Wednesday, October 12


My sidebar is SO getting updated!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Today was pretty much a wash. Did you know that if you don't have a local bank branch, your honey has hidden the checkbook and he has your debit card in his wallet, you cannot do diddly squat for errands? Yup. Well, not where I needed to go today. So, we drove around just long enough to realize we wouldn't be getting anything done and came home.

Zorak wanted to go work on the house after he got off work, but the boys had other plans that squashed my much-needed nap plan, so we didn't go after all. It's ok. Zorak and I will throw on a pot o' coffee when the boys are down and come up with a rockin' game plan for tomorrow afternoon. (AND I have my debit card back, so I can get some cash and go make connections, transfers, and purchases as needed in the morning.)

What saved the day, though, was the arrival of our new, shiny, dust-free DSL MODEM!!! Woohoo! I have no idea what speed I'm flying, but I feel like Dennis Quaid in Innerspace right now. It's a hoot! I can add all the other great links that I love to visit, because now I can visit them regularly. Zorak and I could *both* use the computer in one evening without taking eight hours to do it! This is bliss. Sweet, wonderful bliss.

On the Forever Home front, we think we've come up with a way to handle the Wall That Went Horribly Wrong. It's going to take some figuring out to find the best way to apply it, but that's the fun part: coffee, mechanical pencils, scrap paper and brainstorming late into the night. These are a few of my favorite things!!!

OK, so I'm off to go play. Thank you, all for your sweet wishes for our little one. We'll keep y'all updated. In the meantime,

Kiss those babies!


Mamabird said...

Oh. My. Gosh. I'm posting this here cuz you got so many comments below I was afraid this would get "lost"... but WOW! A GIRL!! WOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!

As a fellow member of the Had-My-Boys-First-Couldn't-Believe-I-Got-A-Girl-After-All Club, let me welcome you with much rejoicing. This daughter will bring you so much sweetness and light. You will appreciate your boys in a new way and embrace a whole new dimension of mothering. I am so, so happy for you.

What a beautiful baby you are growing in there. Congratulations.


Emily said...

Beware!! Once you go high speed you don't go back. AHH the wonders of technology!

The Queen said...

Ooh! Ooh! Fix me! I'm at now. And I promise there are no plans to move. I don't know if it's my forever internet home, but it's workin' for me now :)