EmBaby, once she woke up (not a fast waker, that one...) thoroughly enjoyed every sparkly, pretty, girly thing about the entire day. Including the impromptu photo shoot. (I started out to get pictures of her playing with her Playmobil nursery in her favorite doll house, but we got sidetracked and forgot what we were doing.)

The Oball, from Rainbow Resource? HUGE hit. Go Santa! Everybody loves this thing.

Oh, it kills me how big they look, knowing that in five years I'll look back on this very picture and get weepy over how "little" they looked. But they are happy, and they are great friends, and that's what I hope and pray will not change.

Granny's gifts were huge hits across the board. As exemplified by Jake's reaction to Em's gift of Monkeyball 2.

And there was math. Because that is what happens when Engineers hang out...

It was, indeed, a Very Merry Christmas!
Kiss those babies!
Those chillins are adorable as always. It's harder to catch that much excitement on their faces as they get older. Good thing you captured some in your photos. Of course, I think maybe the excitement just shifts a little from receiving to giving, so that balances out some.
LOL, "And there was math." Strange holiday tradition you have there, but to each his own. Here there was just discussion of Jo's Algebra professor from Nepal who barely speaks English, gives unsolveable equations (because of typos) and says dibidibida for denominator. But she passed with the required C anyway and won't have to retake it, so all is well.
Great pictures! It looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! Love the happiness on all the kids faces, especially Embaby. :-D
GREAT pics ~ cool prezies. Tthanks for sharing. I loved the part about Em loving the sparkly girl parts ~ and the Engineer math bonding. Heaven on earth don't ya know:)
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