Tuesday, July 18

Well, goodness.

I owe someone a "Thank You", but I don't know who!

Have y'all seen the Blogs of Beauty Awards? I've seen the logo around. You know, on other people's blogs. Very lovely, and pretty. They are like gentle paintings, or nice wall sconces - something I'd love to use to adorn my home (virtual or otherwise). But with the construction dust, the herding of cats, the mental exhaustion and the occasional drizzling sarcasm, (not to mention the fact that I don't think I've ever posted anything that really called for accompanying Scripture), I felt very confident that it would take, oh, someone else doing my blogging for me before Classic Adventures was ever mentioned in those circles. Well, then tonight I saw two links over here from over there. Hmmm, being the naturally curious creature I am, I popped over to see how on earth anyone could get here from there.

And there it was! Classic Adventures, nominated for best encourager (general) and best meet for a mocha. I didn't win in either category. Wasn't even a finalist. (The winners are some truly fine bloggers, by the way, and there are a number of great blogs in general. I found the site two hours ago and just got done cruising about!) But what a sweet delight to find our little spot mentioned.

So, to whomever nominated Classic Adventures, thank you! I'm glad you are encouraged here. (I also think it's totally cool that someone would like to meet me for a mocha! How'd you know I like chocolate? Or was it the caffeine?) And I do have one niggling little question - how'd you filter out the Nicene Creed thing? I can't remember mentioning it here, ever, and of course my latest reference to church included referring to our elders as the Spanish Inquisition (which is totally tongue in cheek - our elders are awesome, wonderful men!) Either way, thank you. I don't know who you are, but I hope you see this. You really made me smile this evening.



Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

That would be me. :) I didn't worry too much about the Nicene Creed requirement, because I know that church is important to you, and almost no Christian church denies the Nicene Creed. So...if I was wrong about that I'm sorry. It just seemed a reasonable assumption.

Anyway, your blog really is the most encouraging one that I read, and I wish you didn't live half-way across the country so that I COULD meet you in person! :)

Dy said...

Emily, thank you. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hey Dy, congrats on the nomination girl. I guess it's been a while since I popped in on you last lol. I can see much has happened.

H said...

Oh, congratulations! What a neat surprise!

It's good to have you back blogging. I've missed hearing your house/children/Balto and Frontline/mold updates.

Enjoy your A/C in the heat wave!

Hillary :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Emily, Dy, I find your blog to be very encouraging and inspiring, and fun to visit with a mocha in hand!

Sarah Jane says "Happy 1/2 year b-day!" to Miss Em. They grow too fast don't they?
