Friday, September 14

Vaccines, delays, and disease, Oh, my!

Thanks to the threads recently at the WTM forums, I found this article on delayed vaccinations. It includes a suggested schedule, as well, which is why I'm including it here. Sometimes it's difficult to get an idea for the "how" or the "what now" once you've come to a point where you say, "OK, that's not going to work." Hopefully, if you're looking for more information, this will help.

Kiss those babies!


Jennie C. said...

(sigh) Penelope is late for her round of vaccinations. All the other kids were vaccinated mostly on schedule. I haven't noticed any major side effects, but I've always worried, with good reason, I suppose. I hate fighting with the establishment, though.

Thanks for the link, even though you just made my life a little bit harder. :-)

Amy said...

Dy, did you see this update to that schedule?

Thought you'd be interested.


Dy said...

Jennie, gosh, when I was hoping to help, this wasn't quite what I had in mind. ;-) Oh, kiss that sweet Penelope for me!

Amy, no, I wasn't aware of the update to it. In the back of my mind, as I read, I kept remembering discussions I've had w/ friends who have had increasing difficulties finding doctors who can obtain the single dose vaccines. This is more information to have on hand.

Unfortunately, I don't see consumers being able to bring significant pressure to bear on the phramaceutical companies to produce something that goes so stringently against the governmental "guidelines" that control the medical dispersal situation. I miss living in a free market. *sigh*


Jennie C. said...

I kissed her all right, right under her arm, and it made her giggle. Then I got to reading. Sometimes, I wish I didn't read so much. About a year ago, I found I have to be careful of vaccinations because they are made from the stem cells of aborted babies. Now I have to worry about serious health issues. And I already was worrying, it was just vague. One of my kids, I can't remember quite which, had an obvious personality change after either the 4 or 6 month shots.

So, I'm curious. I know you haven't had Embaby vaccinated yet. Are you going to? Are waiting till she's two?

Dy said...

Jennie, in theory, we're waiting until she is "at least two". In reality, James (9 next week) is the only one who has had a full complement of vaccines for the first year. John is seven, and he had a few when he was three. Neither Smidge nor EmBaby have had any thus far. I do need to get tetanus, at the very least, for all of them except Em. The tetanus is truly the only one I worry about making certain they get. I'd like to find single-dose M's, M's, & R's, all broken up nicely. *shrug* But that's easier said than done.

James had a reaction. A series of reactions. It was scary. Nobody, from the ped's office to the CDC, would listen. I cannot trust an agency that does not have my child's best interests at heart. I cannot trust an entity that will manipulate the citizens in order to promote agendas that may, or may not, be above board. I've seen first-hand that The Powers That Be fall into both categories, with regard to vaccinations.

And so, we have four children. One is fully vaccinated. That one had trouble, and, while it's mild (relatively speaking) I suspect the residual issues will follow him for the rest of his life. It wasn't worth it, imho. They'll have to come up with a better sales pitch than the scare tactics that have been presented so far. (Or, I suppose, they'll offer up universal care, mandate it, and take my children from me one day for not adhering to the State Approved Good Parenting Seal.)

No matter what you, or I, or any of us decide to do, these are our children, and we must make the best decisions we can for OUR OWN children, our families, our circumstances, and our needs. You'll figure out how you want to go about it, and you'll make the best choice for your little ones.

Of course, on the flip side, Zorak's been vaccinated against MMR something like three times more than he should have been (don't make the guy in processing mad or he'll lose your shot record!) and he's been vaccinated against Yellow Fever, not once, but twice!

Jules said...

Thanks for this great article!

I had qualms about vaccinating my babies but I did it anyway because I didn't know how to get more information than what my Dr. was telling me.

When Joshua was a toddler, his same-age cousin was diagnosed with Autism and I started noticing some autistic-type behaviors in him as well. That's when I hit the research hard and decided no more shots for anyone, ever.

Anna has not been vaccinated and I was wondering about the Tetanus vaccine. That is the only one I would want her to have only because we live on an old farmstead and there are rusty nails and such continually poking up through the dirt. Just today Jeremy found a rusty old pitchfork behind the barn! This article was really helpful for me in thinking this through so thank you again!

Jennie C. said...

Yeah, David has a shot record a mile long. He's been avoiding the small pox one, because it makes him contagious, and obviously the rest of us aren't vaccinated against it. I'm not sure if they gave it to him when he arrived overseas. I think they did. Even if he can prove he already got them, though, they give him a fresh round of vaccinations every time he deploys. And they always make him sick.