Sunday, October 28


Let's file this under the "Thank heaven these things aren't really this size" category, shall we? (The big bush in front of it is probably three, or three-and-a-half feet tall. Yikes.)

I had a bunch to say. Then John came down sick. At first, it was "cranky, headachy" sick. (Which can often be confused with "don't wanna unload the dishwasher" sick, so I didn't worry too much.) But come bedtime, he had that Kill Me Now look on his face, and he didn't laugh at any of the funny parts of the story. (Which could also be my reading skills, so again, not much worry.) Till I reached over to kiss him goodnight, and he was hot to the touch. Gah.

For future reference, the thermometers are in the shallow drawer beneath the bathroom sink. I say this now, because I will not remember the next time we need to find them. (There are several in there - you'd think I'd strew them about the place, to increase the odds that we'll find one when we need it, huh? Nope. Everybody needs a good panicky sensation once in a while.)

He's tucked in and sound asleep, with a cup of ginger ale and a box of tissues by his bedside. I hated to dose him up, but his fever was high enough that we felt it'd be best to let him get some rest, so he's been dosed and snuggled, and instructed to beat on something if he has trouble breathing. (I'm sure that was a comforting thing to hear, huh? Oh, well, he's asleep now.)

And with that, I'm just going to go sit watch. Because sometimes, that's what you do.

Kiss those babies!


Staci Eastin said...

Oh, no. Hope he feels better soon - and that the rest of you don't get it.

Becca said...

Oh, I'm so sorry he's sick. Hopefully the meds and the love will work their magic and he'll be feeling better soon.

Jennie C. said...

I've spent many a night myself by a sick child's bedside. Sometimes, you just can't leave. I hope he's well again soon.

Anonymous said...

i have one who woke up like that too - miserable but no fever. no runny nose, no anyting but feeling like death warmed over would be a step UP! how the heck do you treat this? well other than rest. but no one else in the house wants to rest.
