Thursday, July 20

Do As I Say???

I work very hard to model the behavior I would like my children to embed in their delicate little psyches. My success at this endeavor will be weighed largely by how much of their savings goes toward therapy rather than college. However, in spite of my natural swaggering rhythm and rather tense facial expressions, I feel like I'm gaining ground in general. Sure, there are things that seem to hinder this process, but in general, they are delightful little boys who live for two things: the ultimate laugh, and to please us.

So today, when all three boys left their wee brains in their room as we headed out the door, I kept calm. I quietly nudged, whispered, guided and directed. This was modeling the behavior at its best, and by golly, it was good!

It was good for the first thirty, possibly forty incidents. Then I found my vocal chords tensing up a bit, and my lips began to do that weird terse, pokey thing they do when I'm trying very hard not to lay into someone. This is the second day in. a. row. that I've experienced the vocal constriction response, so you know, I was pretty primed.

But I ask you, how long does it take before one realizes that you do not STOP in certain places? You do not stop in the middle of a doorway. You do not stop in the middle of any heavily trodden egress. You do not stop in the narrow, crowded section of a grocery aisle. You do not stop in the middle of the crosswalk. You do not stop and loiter in the little entrance to the cashier's cubicle. There are places to "go" and there are places to "stop", and to be honest, they're all pretty well defined.

But, if the consistency of it all isn't a dead giveaway, how about the adults milling about, staring at you, mouthing words in that foreign language your mother swears you ought to know by now? The man said, "Excuse me, boys," but what, what is it that the boys heard? Their blank expressions gave me neither hint nor glimmer of an answer. *blink* *blink* More nudging, guiding, breathing deeply. We'll be okay if we can just get. to. the. car.

As the boys, in unison (the only time they do anything with a unanimous consensus), stopped directly in the middle of the exit doors at the market, I lost it. The pointy lips began flapping wildly as a stream of unintelligible words came frothing from my general direction. The jist of the lecture being that you know how to behave in public, and I know you know. There are simply some things you don't do, and while you DO know that, if you cannot figure out how to implement this information, then perhaps you need to stay home and I will run errands in the middle of the night, when your father can keep guard at the asylum. Sheesh, these are simple, common things, boys.

"Yes, ma'am." They piled into the Suburban while I, lips still flapping wildly (but really, was I ever talking to anyone but myself?) began to unload the cart into the back.

That's when I felt something on my shoulder. I shrugged, thinking it was just the post-partum mange. But still, something on my shoulder. Sort of tickling. So I looked down, and there, mere centimeters from my eyes, is a spider with a body the size of a US Quarter. Crawling ON my skin. Crawling TOWARD my face.

You know the liturgy of well-defined things you don't do in public? I broke every single one of them. And while I was there, cussing like a sailor, flailing madly and backing away from wherever the monster might be crouching after it's death-defying flicking from my body... I happened to catch a glimpse of something shiny out of the corner of my eye. And I looked up to see...

A man and his wife sitting in their car, in the driving lane, waiting patiently for the insane swearing woman to stop dancing in the lane so they could pass.

Um... yeah. Maybe it's best if we all stay home for a while?

Yeah, I kissed those babies. Very humbling, indeed.


H said...

Oh. My. Word.

Can't breathe..... Laughing.......

How long do you suppose that spider had been on you? What do you think it had been doing before you discovered it? How would you describe the expression on its face? Were the boys smart enough to remove all traces of laughter from their faces when you got into the car?

I wonder, ten years from now, which part of this day will your boys remember?

Jennie C. said...

That is way too funny! Thanks for the laugh!

Staci Eastin said...

My children seem to have some sort of mental block that thinks the thing to do in the grocery store is to run in front of the grocery cart and then once they are directly in front of it stop and stand there. Makes me tense just typing it out. I feel your pain. Glad you were able to put it in perspective, and find humor in the day.

Janet said...

Oh Dy!!! Thank you for sharing your life in words and with humor and with honesty. So sorry to hear about the spider, YUCK.

Those people who saw the whole ordeal should thank you for the good laugh :)

mere said...

ROFLOL!!!! I hear myself constantly saying "Stay with me! Stay with me!" (picture that scene in Gladiator, as he is leading his men into battle)when we are out and about. And they somehow manage to find twistie ties to take home in the produce section at our local grocery store. Did you do the "Elaine" dance as you you flicking the spider? Too funny!

mere said...

I just tried to post a comment but something weird happened so I am not sure it posted...Anyway that was a hilarious post and very familiar, too. Herding cats takes a lot of patience!

Melora said...

Oh my gosh! Well, I'm glad to know that my son is not the only one who tends to stop dead in his tracks in front of a heavily loaded shopping cart! Only, unlike you, I tend to say unkind things like, "Well I'm sorry I ran over your foot, but You Should Know Better by now!"

I saw all bets are off on the normal limits of public behavior when giant spiders are added to the mix! Any woman dancing around wildly, waving arms and legs, and peering suspiciously at her pants, brushing at her hair, etc, has obviously been attacked by long-legged wildlife, and I'm sure the people in the car knew what was going on. Shame on them for not coming to your aid.

Ernest said...

I have found that my children too have that insane habit of stopping right in my path, be it the supermarket, the doorway, the hall, what-have-you. I have also found that a firm kick to the seat of the pants when they do so is an excellent behavioral modifier that lasts for about 20 minutes or so.

As for the spider, if you picked it up in the grocery store, it's probably a South American banana spider (since that's where your bananas come from). Its venom is a deadly and powerful neurotoxin that causes pain, a cold sweat, and an irregular heartbeat ... oddly enough, the exact same symptoms you suffer when you discover a large spider crawling on you.

Anonymous said...

Oh Dear. I'm sure it wasn't so funny at the time, but boy is it funny to hear you re-tell it. I do know exactly how that feels though. BTDT. And ya kinda feel like a duff afterward, thinking "what the hell was I thinking?" Ah it's a good thing kids are only little once, or we'd all go bald pulling our our hair

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry and that is soooo funny! I think it is okay to stop traffic in emergencies of that sort.

Anonymous said...


That's my intelligent response. Oh boy, that laugh just might get me through the madness that is lunch.

Thanks :)

Spinneretta said...


i can sympathise with the spider dance... I am not too fond of them myself ;)

Jules said...

I didn't mean to laugh at your misfortune... I really didn't! ;)

What a story! And I love the way you tell it. It's sad to say, but I have been there more often than I care to admit. It's a good reminder to our children that we are all human- at least that's what I tell myself anyway. ;)

J-Lynn said...

I DO mean to laugh at your misfortune! Why? Cause you'd laugh at mine! rofl!

Oh and Geo calls me Elasta-girl because I'm so good at pulling various kids out of various strangers ways simitanously (while still being able to find the cheapest cereal). Yeah, hone those skills...LOL

Oh I wish someone had a camera phone picture of you dancing with the spider. ;-)


Pilot Mom said...

*tears streaming down face from laughing* Oh, too funny! This is as good as my story of the snake wrapped around my toilet by the hinges of the seat which I did not see...since I wasn't wearing my contacts or my glasses...and I proceeded to sit on the toilet with his body less than an INCH from my rear end!!!! Oh lawsy daisy!!!!!! My heart still races at the thought!

HeyJules said...

As a woman that has had two recently close encounters of the spider kind IN my car AS I was driving, TYVM, I feel your pain.

I also enjoyed the laugh at your expense. Please forgive me...