Tuesday, December 4

Small Town Parades

I grew up in a small town, and, so, I get a special kick out of small town parades. We could have opted for the Huntsville parade, or even the Decatur parade, but those aren't our communities. We wouldn't recognize anybody in the floats. We'd have to wriggle our way through the throngs who've been parked there two hours before the parade began (and who are, as a result, cranky, cold, and unwilling to acknowledge you when you say, "Excuse me, pardon us, just need to get by.") We don't know the route, and would have no idea where to park to avoid a three-mile trek, uphill both ways. There'd still be large crowds, and, my biggest pet peeve with parades: grown people who must be in the Very Front and don't have the decency to let small children sit on the curbside for the candy. We might as well trek into NYC for the Macy's Day parade, for all that.
Nah, that's no fun. What's fun is to stroll to an empty spot along the parade route (because small town parades have empty spots along the parade routes), smile and get to know the folks on either side of you. What's fun is to laugh with them as their children or grandchildren asphalt dive for candy, just as they laugh with you while your children dive, as well. Granted, there's no curb to sit upon, but that doesn't seem to phase the children. Curbs are overrated, anyhow, I'm sure.

Do you see the look of concentration on each little face? They were like that the whole parade. Tensed. Poised. Ready for the pounce. I don't ever remember being ready for anything, and most of the candy I acquired at parades was the stuff that konked me on the head while I sat on the curb. (But then, for me, it was all about the bands. I love marching band music, and where else can you get a total fix of all the bands in the area? I still love that part.) These kids, though... they're ready, man. You can even see EmBaby's taking off to forage for more, just in case they missed some.

Obviously, Smidge wasn't ready for the field. He had a pocketful, and was ready to talk about it. But the other four? No way, man. There's a shiny black car with a red bow, and somebody hanging out of the window, winging candy at bystanders. Get ready... this is going to be good!

Did you SEE that? There must be enough for... for ALL OF US, there! WOW! (And see the nice folks in the background, laughing? Very cool people. We really enjoyed visiting with them.) The lady in the white hoodie offered to keep EmBaby, and I don't think EmBaby would have minded. But the boys were more efficient with the candy gathering than any of us slackin' adults, and so they kept her stocked up enough to prevent a full-on migration.

And even better? The boys shared their candy with the old and infirmed (AKA - those of us who stood, sat, or leaned our way through the parade and didn't get any candy.) How sweet is that?

Yesiree, I do love small town parades.
Kiss those babies!

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Melora said...

Looks like a beautiful day for a parade, and I love all the smiling grown-ups watching the kids! I never cared for parades at all, but last summer's Fourth of July parade here in our itty bitty town made a convert of me.
The boys' expressions of concentration are great!

Ernest said...

In Centerpoint, Texas I still have a strong family community. They have an annual parade down there and of the entire population of the town, I'm related to 80%, 15% are Mexican, and 5% are "outsiders". It doesn't matter how long I'm gone, I still fit in the 80%.

So when I was down there the last time for our family reunion, which just happens to coincide with the parade, I sat on the tailgate of someone's truck and watched a horde of cousins, aunts, uncles, and assorted kinfolk go by on horseback, floats, and hay trailers. You'd think it'd be a little silly to watch people you are going to be seeing in your aunt's living room in an hour go by on a FFA float, but it doesn't ever seem that way. And everyone's kids still dive for candy.

Staci Eastin said...

Love the pictures. Small town parades are great.

Jennie C. said...

Amen to the marching bands! I love a good marching band!

Needleroozer said...

I actually marched in our local parade this summer. They have 3 moms walk behind our marching band, to pick up any litter, or dropped jackets, etc. It was a bit weird, but fun. I would have had more fun if I had known I was going to march, had a uniform, and then painted my face and camped it up a bit.

All of your boys are getting so tall! Love the pics, and to see you in some of them- your hair is lovely right now.

Anonymous said...

why cant i see al the comments any more? My entire right side is shorted and i cant scroll, cant open the box wider, waah. i kind of make up wihat people say in the missing 4 - 5 words. lol

we have small town parades here- the kdis ahev to rbing grocery sacks there is so much candy thrown out.

we had to move to eastern oregon to get to see our first tractor parade. million dollar machines driving down the road and being followed by someone throwing candy.

took a while to get all the oxygen back into our bodies after the exhaust fumes- but fun!


melissa said...

We LOVE our home town parade, too. SO much fun!

And hey- can I just take a sec to say how GRAET you look? Seriously, if everyone looked that good while pregnant there would be a hell of a lot more kids in this world.

That is all.