Appointment week, appointment week
So much to do appointment week!
Time to see the chiro and the dentist!
Everybody had dental appointments Monday, which was fantastic, as we could just nail it and not have to do that again for another six months. A two-hour block is a small price to pay for not having to go in waves, or, worse yet, one. at. a. time. The kids don't think so, but they're kids. They aren't in on the logistics.
John needed to have one sealant redone, and one little cavity that needed some attention. And that was the only problem! Everybody else looks great! (Considering our past history, even the kids were high-fiving people at random.) We were told to back off on the flossing, which nearly caused Smidge to fall right off the table. Zorak and I have been quite the floss-drivers the past year, it seems.
I had my three-month follow up with the periodontist yesterday. The bone scan looks great - the grafts have taken beautifully, and everything is in excellent shape! I didn't realize how anxious I was about that until I got home and collapsed, exhausted, on the couch. The kids thoughtfully let me lie there while we watched the Reduced Shakespeare Company. They even brought snacks and Snuggies. These kids are born nurturers, aren't they?
Oh! And, not appointment-related, but makes me happy: I've finally found a carpet stain remover that may cause me to quit inflicting curses on various members of my family and that lying Olefin spec sheet. So, that's kind of exciting. I'll let you know how that works out. (Because you're dying to know, aren't you?)
We have at least two more appointments scheduled this week, and then, I think we're done. Until next week.
[closing] "You can schedule Appointments,
Fill your day with Doctor Visits,
'Till it's time to have another Appointment for you!"
Kiss those babies!