Thursday, February 4


I was JOKING about the theme for this year being a better filing system! I didn't WANT a new theme! I was happy with,
"Oh, hey, look, it's 2010... how'd that happen?"
That was a perfectly acceptable theme, to my way of thinking.

God, however, being the God of life... and humor... had another plan. His plan is that we WILL learn exceptional time management and resource allocation skills. Or die in the attempt.

You see, so far, this year, we've only had one Really Busy day each week: Wednesday. That's our grocery, car wash, stray errand, music lesson, Bible study day. It starts at noon, for Pete's sake! It's not like we're good at this.

But, starting tomorrow, when we sign away the next four months of our lives, it's all going to be a nightmarish jumble of Things We Do For Our Children (or, more aptly called, Crap We Couldn't Talk Our Way Out of, Although Don't Think We Didn't Try).

John wants to play ball again this year. He'll be in kid pitch.

Smidge then decided that yes, he'd definitely like to play (since John is playing). All attempts to remind him that he wasn't all that fond of baseball last year fell on deaf ears. "I'll like it this year."

And, of course, EmBaby's been counting on playing the split second she turned four. Some of you recall her attempts last year to convince us she was "three AND four", just so she could play last Spring.

Our weeks are now shaping up a bit frighteningly:
Monday - baseball, and Cub Scouts
Tuesday - baseball, and Boy Scouts
Wednesday - grocery, car wash, stray errand, music lessons, Bible study, and Baseball
Thursday - baseball
Friday - baseball
Saturday - all baseball, all flippin day -- heaven help us on the weekends Zorak is away at Scouting Stuff with James! (I cannot physically be in three places at once, and I guarantee we'll never have three games at the same field on the same day.)
Sunday - restock the cooler and the Shout stash, and try not to sleep through church

If I don't blog until June, it's because I'm drinking beneath the bleachers. Send burritos.

And, as always-always-always, Kiss Those Babies!


Erin said...

Make sure you drink vodka as it doesn't make you smell like "that Mom". And then just when all of that is over...95 degree weather with 98% humidity will hit!

Melora said...

Yikes! I'm too much a wimp to be sorry neither of mine liked baseball (why do they have to start when the weather is still so Cold?)

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

So Dy, really, HOW are you planning to pull this off AND homeschool AND cook meals and clean the house AND stay sane?

Ok, so if anyone can do it, I think you can. But seriously, that looks like a crazy schedule!

Konkadoo said...

Oh my. I thought I had it bad a few years ago when we did cub scouts, girl scouts, multiple 4-H projects, concert band, and violin lessons. Even then I think I had at least one or two days a week without an activity.

We're a one activity family now, outside of cub scouts, and that's done together. Burn them all out (if you can manage to take them with you on your burn-out) and maybe you'll get a bit of a break next year.

Heidi in Wa said...

Hi there,
Remember, you can accomplish anything with a good spreadsheet. It is what I keep telling myself. Some days it works after a fashion. :> Heidi with 2 kids going in 4 different directions.

Rebel said...

I just want to say that if you two pull this off, you deserve a national award of some kind, Congressional Parents-of-the-Year Medal or something like that.

Anonymous said...

Wow Dy, that is an insane thankful my kids aren't into sports. We just have the scouts, piano lessons and church stuff.

Good luck!

Shannon said...

hahahaha. we talked John out of Tball. But we've got a coach pitch, a minors and a majors player here. we KNOW the minors and majors play on opposite days cause they share the same fields. and around here you dont play on Saturdays.

However it's just gearing us up for soccer...... it's summer and we have all 4 playing on 4 different teams- and Mike is coaching one. which means I get the other three to manage. cant wait. good thing I wont be working then!

Thanks for the impact you've had on my life! ~julie said...

Dy, I bow before you. ;-) I think that I'm going nutso with my kiddos just doing cub scouts and Boy Scouts simultaneously. More power to ya.

~Julie aka sdwtmer

melissa said...

Rality check. What were you thinking this stage wwould be like?? I WARNED you. 2 games in, and you'll be so proud of the kids' abilities and how exstatic they are doing it, you'll forget all about this part!!Just carry the obligatory flask, let Zorak handle the one-on-ones w/ the coach, and I swear it will be great!