Tuesday, July 12

Up Too Early to Be Useful, Thoughts on Friends

Ugh. Mrf. *mumble, mumble*

I fell asleep at a reasonable time last night (weird, isn't it?) and was wide awake this morning at five thirty. So far, it's been a perfectly lost morning. I was going to clean a bit, but was terrified I'd wake someone up and lose my quiet time. Thought about showering early, but inevitably the baby would get up and be standing bedside, screaming, wondering why I won't pick him up. Thought about doing some prepwork on breakfast, but again - both bedrooms basically lead straight off the kitchen and it's all "right there", for everyone to hear. So I made coffee, read a bit, wandered around scratching myself and wondering if I should wake up Zorak so we could spend some time together before he leaves for work...

In the end, I decided to blog. That's when Smidge came stumbling quietly out of his room, with his arms held high and his precious sleepy-baby expression on his face. He was after food and snuggles. Oh. That's good stuff. Who needs time alone when life offers you that? He's eating yogurt now, so this will be a quick blogging and then - on with the day!

Just quickly, though, I'd like to really glow and beam a bit about the wonderful women friends in my life both invisible and real. They make me laugh, even at myself. They make me think. They encourage the best from themselves, their children, and their days. I appreciate them. It's only been in the last six years or so that I've developed healthy friendships with women, and it's also correspondingly brought a healthier perspective on who I want to be as a woman. After years of sloughing through the negativity that can be female companionship and avowing that only men made good friends, I've learned that this isn't so. It's not the gender of the person, but the quality of the person that makes all the difference. That point applies to both sides of a friendship. It's been a good learning process.

I had two great phone chats yesterday with two ladies who are among my most favorite invisible friends. Both conversations left me feeling uplifted, encouraged, and thoughtful. What I found so great is that both ladies are so different in some ways, but in the ways that have drawn us together in cyberspace, they're both very similar. They are devoted to their families, to their homes, and they have a great sense of humor about it all. They sense the absurd and realize it's not avoidable, and so they both roll up their sleeves and tackle it all head on.

I love hearing how husbands and wives have helped one another grow over the years - not out of a sense of "I can change him," (which I think is the most detrimental philosophy known to marriage), but just out of the natural progression of having someone in your life who encourages you and sparks that inner drive for you to be the best wife/mother you can be. I feel that way about Zorak, and it makes me grin from ear-to-ear to hear similar things from other women. Good stuff. Funny stories. Good examples for children to follow. We need more of that. We need to get out there and tell our encouraging stories to other women. They need to hear that more than they need to hear what a jackass your spouse can be. We can all be jackasses from time to time, but that's not what life is about (well, unless that is your life, I suppose.) It's about the good things, the balancing things, the walls you climb together and the things that make your home unique.

I'm feeling quite encouraged today, and hope that you find encouragement in your day, too. It's a good day for it.

Ah, and on that note, I'd best go wrangle the baby and let Zorak know it's safe to get up (aka - coffee's ready).

Kiss those babies!


Kim said...

I'm feeling melancholy now, Dy! My girlfriend is away on holidays.

Have a good day. How are feeling these days?

Laney said...

I can relate to that post! I often lamented that the only women worth my time were my mother and my sister but then I met some really great women at church who proved me wrong! I love women who inspire me, through their life, to be a better wife, mother, and all around person without making me feel bad about who I am. They are a rare and priceless find, truly!

I will always take the opportunity to brag about my husband who is the most most wonderful man I have ever known! I could not be more blessed. I often tell him that he got the short end of the stick.

Great post, Dy!

melissa said...

Oh Thank-you, Dy......But-wait--I-I didn't talk to you on the phone yesterday.;-)
Glad that you were encouraged. Everyone needs friends like that. At the moment I think that I am in the jackass category. (sigh)

Julie D. said...

I love that vision of Smidge arms held high for snuggles. :-)

Dy said...

Oh, Kim {{{hugs}}}. I will call you, if you would like!

Melissa, consider yourself warned, I've given Jill strict instructions to find you and adopt you - and your whole family. And to ask your father to feed them. :-) You're definitely among the uplifting, awesome friends category. I would call now, but it's after midnight your time. ;-)


J-Lynn said...

LOL Melissa...

Oh Dy, I got your message today and I'd call you back but even typing is causing me pain. The dreaded migraine/toothache/sinus thing (?) is back. And I can't talk without doing so with clenched teeth and annoyingly sucking air once in awhile. I'm sorry - I miss tlaking to you!