husband installed a closet organizer in my (3 year old) son's room a few months ago - it is AMAZING how much stuff that thing can soak up.

pilgrimama said...

Oh,Dy! I am So HAPPY for you! Normal is soooo nice. It must have felt so good to have the mental space to think about making "frivolous" purchases:) Marcella

Emily said...

Your progress sounds wonderful!! I cannot wait to see pictures.

And this closet organizer thingy...I am going to have to look into those. All of our closets look like a bomb was set off in them.

Keep plugging along the road to normalville!


Amy said...

Well, I thought I made a comment, and I'm sure you'd have let it through, I didn't use any curse words or insult Emily or anything like that.

Anyway, I was warning you, beware of the YHOFS Aisle. It has ruined fortunes, I'm sure of it.

We had a two dogs named Saba and Garcia early in our marriage - about 120 lbs each. Saba refused to go up the deckstairs out back. He would go down, but since the risers were just open, I guess it looked to him like climbing on thin air and he wouldn't do it. Garcia would run up and down, taunting Saba, while Saba stood whimpering with his front paws on the first step. We had to take him around to the front door every single time.

I'm really glad Balto conquered his fear to find his sunny spot. Every dog should have one.

Dy said...

Oh, Amy, that's funny! Poor dog.

Em, when I read "normalville", the image of Dr. Kellogg, in "The Road to Wellville" popped into my head. Have you seen that movie? I sure hope Normalville and Wellville are nowhere near one another! LOL!

Thanks, guys. Normal does feel incredibly good. There's even a dinosaur and several PVC pipes that have taken up residence in the bathtub! YAY!
