Wednesday, September 1

A Gentle Reminder, and Another Beautiful Day

Just a gentle reminder- I enabled anonymous comments only so that visitors do not have to register with Blogger in order to leave comments. However, just because you "can" abuse it, does not mean you "should" abuse it. My policy on the blog is that this is my virtual front porch- you can come, say hi, have a cup of coffee, but I don't talk to strangers. If you have something to say, you can at least sign your name at the end of it and join in the conversation like an adult sitting on the porch, enjoying time among friends and acquaintances.

It'll really piss me off to disable comments, but I'll do it if this feature gets abused. Thanks. :-)

Now, as for Warren Buffet supporting Kerry. I'd like to draw a parallel here, because, to be honest, I smell one. A capitalist who has made his fortune and is, by nature of legal loopholes and large assets, mostly immune to the conditions the rest of us would face, is not necessarily the one I would uphold as an example of, "See, the little guy who made good supports Kerry!" Not quite. I'm tickled pink for people who do well for themselves, and just love seeing ingenuity and motivation pay off- it's wonderful. But let's look a little deeper.

George Soros is another of the world's biggest capitalists- he, too, has made his money on speculation, basically contributing jack squat to the rest of society in the process. He, too, supports Kerry. It doesn't surprise me that these two support Kerry. I do not know much about Buffet, but I do know that Soros is one of the most machinating, manipulative and dangerous self-styled King-wanna-be's in the world. The man is the epitome of capitalistic success and is a self-made billionaire- but that doesn't mean he thinks the rest of the world ought to be free. As a matter of fact, Soros is the pocketbook (the big, deep pocketbook) behind a number of so-called "grassroots" efforts which has people following him about thinking they're doing something from the people, when, in fact, they are doing his bidding in a very Machivellian fashion, hastening to fruition his desire to see a State-run control of the People. Right up there with the State. (It's all in the capitalization, don't ya know.) *OK, in re-reading this, I realized that is a painful pun. I'm so very sorry. But it's too good to edit, so it stands- everyone groan here.*

Buffet has not contributed financially to Kerry's campaign. (Unlike Soros, who has coughed up several million thus far. Ah, the beauty of the McCain-Fiengold legislative marriage from hell. The truly little guys have been silenced, but the financial gurus are running the asylum! But that's another day...) Buffet has only advised Kerry on economic strategy. He also advised Schwarzenegger on economic strategy. This is his job, it's what he does. He is, after all, "the Oracle of Omaha", and he is a financial wizard. Also, interesting to note that Buffet did not offer his services, but was sought out by Kerry.

Buffet complains about the tax cut and said he has "too much money" because of Bush's plan. Um, well, then give it back. There is a handy-dandy little box right there on your Federal forms that allows you to return to the coffers any cash you don't think you've a right to keep. Until I see these billionaires checking that box and giving their "fair share", then who are they to demand that the government step in and make everyone else do it? Do any of you think they don't have loopholes through which they may slip to avoid suffering the consequences to any real changes to the tax structure? I really don't think they have much to say about tax cuts and tax structure that's worth hearing. To be honest, if you're even a little bit curious, dig deeper to see what else they support and where these guys are going with this.

OK, well, it's a gloriously beautiful day here, and I'd sworn not to do anymore political blogging. Sheesh. This stinks. I'm sorry, and will get back to my regularly scheduled navel gazing ASAP.

We're going to finish our lessons and go play at the beach. (I really hope the jellyfish are gone!) Talk to you tomorrow! And remember- play nice! We don't have to agree, and I'm pretty sure we won't, but that doesn't mean that there isn't a decent, wonderful, invisible friend on the other end of each monitor- please treat each other as such.

You're all grown ups, and I expect you to behave as such. *putting on my best "Mom look"*



Anonymous said...

Not an excuse, but I very often forget to put my name at the bottom of a comment since I'm so used to it going in a box at the top. So Annonymous may have simply forgotten.


Anonymous said...

Sorry Dy, that was me. As Sarah said, I'm used to putting my name at the box at the top and so forgot it at the end of the text.

FYI -- Warren Buffett is a value investor, not a speculator. (In fact, calling him a "speculator" is a bit of a smear.) His job is not dispensing financial advice (he refuses to give "stock tips"); he is the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway. He has contributed to society in a big, big way, bailing out companies such as Coca-Cola and Solomon Brothers. and have biographical information, if you're interested.

Yes, I know that he advised Schwarzenegger -- that just adds to his credibility, imo. He is donating his financial insight and experience to the Kerry campaign. The fact that he is not donating money is another good thing, imo. Buffett's criticism about this administration's tax cuts, I believe, reflect a concern about a growing inequality in income distribution and its effect on society and democratic institutions. He's not the only one and there are some lessons from history that support this view. (Just had to throw in a WTM-type reference there ;-) ).


Anonymous said...

I'm really glad you have enabled anon comments. I tried to register, but it just didn't work. I'd hate not to throw in my two cents on your blog!


Anonymous said...

Btw, one of my biggest blogging pet peeves are xanga and livejournal blogs, b/c I can't comment there.

Even though I read more than I comment, it bugs me when I am not allowed to.

TulipGirl again