Wednesday, July 27

Why not? (House stuff)

Well, remember that I wrote yesterday that we were approved for a loan on the Forever Home? Yeah. Strike that. I mean, we're still approved. We're good-to-go. But not on that property. Or, rather, not that much property. They won't do a mortgage at X-amount for the full acreage, but might do it for the same money on a third of the acreage... I'm not sure where the hold up is or what is to be done about it. To be honest, I don't see the logic in this process and neither do any of the loan officers I've spoken with today.

My morning began with this phone call:

Mtg. Guy 2: Hi, Mrs. E. I need to get more information from you about this property. I don't know why, but it seems we can't do 84 acres. We can do 30, if the owners will gift you the remaining acreage...

Me: What?

Mtg. Guy 2: Well, it seems we just can't do a mortgage for a house with that much land on it.

Me: Not even for a farm loan?

Mtg. Guy 2: No. It's too much land. I really don't know what the problem is.

Me: Well, that's ok. I appreciate your call, but Mtg. Guy 1 at Company A said we can do it, so we'll go with them.

Mtg. Guy 2: Um, that's who told me we can't.

Me: Guy 1?!?

Mtg. Guy 2: No, some other guy, from the Birmingham office of Company A. He's in charge of what we can do, and he's the one who said that 30 acres is the best we can do on this.

Me: Um... let me call Mtg. Guy 1 and see if he knows anything about this. I'll get back with you.

The next five hours are a series of phone calls to Company A, Companies C through Q, realtor, Jess, the pastor, and Zorak. There was a half hour hyperventilation break in there somewhere.

I finally tracked Mtg. Guy 1 down somewhere in Tennessee, on his cell phone. He's baffled. He has no clue why they wouldn't do it, either. They didn't tell him it can't be done when he submitted it yesterday.

As of four thirty, Mtg. Guy 1 was going to make some phone calls and get back with me. (Still waiting on that, but the business day is over.) Mtg. Guy 2 is waiting to hear back from me what happens with this. Mtg. Guy 3 has three messages on his voice mail. Mtg. Guy 4 has two messages.

Meanwhile, the realtor is supposed to call us tonight with the reply from the heirs about our offer. WEEEEEEEE!!!

As a business decision, this is a no-brainer. Consider the following:
* The property appraises at approximately 12% over the asking loan value. So, there's equity right off the bat, just for carrying the note.
* There's no money in the loan for capital improvements; all improvements are to be paid by the buyer, cash out of our pocket (which has been verified to actually exist). Again, capital improvements with no investment by the bank. Another bonus.
* In three months, that house will appraise at approximately 2/3 more than its current value. (We believe we can double the value, but we can actually guarantee 2/3 increase from the work we will put into it.)
* our credit rating is strong
* Zorak's income more than qualifies to cover the payments. (And on a morbid note, if he dies, he's insured.)
* This is a long-term investment by people who have a 20 year plan; people who have already achieved a seven-year plan in six years. We aren't talking slackers, here.

This is a win-win business deal for the bank. So where is the bank that will take this money-maker and run with it? Anyone? Anyone?

Ugh. So I guess my job now is to find The Guy Who Makes These Decisions and talk with him. In person.

Kiss those babies, and pass the Rescue Remedy.


Kathy Jo DeVore said...

((hugs)) That reeks.

Staci Eastin said...

Ugh. So sorry you have to go through this.

This is what happens when bureaucrats rule the world.

Laney said...


This stinks!!! Still praying here!

Sheila said...

Wow...the same guys who work for Sears must have got training from your bank.

I am baffled. I don't even know how to respond.

I'm sorry thisis happening.

Donna Boucher said...


I second laney's idea. Make sure he pounds both fists on the counter!


Randi said...

Hi, I have visited your blog before, but this is my 1st time commenting.

A number of years ago we were selling our house which was on 2 acres. All was going fine until the day before closing when the mortgage company "opened their eyes" to the fact that we were selling a rural property, and their company doesn't finance rural property. ONE DAY BEFORE CLOSING! We were all packed and ready to go! Luckily another finance company was able to do the loan for us in 3 days and we were on our way!

I am sure this will work out even though you may need another finance company. Your realtor may be able to hurry things along!

Hang in there!

Dy said...

LOL! Thanks for the smiles and the moral support, guys. I just hope our non-existent marriage doesn't come into play before we can get that fixed, too, eh?

Randi, thanks for the encouragement. We've learned a lot about financing in this process. It's amazing what a convoluted maze of regulations there is, isn't it! I sure do hope we don't have to wait til the eleventh hour to find someone who will take this loan! *eek* But if it comes down to that, we'll hang on like nuthin' these folks have ever seen! LOL.


Donna Boucher said...

Oh Dy!!!!
I was going to bring that up...but didn't have the heart!
