Thursday, September 13

Well, that didn't work so well.

You know, we've kept the shopvac out for our daily vacuum jobs on the laminate floors. It's more efficient than sweeping, and does a better job than our "normal" vacuum does on the bare floors. One of these days I'll buy the carpet attachment for it, and then I can do away entirely with the "normal" vacuum. In the meantime, however, it's just my hard floor vacuum.

Well, one of the things I *love* about the shopvac is that it will suck up ANYTHING, from about six inches away from the opening of the hose. That makes it so easy to get into the crevices and crannies, beneath the tea cart and the corner hutch... just, easy.

One of the things I *don't* love about the shopvac is that it will suck up ANYTHING, from about six inches away from the opening of the hose. That means I may have to sieve through the bin before dumping it, in order to retrieve stray socks, tinker toys, chess pieces, and matchbox cars (man, can those things move, though, when they fly across the floor to the hose! It's quite a sight, really. Kinda fun, too, but don't tell the boys that.)

Ok, I don't actually try to suck up the toys. But there are so many of them. And they're small. And my eyesight isn't what it used to be. Nor are my reflexes (which were never stellar to begin with). And so, most of the time, it's the clunk-rattle-schlooop, followed by the kathunk-thud-thud of a solid object pinging it's way up the hose that alerts me to the fact that I've just sucked up Something That Oughtn't Be Sucked Up. I sucked up something just the other day, as a matter of fact. But it didn't have the distinctive sound of any previously identified objects. So I didn't really worry about it.

And now, we cannot find the key to the corner hutch.

I wonder if Rigid sells a 1/4" screen attachment for the floor attachments? Might be a good investment on their part. I can't be the only one who uses the shopvac for daily cleaning? (Andie, back me up, here!)

Well, it's grocery day, so I'll handle that, and then, perhaps, Zorak will take pity on me and check out the shopvac this evening? I'd probably better make sure supper is FANTASTIC, huh?

Kiss those babies!


Stephanie S said...

Wow. This one really made me laugh, Dy. I know what you mean about those things being powerful. Why can't they put that power into a normal vacuum, anyhow?

Anonymous said...

So, I just LOVE IT!!!! I think Maddy almost wet herself laughing! Another plus about the shop is a WET/dry thing.

Unknown said...

You may have just given me a wonderful idea of how to get the girls to pick up all those choking hazards, I mean toys, that they leave around. I keep telling them that if they don't pick them up I will toss them, but then I don't really want to pick them up either. Tomorrow I may just drag in the shop vac....


Anonymous said...

While Zorak's looking, he better make sure there isn't a little Smidge in there. :)

Melora said...

I have enough trouble with sucking up socks and unravelled pieces of carpet with the regular vacuum (which, oddly, will Not pick up large crumbs of food, no matter how many times I go over them). I'm sure a good supper will help Zorak see that digging through the ShopVac is just how he wants to spend a little of his evening!

momanna98 said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my shop vac!! It stays in the basement, but when I do haul it up here, I get a little carried away... I even spontaneously cleaned under my fridge! hehe...