He gave me a gift, to commemorate Emily's birth. A token of the work I'd done that day, and a loving Thank You for everything I do, every day, year in and year out. Talk about humbling! (And here, I was wondering if perhaps he needed a Palm Pilot to keep track of dates! Sheesh, what a dork.) That's it, up there: a pasta maker! I love it!
We spent the day, making pasta, trying new things, laughing, eating the mistakes. It really was the perfect way to honor our family, and all we share.

The boys were helpful and interested, and we all learned a lot. (Let the smoke right out of the pasta bottle, so to speak. That was cool!)

But I think they got a whiff of the whole meat grinder introduction (do you know how long it takes to grind 30 pounds of sausage by hand? *grin*), and while they hung in there and tolerated my weirdness, after a couple hours they dispersed to go do more varying things, like playing with Legos and cleaning the bathroom. EmBaby hung in there, though, cracking jokes, asking questions.

I introduced her to my favorite pasta obsession: CHEESE! Cheese IN the pasta! (Confession, I could eat my weight in cheese ravioli, cheese manicotti, and cheese-based-cheese lasagna. But I never buy it at the store, and I don't order it at restaurants because, either way, it would cost $90 to feed me on that stuff. But now??? Whoooeeeee! Yeah, baby! We're eating right!)

Em is a master crimper. She's awesome. And she's tough. She never left the counter to follow the siren song of Other Things. What a trooper, huh?

"I did it! Can we have pasta on my birthday, Mom?"
Yes, Baby, yes we can. With cheese.
I hope to earn that appreciation, day in and day out, from both him and the children. I know it sounds hokey, particularly coming from me, the Queen of "Suck it up and do yer job, already," but I am honored to be their mother, and his wife, and to have brought these children into this world. There's not another job in this world that would be worth it, to me.
Kiss those babies!
What fun! Emily looks like she's enjoying being Mommy's helper.
What a wonderful blog!! Sounds like you all had a great time tryin out the pasta maker. We have had one for a long time ( the girls were little when we got it), but haven't used it for quite some time. Think I'll get it out and try my hand at it again. You have a beautiful family, Dy. And they have beautiful parents! Come see us when you can. Mama Metts
Aw! That's so sweet!
Wow! That pasta looks beautiful.
I'm pretty sure you've earned it, Dy. And I'm pretty sure you'll continue to earn it. Just a hunch. ;)
Ohhh...how dear and real and fabulous. Thanks for sharing!
The pictures of Miss Em are precious. What a great future chef you have there....
Enjoy it all ~
mmmmm looks delicious! What a thoughtful dh! And what special memories you are making with Em.
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