Tuesday, October 11

Pregnancy Update

We drove to Jasper today for an ultrasound at Alabama Baby. The staff there is wonderful, and the lady who does the actual ultrasound is truly well-fitted for the job. Her knowledge and enthusiasm are both comforting and wholly enjoyable. She made the boys feel right at home and encouraged their questions (and ours). If you're in Alabama and would like to experience an amazing ultrasound experience, please give the folks at Alabama Baby a call. ;-)

So, for the skinny. Well, here's a 2D shot of Baby4 - for your normal ultrasound, it's a very good picture.

Everything looks good. The heart is strong and well-developed. The spine is very strong, and all the other tidbits we wanted to know about showed up ok. I know, there is no such thing as a guarantee that all will be well, but by the fourth child (and with my family's history of congenital birth defects), it's nice to know what we might expect or need to prepare for, if possible. But it was a good feeling to see that beautiful baby moving about in there, happy and calm. Here is one of the 4D photos of...

Our Baby Girl!!!

We're in shock, but it's a good kind of shock. James is estatic. He cannot believe he FINALLY gets a baby sister. John is anxious to see what it's like to have a baby sister. (I have a feeling he'll look at her the same way he does the princess with the gold star on her forehead.)

Smidge was relatively clueless, other than realizing there was a baby on the TV screen. After about ten minutes in the room, though, he decided that perhaps I needed some snuggles. Or something. Why wasn't I getting up?!? He's a sweet litle guy, and snuggled next to me the rest of the ultrasound, with his head on my arm and the paper blanket pulled up over himself while we talked about the baby up there.

It was an amazing day. I can't say more than that without blubbering like an idiot. It's always humbling to peer inside the unseeable recesses of creation and see Life take shape. And I am humbled.

Kiss those babies!


Anniesue said...

Very exciting...congratulations! She's a very blessed girl to have 3 big brothers!

H said...

Awww! Congratulations! That 4D photo is just amazing! She is going to be an adorable sweetie, you can just tell! And to have 3 big brothers...*sigh*... what a joy!

Oh, Dy, I'm so happy everything looks good and that your boys got to see their new sister. ISn't it amazing how perfect she looks, and she's only halfway done!

Will you name her after your Amazing Realtor???? As a tribute?

Anonymous said...

Oh Dy...how wonderful! A baby girl...what will you do? I'm afraid that if I ever had a girl, I wouldn't know what to do!

I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations on a superb ultrasound!

H said...

Hey! I forgot to ask... Part of the "Amazing Race" was in Huntsville tonight. Did you know they'd been there? Have you taken the boys to all of the space stuff? It looks really neat!

J-Lynn said...

Dy, I know I have probably been a thorn in your side teasing you about it being a girl this time. But I really, really knew it. ;-) And I'm happy for you! I'd be happy either way of course but at least now Tristan has a potential mate. ;-)

I can't believe how utterly amazing that U/S is! I want one! Wahhhhhh LOL

Hugs, hugs, and more hugs to you and your *daughter* and of course those amazing little boys (and the big one)


Staci Eastin said...

Congratulations! Girls are wonderful.

Well, so are boys, but they're a different kind of wonderful.

Thom said...

A little girl? Awwww! That's so exciting and wonderful. And a good ultrasound experience, to boot. You go ahead and blubber away, girl. ;0)

Heather said...

I would laugh and gloat and tell you I told you so but that really would be so unlike me. so instead i'm saying congratulations and i'm really excited and i love you. no pins from my corner, i'll wait till the shock wears off a bit.


Anonymous said...

I know, out of lurkdom again! Congratulations to you and your boys(all of them)! What a thrilling time for all of you!

melissa said...

That ultrasound! Unbelievable! Congratulations! I'll say it again: Of all the people in this world that I'd want raisin' a girl, y'all are at the top! She's beautiful.

Denise said...

Beautiful! Congratulations to all of you. Thanks for sharing her with everyone.

Laney said...

Woo-hoo!! A baby girl! How exciting!

I am sure that your boys will watch over her all the days of her life. I don't envy the boyfriends that come a callin'!


Emily said...

A Girl!!!!! How wonderful...and NEW for you! Congratulations!!
Start asking my sister, Melissa, for her notes on How To Raise Wonderful Girls now. Get a head start! LOL!!
We are so happy for you!

Stephanie not in TX said...

Oh, my goodness, congratulations!!!

Spinneretta said...

She is beautiful Dy... and I can tell you, a little girl with one big brother is a hoot... let alone three ;) (He is so protective of her it's funny... she'll definitely be safe from everyone else!!)
CONGRATULATIONS... and let us know when you think of names ;)

Bob and Claire said...

Oh my gosh, a girl! WOW! How wonderful! I am so excited for you! A new house and now a new gender to raise! LOL! An exciting year is up ahead! : )

Donna Boucher said...

Crying tears of excitement and joy for you Dy!!!



Jules said...

A girl!!! How exciting!! I always wanted to have three boys and then a girl- so I will have to live vicariously through your experiences!;)

She is going to be one lucky little girl and you are so blessed.

Congratulations- I am so very happy for you!

Kathy Jo DeVore said...

Oh my! :) I'm so glad that all looks well. You are all in our prayers.

And I can't believe you're having A GIRL! Roscoe and I had some fun when our niece visited us in Dallas. "Hey, why do you have this boy in pink?" And, when she was being changed, "There are parts missing on this baby!!" :)

The Queen said...

Yeah, what Jules said! I'm actually wiping real live tears away :) CONGRATULATIONS! She's beautiful.

Amber said...

Wow, how exciting!!

Those 4D ultrasounds are way cool - that must have been an amazing experience!

Gem said...

Oh, it's so incredible to see the tiny face of that little person inside, even on the old-fashioned ultrasounds. Now with newer technology, it's like you're meeting them! How wonderful!

Sheila said...

A girl....now you get the "Well you've had your girl, now you can stop" comments.

Congratulations. What a sweet little face. It's just amazing.

Kim said...

Aw, wow, Dy! I'm so happy for you! Girls are soooo much fun (as are boys, but in a different way).

Crissy said...

Congratulations, Dy!
Those are simply beautiful pictures. Your boys must be in love with their baby sister already!

Jacobite said...

Congratulations! She looks really healthy and happy. I'm sure you can't wait to hold her.