Monday, September 24

Come again?

This morning, while the littles and I were cleaning out the car, Smidge- whose speech is nowhere near "clear", at the best of times - was rattling away, just chatting to all of us in no particular order, when I heard him say, quite clearly,
"Oh, I do love marijuana! I love it even when we are all in the car!"

In my most eloquent form of paralysis, I responded, "I... uh... what???"

He repeated himself, "I love marijuana! I do love it SOOO much!"

*gag* *choke* *cough* "Um... James? What on earth is he talking about? Why would he say he loves marijuana?" (Not that I should have any reason for suspecting James to be the resident pot pusher, but he's usually pretty good about cluing me in to what I missed in the conversation.)

James burst out laughing, and said,
"No, Mom! Not 'marijuana'. He said, 'Medal of Honor'."

Oh. Well, okay, then.
Ah, kiss those babies!


H said...

LOL! You libertarians with your guns and your drugs..... ;)

Now, though, I must ask - what is "Medal of Honor?" Is it a movie? Are you watching it in your car? Or does he just think about that often. :)

Way to go James! You may have a future as a translator.

Dy said...

*snort* OK, that made me laugh aloud, Hillary! Medal of Honor is a WWII video game Zorak found while he was in college. He loves it. The boys love it. I take it as an excuse to go hide in my room and read. :-)

mere said...

Hilarious! Oh, the things they say...


Anonymous said...

Oh that is *so* funny. I love things like that. Usually the ones that come from our little ones I cannot put on my blog! LOL They don't mean to say what they say, at all, but boy, they are something! :+)

Congratulations on the new life growing! I am so very happy for you. What a family for he/she to be joining. May God keep you and he/she healthy and strong - and may your sickness not be too bad!! :+)

Hug that cutie pie baby girl for me! She is just edible in the post below this one. :+)

L said...

Oh, Dy. Oh, dear Smidge. That is just too, too funny.

And with Hillary's comments, we all had a very big laugh.

Is it wrong to wish that marble-mouth stage would last a while longer?

Emily said...


(Quentin is our translator for W).