Friday, July 22

The 9 o'clock news, broadcast from our porch.

Rumors are flying right now amidst allegations that the Zorak clan has found a groove. Independent sources are claiming that it's actually more of a rut, but the spokesman for the household went on record as saying, "You say to-may-to... eh, who cares?" We'll update as more information comes available.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Melissa and Race!! Our staff is anxiously awaiting the anniversary where she posts that they've been together (or even in the same state) for more anniversaries than they have been apart. In the meantime, here's a toast to you and Race for keeping it together for fifteen years, keeping it strong, and loving one another through it! Congratulations, guys!

Somewhere in Northern Alabama, an *ahem* unidentified woman was heard to mutter into her cell phone, "Tell me this 'six' thing does not extend past the seventh birthday." The recipient's reply was drowned by the unidentified woman's wailing and the distinct sound of tearing sackcloth. We repeat, this woman has no identifying marks, is completely indistinguishable from every other mother of six year old children everywhere. Analysts without children tried to comment, but were beaten from their podiums by an angry mob of analysts with children. No charges have been filed.

Zorak has announced, "He just won't shut up!" Yes, folks, he's hit John Galt's 39-page monologue in Atlas Shrugged (page count has been confirmed by independent sources, not affiliated with any political party or persuasion). It seems Mr. Galt had a lot to say to make up for his absence in the first 98% of the story.

Mr. Incredible is quoted as saying, in response to Zorak's outburst, that he, "Could have escaped by now..."

In today's health and family, "Small Children Fry Quickly". This is not a recipe. It is a warning: don't change swim suit styles on your toddler mid-way through swim season. Thank you.

And since I just had to go and have a birthday while Zorak was gone, he bestowed me with a belated birthday gift upon his return. That's all the news worth sharing, folks. I am off to enjoy the calgonesque effects of reading with tonight's selections: Alexander Hamilton: A Biography (Forrestt McDonald) and my new birthday book, It Takes A Family (Rick Santorum).

Kiss those babies!


J-Lynn said...

I can't believe I forgot your birthday! I'm such a turd, forgive me! I love you every day, does that count? ;-)

L said...

Happy belated B-Day, Dy!

Sheila said...

Happy belated birthday. I'm glad the clan is settling into a rut or groove. As long as it isn't a depression.
I am so impressed by your reading material. I'm reading some Southern Mystery twaddle.

Heather said...

if you see that random woman let her know that it gets better. After all Drew has made it all the way to age NINE (and a 1/2 even). Given his current attitude toward his siblings, parents, helping out, and being a productive member of this family (and society) without an attitude he may never reach double digits. It is dependent on his attitude so I have hope for the kid ;-)


melissa said...

O.K.....That is SO NOT FAIR for you to go and have a birthday without telling anyone!! I should've guessed something was up when you were "away" so long. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!