Monday, July 2

Oh fun!

Got this in my email.

We thought you'd like to know that we shipped your items, and that this completes your order.

Yeah, that was nice to know.

This is downright euphoric.

Kiss those babies!


Melora said...

Ooooo! How exciting! Was this Rainbow Resources or Amazon? A few years ago, I ordered with RR and had to wait practically forever for them to complete my order, but I think I'm going to give them another go this year.

Dy said...

Ahhh, unfortunately, no RR order has been placed yet. I'm trying to pare it down to some magic point where I can get free shipping and simultaneously *not* give my husband a stroke. I need to do what KathyJo did - print out the tuition schedule at Highlands Latin School. Yup.

BUT, it's toner, which is the next best thing. Kinda sorta. :-)


Melora said...

I've been playing around with the same thing. I got to $141 and needed just a little more, then I read the Curriculum Board (WTM) and suddenly was at $160. Neither one thrills Ed right now, even when I point out how awfully much we would be saving over paying shipping from several companies. I'll have to look up tuition fees at private schools (though this is less compelling when there is a school directly across the street).

Good on the toner!

J-Lynn said...

Oooooh you got me excited, I thought it was RR! ;-)