Friday, November 5

The calm before the storm

I'm sorry I've been rather quiet the past couple of days. Not much inspiration, truthfully, and no store of wit to substitute for it, either. After the election and - not having any television reception at all - sitting here, with several windows open, hitting "refresh" well into the wee hours of the nights... I think I'm a bit burnt out on the computer, as well.

All is fairly well here. Zorak is at work. He was going in "for a couple of hours" this morning, to which I just smiled. I told him we'd see him tonight and winked at him. He protested. It's after one now, and he just called to let me know he might be home by five. (Ever the optimist!) He's working doubly hard to make sure he has his ducks in a row before the Holidays are upon us. Of course, his ducks are always in a row- he's a natural duck-herder, to be honest. He's good at what he does, and he enjoys it. I love that about him.

He's chomping at the bit to visit the family over Christmas, and I hope that at some point during the season we can go. It would be so nice, not just for the boys and for Zorak, but for me, as well. There are so many people in both Arizona and New Mexico who we just want to hug and hold on to for a bit, to hear their voices in person rather than digitally reconstructed over the airwaves. (I'm definitely not complaining about phones- without them, we'd not hear their wonderful voices at all.) Some members of our family have been hospitalized this past week, on both sides of the family (mine and Zorak's), and we worry. We want to be there to offer comfort or help with food and cleaning... it's hard not to be there, to be able to help. We will be so thankful to be out there again.

The boys are good- as good as good. Happy. James is creating bizarre things from silly putty. John is floating miscellaneous toys in the sink upstairs. Jacob is out cold in bed. It's a lovely day and as soon as Jacob wakes, we'll head out front to play for a bit.

Been antsy lately- not sure why. Anyhow, I think it's just the calm before the hectic rush of the holidays, winter, travel, and time. Perhaps. I ought to go make good use of this time!

Have a blessed day, and kiss those babies!


Kim said...

You are echoing some of the thoughts I have had of late Dy. I have been missing my family, too. I saw a man at the grocery store who looked like my dad, and made me realize how much I miss him. Won't see him now until the spring, probably. I, too, feel really restless, and don't know why. I toldl my dd I felt like I wanted to do something wild and crazy. She suggested I dye my hair black,pierce my nose and use white makeup all over my face....hmmmm....have to think about that one.

Linda said...

Dy~ I've been a bit antsy as well lately, partly due to election weariness and partly due to the time change. Is it just me or does anyone else get affected by the lack of sunshine? One thing that does brighten my day is seeing another post by you, Dy! Keep bloggin!