Tuesday, July 3

Six O'Clock and All's Well. I think.

I know beggars can't be choosers, but really, why did I agree to an 8:30 in-town appointment and a 1:00 in-town appointment on the same day, two days before payday? In the middle of the hot'n'sticky summer? Oh. That's right, because the children need to see the dentist, and this was the soonest we could get them in. Right, then.

So, it's six o'clock, and I'm up. Dressed. Slowly feeling the caffeine drip kick in. Staring at the kitchen, thinking I should have made bread last night, and wondering how bad the mid-day meltdown would be if the boys didn't get protein with their breakfast... Stoopid birds have been up and at it for two hours already. This might be why they don't live long.

OK, so I'm no longer a morning person. I might be, if I got to bed earlier last night, but I had paperwork to shred and finances to fuss over. It's probably a good thing we don't have a cow or a goat yet because I'm afraid it'd explode before we got down to the barn to milk in the mornings. It's going to take a lot of work to get into a more agrarian-friendly schedule. A. Lot. Of. Work.

And while I'm sitting here, looking suspiciously around at My Life, I've got to ask, "How can it be July 3 already? Where'd that come from?" It seemed such a long time away when I made the appointments. Really it did. But, here it is again, that time warp thing. OK, we have books, paper, diapers, snacks, water. Packed and good to go.

I guess all that's left to do is rally the troops. That'll be fun. James came out last night around ten with his eyes wide open and a tortured look on his face as he said, "Mom, I get what you mean now about the tooth grinding driving you nuts. It's bad in there!" Heh. I know, kiddo. I know. So I let him lay down in our room to fall asleep. We waited and waited. He popped out at eleven with a bottle of calamine lotion - the Missing Bottle of Calamine Lotion. He found it "behind the nightstand"... (Um, sweetie, I hate to point this out in such a short manner, but why, exactly, were you behind the nightstand at eleven o'clock at night? Do you like being miserable or did you think I was joking about waking you up three hours before you normally arise in the morning?) Judging by the look on his face, that never dawned on him. He went straight to bed, and to sleep. But I still don't relish waking that one up this morning.

Well, perhaps the smell of sausage will lure them out... or I could just set fire to something in the hallway and hope the smoke alarms do the trick? Hmm. This could be fun. Ok, I'm off!

Kiss those babies!


Jennie C. said...

Well, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who schedules "town" trips (to Savannah in our case) for right after payday!

Have a good day, anyway.

Rebel said...

Of course, a town trip is more fun after payday, but I'll bet your clan makes their own fun wherever they go. Drink lots of coffee and enjoy.

Needleroozer said...

Hang in there! I hope you can find something fun to do between appointments.
I hear you on the shopping/errands AFTER payday. Isn't that what we all do?

Melora said...

When the wait for an appointment is months long, you take what you can get, eh? I hope they did okay.

You made me laugh with your exploding cow! Livestock would have similar trouble at our place. I have hinted to Ed about chickens ('cause all homeschoolers have to have chickens), and he always looks appalled.

Bob and Claire said...

Wow, 8:30 . . . that is so early! I know we couldn't do it. I'm impressed that you even think you can manage it! We are not a morning family, LOL. We are so happy that our new church doesn't start until 10:30. THAT we can make!