Friday, August 8

Laughing Until I Cry

I need a thorougly entertaining hobby. I don't mean that our current hobbies aren't entertaining, but they don't generally make me laugh until I cry. Jen, at Cake Wrecks, has the best one out there, though.

You must start with this cake (just thinking about it makes me start choking on my coffee again), but then go back through all of her entries. I'd say it's rated PG-13, at least, so you may not want to invite the kids in straight away to show them the cake wrecks. This is more of a they're-all-in-bed-and-I-need-a-cold-Mike's-and-an-irreverent-laugh blog. Take your time. Read her commentary. Giggle until the apples of your cheeks hurt.

I wish I could remember where I found the link, because I owe somebody some serious thanks. So, whoever you are in my sidebar who linked this, I apologize for not remembering. It's 2:20AM now, and I found the link shortly before midnight... it seems my attention span is shorter than I remember. (The irony in that is painful.)

Kiss those babies!


Fe said...

A friend (looking at wedding cakes), came across this site just last week.

I _love_ the Cake Wreck... but absolutely terrifying are some of the baby shower cakes! (and another, just for kicks...)

And did you see the tartan one?

Well worth exploring!

Melora said...

I found the link on the WTM board, and I read the whole thing, laughing all the way. That carrot cake was one of the ones I called Ed over for -- so wonderfully bizarre!

mere said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I know you know how very badly I needed that laugh. Hysterical laughter is good for the soul!

You rock!


Jules said...

Oh my gosh! Thanks for the laughs!

Very funny stuff.

Anonymous said...

The one where they say "Push Olivia Push" is too much! Oh. My. Word!

They truly are train wrecks, are they not?

Funny! :D


Bridget said...

Oh my gosh the cake wrecks were hilarious!! Thanks for the link.

Karen said...

oh my. I need to stop laughing so I can breathe.

Thanks for this.

Becca said...

That was the high point of my day. Oh, sweet merciful foot-binding toenail cake!!!

Urban Mom said...

OMG, what a scream! Thank you for the new bookmark!


Bob and Claire said...

Oh yes, that site is so hilarious!! I found it from the WTM board and linked it on my blog last week, so it may possibly have been me. Whoever it was, I'm glad it gave you some comic relief, like it did me!! : )