Sunday, August 10

It was bound to happen.

Five kids. Way too much creativity. All that pesky craft time, learning how to use scissors...

We hung out in the deliriously gorgeous weather earlier this week. It was nice, but the kids were a bit sweaty. I brushed Em's silky locks back from her face, and *sproing* a handful of little spikes appeared at her hairline. What the-- I tried to smooth them out. They would not smooth. Only sproing. Oh, no. NOOO.
I swallowed the shriek. If I've learned nothing else in nearly ten years of parenting, I have at least learned that if you shriek before you start asking questions, your odds of getting the Truth, The Whole Truth, or Anything Resembling The Truth go waaayyyy down.

So, um, did somebody cut Em's hair? (I ask, in what I hope to be my least suspicious voice.) The answer surprised me.

Smidge. "Yep, I did it." *grin* (It was a grin that says, "Don't mention it. Glad to be of service." You know, rather than the grin that pleads, "Look, I'm still cute and my eyes are REALLY BIG. Don't kill me yet.")

Why? (Another question that has a number of surprising, interesting answers when not prefaced with some kind of gutteral noise, I've found.)

"So her hair wouldn't get in her eyes." *grin* Again. He's really thinking this was a fantastic move.

And yes, her hair does er, did get in her eyes...

But-but-but... it had FINALLY grown out enough that it would stay back in a rubber band. And now, she has Buster Brown bangs. *sob*

But at least they're not in her eyes. We acknowledged Smidge for his thoughtfulness, and then filled him in on the whole "only grownups get to take sharp objects to other people's heads" rule. We let James know that yes, that's just another perk of being a grown up. Right up there with staying up late, paying the bills, and going to work whether you want to or not. We gave John the hairy eyeball to let him know that she's not traumatized now, so please don't laugh and give her a complex.
No blood, no foul. It's all good.
Kiss those babies!


mere said...


Well, actually the mini-bangs are really cute from what I can tell in the picture...I think Emily would be beautiful even if she was bald (But I wouldn't tell Smidge that!)

Nice job, not reflexively shrieking. I would not have been able to do do that. Thank goodness hair is a forgiving medium!


Dy said...

You know, he did a surprisingly good job. Still... *exhale slowly* It's so short!!!

And... I'm learning. Slowly, but surely, I'm learning. It's worth it to swallow the shriek. (Is that spelled correctly? It doesn't look right, no matter how I spell it. Guess that's a sign that it's time for bed.)


melissa said...

You deserve a medal for not screaming. I would have screamed. Which explains why my kids are all a little twitchy when something goes wrong. ;-) She looks adorable though, and micro bangs are all the rage. How many times have you thanked God that he didn't give her a "whole" hair cut....ya know..."so she wouldn't get hot".
Great job handling this one, girl!

Anniesue said...

It hasn't changed how beautiful she is one bit...and isn't the worst that he could have done. To paraphrase least it wasn't the whole head!!

Melora said...

She is still just gorgeous. And her bangs are certainly well clear of her eyes.
Huge points to you for being able to ask what happened in a pleasant, "just out of curiosity" voice!
Katie's self inflicted haircut is getting pretty long again -- she and Travis now have identical hair.

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

When I grow up I want to parent like you do. :) No shrieking, just calm questions that get truthful responses! And you know, she really is still adorable.

Bridget said...

I had a friend that cut my hair and then "colored" it with paint with I was 5, so it could be worse. ha ha She is still adorable.

Bob and Claire said...

LOL, I am laughing!! Actually, she looks a lot like Anna, although Anna has a long "forelock" in the middle of her forehead, and the sides are really short and look like someone chopped them off. Sort of a receding hairline look. Unfortunately, I can't blame her hair on anyone, LOL. Just bad genes, I guess!

Jenni said...

She's still adorable! Sweet, sweet, misguided Smidge! Gotta love those little folks!

Urban Mom said...

I did this to the neighbor girl when I was little... and *still* the story comes up now and then. But she does look cute. He did a pretty good job!

Emily said...

OH WOW!! You scored major good mom points on this one :) And I agree she is still just the cutest thing and I still want to squeeze her cheeks!!
And I am currently making a mental note to hide all scissors in my house as Maisie's hair starts to grow. I can SOOO see Walker doing the same thing :)

Jules said...

Awwww.... she's still adorable! :)

I love stories like this - there's one in every family history! :)