Wednesday, February 13

23 degrees and snowing

Well, John says it's snowing. To me, the world just looks mildly blurry, more like I might need glasses than anything else. But hey, if the 7-year-old says it's snow, I'm bound to trust his opinion. Young boys are, certainly, more highly attuned to "the presence of snow" than 30-something women who wear cardigans and wool socks and have no vested interest in snow as long as they don't have to go out in it.

Now, however, I'd like to know why Smidge is surprised that his Thomas sandals don't keep him warm. Three times, I said, "Put on socks, and your warm, brown shoes." Three times. And three times he slipped out the back door in a stinkin' t-shirt and summer sandals without socks. Now he doesn't want to go out "because it's too cold". Well, no kidding, genius! Gah. (I hate to sound curt, but seriously, this child has already contributed more than his fair share to the growth of the Klingon bump between my eyebrows.) I do have hope, since he's not Toddler Insane anymore, but still - why? WHY on EARTH would Mom tell you to wear socks and warm shoes? Or, heaven forbid, get down your big blue coat rather than your green fleece hoodie? Because she doesn't like you? Because she likes to torture you? *snort* Obviously.

And the fact that John's out there in boots, a coat, hat and gloves, having a glorious time? Certainly, that must be proof that he's simply given up on standing his ground. John's gone and caved to the Evil Maternal Empire.

That's okay. The myopic snowfall isn't really quite sticking, and it won't last long. As soon as the temps come above freezing, we'll be heading to the store for yummy things like bananas and milk and eggs. And then, I won't seem so evil, and he (wearing a coat and warm shoes at that point) won't seem so revolutionarily insane, and all will be well with our world. Sometimes it pays to have the same attention span and short-term memory as your younger children. :-)

I just have to remember to give the list to James before we head out, or we'll come home with a random hodge-podge of things we probably don't need.

I'm so thankful I didn't have all five children in one fell swoop. The staggered ages help me keep things in perspective. The little ones are cute, I mean really cute. Those great big eyes and top-heavy head:body ratio can make even the most criminal-feeling behavior seem surmountable and give you hope. They remind me that the big ones looked like that once, and that makes me smile, makes me remember that it'll be gone all too quickly.

The big ones, well, they simply aren't insane anymore. They have the ability to reason and discourse (not that they always use it, but they do have the ability, and I cling to that). They make better decisions on a more regular basis, and can usually spot their bad decisions with very little prompting or explaining. They are helpful and funny. The think it's funny when we tell them that they did the same things the littles are doing now. That, too, gives me hope, and makes me smile.

Kiss those babies!


Urban Mom said...

The conversation between you and your little one sounds like ones between my husband and me. I whine about it being cold, it scolds me to put on another layer instead of the t-shirt I'm wearing. I guess I think that I'm somehow insisting that the weather adjust to ME instead of the other way around. Ah well. My sympathies to the munchking. (ha ha)

melissa said...

A lot of it IS all in the perspective, isn't it? My baby is 10 now, so yeah- it really DOES go by fast. You always do such a good job of remembering to stop, breathe, and just appreciate where everyone IS right now. I love that.

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

So the fact that my one year old and nearly three year old are currently driving me nuts - this will pass? ;) I am counting the days until they're old enough to be reasonable!

mere said...

I would love to see snow! How fun for the kids, even if it doesn't stick.

Have fun!


Melora said...

I have snow envy! Our weather report suggested that we might conceiveably have snow on Sunday, but I don't believe a word they say anymore. My parents are Buried in snow in Maine (well, their house is buried, although they still seem pretty perky inside it), and now you have snow in Alabama? Where is the justice?

Neither of my kids will dress for these frigid northern temperatures (i.e. 30's -40's). They go out in shorts & flip flops. I'm not sure their cold receptors work right.

Jenni said...

Um, so, by the time they're 17, 15, 13, and 11, they aren't supposed to be insane any more? Wait, how old are your two oldest? Maybe there was a brief moment in there when they were that age and were actually sane. Now they're all teenagers except the baby and she's going down hill fast. Don't blink, Dy!;o)

Dy said...

ROFLOL Jenni! This is where I put my fingers in my ears and run around yelling, "I'M NOT LISTENING!!! LA LA LA LA LAAAAA!"

Melora, cold receptors. That's funny. I've noticed that the kids have adapted to the climate here far better than we have. No snow envy, though. It didn't quite stick. I've learned that when it snows here, you must let them play in the actual snowfall b/c it won't stay long enough to play in once the flakes stop coming down. It's taken three winters to adjust to this approach, but so far, so good. :-)

Emily, it will pass. It will pass so quickly, you won't believe it. They'll still make you insane, but in new ways that make the current ways seem quaint and adorable. ;-)

Melissa, you do a good job of reminding those of us still in the lower trenches that it will be OKAY. I can't tell you how much *I* appreciate that! Plus, you make what's coming look so thoroughly enjoyable. :-)

Urban Mom, LOL - I'll pass along the sympathies. Heaven knows he didn't get any from anyone here, so he'll love knowing *somebody* gets it. :-)


Jules said...

LOL! Evil Maternal Empire? Is that what it's called? I love it!

My older kids also enjoy hearing that they did some of the same things that Anna is doing right now. And just looking at them, and how fast it has gone, makes me enjoy her all the more.