Wednesday, December 19

They've Been Warned

Last night, I told each child that this morning is The Day. The Day we take pictures. The Day we pretend we're organized. Since I'm still without transportation, and it's kind of cold outside, we'll do it indoors. They have from the time we put the muffins IN the oven, until the time we take them OUT of the oven, to give me a good shot with most apendages intact, and eyeballs not doing things eyeballs ought not do. Period. It's happening, folks, and it's happening T-O-D-A-Y.

But... but what brought this on, you may ask? Traitors. That's what brought this on.

We got cards this year from not one, but TWO -- TWO -- friends I've always been able to count on for also Not Sending Cards. But noooooo, they had to go get on the ball this year. Then another friend called yesterday, "I got cards! I need your address!" Granted, after I gave it to her, she laughed and said, "OK, now I've got *one* address. This is such a good start." So, there may still be hope for her, but I doubt it. She sounded like she'd been stoking up on caffeine, and she just might pull this off. Well, I may be the last among my friends to be able to keep a plant alive. Or to stop giggling and hearing Beavis' voice in my head when I'm taking tours led by Park Rangers. Or to relegate an actual day to switching out the sheets. I'm okay with bringing up the rear on those things. But I cannot be the Very Last One to get around to the last of the Domestic Tasks That Makes People Smile.

How could I not want to make people smile? What kind of selfish, horrible, scatterbrained person wouldn't leap at the chance to spread a little happiness and help fund the USPS? What am I, a commie?

NO! No, I say! I am a red-blooded American Housewife, and by-golly, I have a heritage to uphold! *play inspiring music of your choice in your head, here - personally, I'm going with Eye of the Tiger this morning*

So, who wants to come back around lunch and help me pick photos? :-D And recover.

Kiss those babies!


Jennie C. said...

Woohoo! Looking forward to the photo picking! You can do it...spread that Christmas cheer!

People don't seem to be sending cards like they used to, and, quite frankly, that's what I most look forward to in December. I've only gotten three this year so far, and I mailed...unwards of fifty, I think. :-)

Happy Christmas!

Needleroozer said...

I do! I do! Pick me! I will be back later to see what you have to offer up- and if you want, if any eyeballs are so much as even *thinking* about doing something unacceptable, then call me up and I will give the little eyeball-controllers what-for.
Kidding, kidding.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dy--

I know all about photo-taking. Pretty impossible with little people :-). We've tried it last week and it took us 4 runs to get something half-way decent (and we had to do jumping-jacks in between to put back those smiles on the dc faces).

Anyways, I wish you a wonderful Christmas!!

Love, Verena

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

I want to help pick photos! :) And by the way, if you send me your address I'll send you a Christmas card. :) I'm getting mine ready today!

Rebel said...

I do!

Wait, it's already lunch time...I'll check back in a little while.


Anonymous said...

Okay, hope you're happy now. :-)
I now feel incredibly guilty because I have not taken the "Christmas Photo for 2007" yet. And dang it, my Xmas cards went out on Monday. Everybody will just have to imagine what the kids look like this year.
Maybe we'll try again in January.
Hope your pictures turn out fabulous!

love dawn
ps-i posted about Hawaii finally!

Sheila said...

I'll help pick a picture but I don't "do" cards.

Nope. I have in the past bought them. Last year I even planned to do *gasp* a Christmas letter. But I couldn't figure out a way to say, "Well ZD is in Kuwait while I'm here taking care of the boys all by myself" without sounding pitiful. So I didn't do it.

I won't do them this year either.

But I will happily help *you* send out sweet little pictures.

mere said...

Eye of the Tiger, ROFLOL!

My "getting serious" song always reverts back to the Empire's theme from the Empire Strikes Back.

I feel like a big slacker. I'll post a Christmas picture, and that's just about it.
