Wednesday, June 8

Keeping the world safer, one stoopid directive at a time

The Social Security office informed us today that "due to his age" (19 mos) they cannot issue Smidge a social security card until they've verified our information. There is no mention of a policy like this on the SS card application. I did find one tucked under a Q&A page online tonight, though. On the actual application instructions, the only mention of anything similar is that if a minor over the age of 12 (or somewhere in there) applies for a first-time card, the SSA requires an interview with the child.

They cannot say how long this process will take, and they will not tell us exactly what the process entails. They did, however, print me out a nifty little ACLU-approved letter, the jist of which goes something like this:
"We aren't profiling you, but because of reasons of great national security we cannot issue you a card until we know you aren't a threat. Um, although we definitely aren't accusing you of being a threat at all. You know. We just need to, um, check and stuff. Thank you for your cooperation."

(Ok, side note- like I have other options than cooperation? Seriously, you now have my family flagged as a potential terrorist threat. I'm leery of undertipping, at this point. Like I'm going to nab the next social security number that pops up on the screen and run giggling down to the tax office brandishing our "new number"? *sigh* So weird.)

Evidently there is a rash of terrorists bringing their toddler-aged children into the country to be raised as tax write-offs and, in their off-time, indoctrinated to be threats to National Security. So scroll down to the Smidge-a-palooza pictures to get a good hard look at Our Nation's latest terrorist threat. Watch out, Secret Service, he may be well-documented, but toddlers are crafty that way...

This did not come about because I was unprepared. I had every document to trace our lineage all the way back to my great-grandfather, ready for inspection. Every name change verified. Every document an original with the little official seals on them. And every example came straight from "the list". The lady behind the desk was quiet. She checked his documents. She checked my documents. She frowned. She disappeared. She returned. I started to get a bit antsy. Finally, we dialogue.

SS lady: Why has it taken you until now to come in for this?
Me: (looking up from talking with the boys) What?
SS lady: Why have you not gotten him a social security number yet?
Me: Oh. Well, it wasn't a priority, to be truthful. He didn't need one.
SS lady: And why are you getting it now?
Me: Because we need it for taxes.
SS lady: And you didn't need it before then? You didn't need to claim him before?
Me: Um, ok, not sure you need this information, but no, we were a student family until '04. We had no money. We needed no deductions. As you can see, he was born in '03, still in what we call "The Broke Years". But we needed it for our '04 taxes, and since we didn't want a Maryland number, we waited until my husband's job moved us here.

She re-read all our documents. I'm starting to wonder if things are better in East Germany now... or what used to be East Germany, as it seems to have migrated West a wee bit. (For the record, yes, there was a really funny internal side-monologue going on, but none of it made it onto tape - and our whole conversation was taped.) She tittered (I kid you not, tittered nervously) and disappeared again. When she reappeared, she had the Monty Python version of National Security spiel and the printed letter.

So. Three hours in the Ministry of Silly Walks, er, Social Security Administration office and all I got was a lousy flag with Dept. of Homeland Security. I could've at least had a t-shirt.

I'm going to go beg Zorak for a foot rub, man. I'm tired.

Kiss those babies! ~Dy


Stephanie not in TX said...

Hey, after 13 years of marriage I currently have a driver's license bearing my MAIDEN NAME ONLY, because my marriage license is not, at this point, sufficient to have my husband's name on my driver's license.

No, instead I had to change my driver's license from a name including BOTH my maiden and married name, back TO my maiden name. I will not be allowed to put my married name on it until I have convinced the social security office to allow me to do so.

The kicker being that back when I first put my married name on my license (along with my maiden name), no one asked me for ANY PROOF WHATSOEVER of my name, my married status, anything.

It's grand, ain't it? And WHY do they get to ask those nosey questions? Does it really matter WHY you didn't get a SSAN for him yet? Please. I was once 3 months late on paying my car registration, and the lady at the DMV asked me why. NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, lady. Just assess me the fine and go about your own life. Please.

(Look at that Texas grammar. Please read that as "Jest assess me that thar fine ..."

This is Stephanie. Ignore the Broad Sword thing. That's for another blog, and I can't make it not use that identity tonight, for some reason.

Julie D. said...

Unbelievable ... except that it's sadly so very stupidly believable. our dear government. aaargh!

Patty in WA or Rover said...

I would have loved to have had the side-monologue with you. I am still in my maiden name as far as the gummint is concerned, but it hasn't been for lack of trying. Probably for lack of a lawyer...that's what it took on a passport issue for dh. When just mere WE filled out the forms, big nada. When we got a lawyer, blue passport.

L said...

Remember the good ol' days when getting a SS# was a rite of passage, when you got your first job?

As for national security... My husband just lost a plumber, someone who came here for 40+ years ago from Germany. He's been paying taxes, has a SS#, has a wife and children here, but they finally deported him after holding him at Krome Detention Center in Miami for nearly nine months.

I feel so much safer, don't you?

melissa said...
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J-Lynn said...

I would almost understand a kidnapping accusation but friggin' national security??? *sigh*

HOw's that commune coming along?

melissa said...

You have friends on the inside. The flag on your family has been removed from DHS. Ask no questions.
P.S. This in no way prevents you from having to deal w/ the morons at the SS office.