Monday, March 21

The Gatekeeper

Zorak has instituted a new bedtime ritual that the boys love: in order to get to their beds, they must first pass The Gatekeeper (which you must say in a deep and booming voice, or it just doesn't come off quite right) by answering a riddle.

The laughter that tumbles down the stairs is priceless. I know he does it for them, but what it does for me, to hear that laughter as their last little sounds before they turn out the lights... wow.

Zorak the Gatekeeper, reason #8,566,974 that I'm so in love with this guy!

Kiss those babies!

1 comment:

Julie D. said...

That is a really great idea! (As long as he doesn't need to know if it is a European or African swallow! You've got to be a Monty Python fan to get that...)